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Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts

Thursday 6 September 2018

Using Energy Wisely

Written by Mathew Naismith

Look around you, everything is energy and can be both controlled and manipulated or you can work with and in unison with this energy, there is a huge difference. A martial artist, with the knowledge of Prana or Chi energy, is working with and in unison or as one with their own and their environments energy. There is no sense of control or manipulation of energy. All that one is doing is influencing energy, in harmony with this energy, with Chi and Prana energy, working as one energy source instead of separate energy sources. In martial arts, you often influence another person's energy to work against them. It's their own energy that is disharmonious to themselves!!  

Man, especially at present, is still trying to control and manipulate energy, look at how the race to control and manipulate the Earths natural energy resources is occurring at present. Of course the race to control and manipulate man made energy resources is also occurring. Will we ever evolve from a state of control and manipulation of energy? If humans survive their control and manipulation of energy, abuse of energy, human consciousness will most certainly evolve in my mind. The strangest thing is, working in harmony and unison with energy will give humans an existence they can only dream about at present.

We are not talking about being more powerful here, even though through our present perceptions this would seem the case. What we are talking about is being at one and being as one with energy as a whole. Imagine all energy in existence acting and being as one in unison and in harmony!! In regards to our present perceptions, you couldn't imagine anything more powerful. There is simply no true power to be had from controlling and manipulating energy though. The reason for this is that you have to keep drawing energy in to keep up the level of energy, otherwise the energy level drop. This is very unstable way to use (abuse) energy. When working with and in unison and harmony with energy as a whole, one doesn't need to keep the levels up by drawing in more and more energy. There are simply no levels to maintain as you become the energy you are expressing in motion. Imagine not expelling or using up energy while of and in motion!! I do believe certain martial artists are or have been of this state. 

To be powerful is to separate energy to be powerful over the environment through control and manipulation of energy. Where would the perception of power come from if we become one with energy as a whole, even though we would be able to influence our environment a lot more wisely and constructively? Within this state, the perception of power is absent only because the perception of control and manipulation of energy as a whole is absent. Now, how is a consciousness, conditioned to control and manipulations (power) over its environment, going to evolve further in consciousness?

What you need to do is imagine not separating energy or consciousness. Imagine all energy or consciousness working in unison and in harmony. Now imagine that we are not alone in the universe, that other far more aware entities exist than ourselves. Now imagine that we are at one with this energy, there is no separation of human consciousness from alien consciousness. This, I believe through my own experiences and other people's experiences, is occurring.
It is understandable that a mind conditioned to three dimensional aspects and spheres, will deny the existence of aliens or anything that can't be explained by a Westernised three dimensionally controlled mind. However, it's the Eastern mind in all of us that comprehends beyond three dimensional aspects and spheres, and the existence of any other entities far more aware and consciously advanced that our own. I believe Hinduism is a prime example of this. Awareness and advancements in consciousness are defined in how we use energy. Is it really wise to use up and abuse energy like we are doing? We can influence our environment in huge ways if we were only aware in how to use energy as a whole.

If the following video is of a true event or not has no bearing on the way we use energy. Going by my own experiences and knowledge of energy, it is very possible that our environment can be influenced to behave in a certain way. My advice is to stay away from trying to control and manipulate energy. Learn to work in unison and in harmony with energy is my best advice.           

My reply to this video and others people's replies to this video.

Amazing how the Western mind thinks, especially while being limited to and by three dimensional aspects and spheres. No amount of evidence will be enough to convince a limited mind like this, this is because all evidence has to be of three dimensional aspects and spheres.

It's a good thing that a lot of quantum physicists don't limit their mind to Dark Age perceptions and perspectives like this. The science of tomorrow will have evolved further as it has always done, beyond the present Dark Age mentality, beyond third dimensional aspects and spheres. Of course like in the Religious Dark Ages, you will have your devout followers who will fight evolution to the bitter end, sticking to their Dark Age doctrines/concepts.

It is obvious to people like me we need to evolve from the present Dark Age mentality. Of course if a mind has not experienced this kind of occurrence itself, especially a Western mind limited to three dimensional aspects and spheres, denial is always going to exist within such a mind.

There is a difference in how the Western and Eastern mind works in all of us.        

Thursday 7 December 2017

Something Very Special

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine interacting with another person in away that your body and mind breaks down into various flashes of light, like sparkles of energy intertwining and interacting with each other. Each sparkle being apart of you shooting off in all directions within someone else's energy field, sounds ridiculous until you personally experience such a thing, also, energy void of form in any sense is pure energy.

It's difficult for human consciousness to perceive ourselves as pure energy without deducing that energy has to be of a form of some kind. Even the perception of being light refers to a form like energy field. Human consciousness is simply unable to comprehend anything beyond some kind of form, however, this is normal and should be accepted as being normal for human consciousness. All impure or unaware consciousnesses have limitations, this is quite natural and normal and of the whole and not separate to the whole.

Consider this though, can pure energy, void of impure energy fields, be able to experience interaction with another being as various flashes of light? If everything was pure energy, this pure energy would be limited to it's own existence. Considering that consciousness as a whole is not limited, in actuality it's infinite in nature, it's unlikely that we would ever be of pure energy, however, this doesn't mean we can't become aware of our pure energy state. This also means we can experience being various flashes of light, of separate energy fields.

My recent experience of flashes of interacting light with another energy field was induced by a very special person, a person who is able to perceive way beyond my own comprehension and understanding. The enjoyment to be able to do this with a person like me was special for both of us.

When someone like me makes reference to impure energy, in other words a consciousness that is limited to certain aspects and fields, this is not a put down. The problem here is, we are conditioned to a higher stature or a higher consciousness being better or more worthy than a lower stature or consciousness. Everything is based on levels, of course the higher the levels are always more desired than lower levels. This limited perception is very human, of a consciousness that is obviously limited to certain aspectual fields.

Consider this, is not a pure aware state not limited to being purely aware of just pure awareness? Actually no, the reason for this lays in that a truly aware state is also aware of it's own unaware states, it's aware of the whole self, not just the parts of the self it desires to be. As each flash or sparkle of light was separate to each other within my experience with another person, it was also whole. For human consciousness to be able to comprehend anything, it has to break it down into separate parts. When you pull a car, an automobile apart, what we have done is simply pull apart something that was whole to once again make it whole again. Even if we pull the car apart to never put it together again, the energy within the car is still whole because it's still energy. Yes, the car is no longer a car but it's still energy.

Being unaware or of an impure consciousness, a consciousness that is not aware of the whole self, is apart of being truly aware, one is not whole without the other. Here we are trying to so desperately reach our higher self when we are already experiencing our higher self, it's just that human consciousness is unable to comprehend this therefore understand this. In saying this, this kind of unawareness, in that a higher stature is always better and more whole, is very much of human perceptions, not of true higher perceptions. To be of a high perception is to also be of a low perception, a perception that is less aware.

What I am trying to say is being unaware is just as important to the whole as being aware. It's like saying that yin is less important that yang within a relationship because this is exactly how a lot of us are perceiving, the aware is far more desired therefore more worthy than being unaware. Being truly of pure awareness, as Buddhism states it, is no less important than being of impure awareness, a state of being less aware.

In saying that unawareness is just as worthy and important to the whole is fine, but when this unawareness becomes destructive unto itself and everything else, a wise consciousness would, in my mind, consider a different course of action. However, being less wise is also no less worthy or important to the whole as being of pure energy. Something else to also consider, you can't experience a pure state of energy, all you can do is become aware of it.

There is simply no motion or form in a state of pure energy, it's the impurity of energy that gives energy motion therefore form. Impurity of energy simply refers to energy flows that interact with each other as separate entities or separate forms of energy.  Unawareness simply refers to separated energy flows from our pure energy state. No matter how energy is expressed, it is never truly separate even when in separation; in actuality only within this separation is energy truly whole, as one.                

Friday 24 November 2017

Our Primordial Elemental State

Written by Mathew Naismith

When we talk about anything primordial, we mostly have a perception of an element or an existence that is ancient. Spiritually, the spirit within all things is primordial in nature as this primary element is perceived as the beginning of all things and is within all things. Physically, energy is the primal element within all things, so when we spiritually have a desire or a need to be of a higher self, we in-effect (in reality) desire or need to be of our primordial elemental being, our true being.

Scientifically, energy is the primal substance within all things, nothing can exist without energy, however, spiritually, energy is replaced by the spirit within all things, the essential substance or energy flow within all things. In my mind, when we talk about energy and spirit, we are talking about the same thing; they are not separate entities or elements.

We are also talking about a primordial elemental state, not a new state but a primordial elemental state. Many of us spiritually in-effect has a desire to go back to this state, a state of pure energy void of separation between energy flows. Before I go on, I think it's important to know what I mean when I say primordial.                          

Primordial; an ancient elemental or primary substance of all things, the essential or basic substance of all things, in other words a primary substance that everything stems from. Spiritually, this seen as the spirit within all things or the higher or inner self, the God within. Physically, primordial elements are seen as, for example, carbon, hydrogen and helium, in saying this, a 3rd dimensional sphere is also primordial in nature within time.

In actuality, anything of a 3rd dimensional sphere is not primordial when compared to the spirit within all things or energy as a whole when perceived through a time. Time gives the perception of primordial elements and existences, this means the new is of a 3rd dimensional sphere. The perception of anything new is 3rd dimensional and therefore of time. What is so new about going back (regressing), not forward (progressing), to our primordial elemental state?

This is the problem with perceiving in time, going back to our original state is perceived as a regression when it's a progression from a state of chaos. Chaos in this instance means energy that is separate to each other therefore energy reacts different to each other.

In actuality there is no regression or progression in timelessness, there is also nothing new. The perception of new is simply a 3rd dimensional perception based on time, that something is older or newer than another therefore separate to each other through time. However, there is simply no such separation through the perceptions of timelessness.

Timelessness simply means a state where there is no separation of energy flows, spiritually; this means there is only spirit void of the separation brought about by the soul for instance. How does energy become a different elemental substance? Simply through separation, very simular to our soul. You could in this instance say that all energy has a soul; this is probably why many people say that everything is of consciousness. Soul simply refers to an immortal or infinite state of being, not just within humans but everything. The soul also denotes separation or is conducive to the perception of separation of energies or spirits. Considering that you can't destroy energy, only change it, this makes sense.

In-effect, you can't separate the spirit within all things, this is simply a perception brought about by time. This also means energy as a whole is inseparable, only through time can energy be perceived as separated.

So in time, is energy or the spirit within all things truly separated?

Within time, it is obvious that the existence of different energies exist, they are indeed separated, very much like new age to old or middle age spirituality or consciousness, there is on obvious difference. However, the indifference is within energy itself or the spirit within all things, it's all connected by a primordial element within time, it's all of energy or spirit. Yes, within time there is an obvious separation of elements but at the same time there isn't. I am a white person, this is different to a dark person but there is no true separation for we are all human. The perception of separation is simply based on time, a finite factor when we are also of an infinite factor, timelessness, where nothing is separated.

Within time, the perception of our primordial state is to me an important element to become reconnected to, of course there is no true separation therefore anything to reconnect to, just a perception of within time.....                    

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Finite and Infinite Energy

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem, since the dawn of man as a human consciousness/race, we have made a connection to the infinite. The belief in a divine consciousness or the belief in eternal cycles of life is but two of these, so it would certainly seem that we have always made this connection to an infinite existence or being in one sense or another.

In modem times, the division between perceiving infinitely and finitely is apparent, even in modern day science this is apparent between different forms of science, for example, quantum physic concepts are not based on absolutes where in a lot of other sciences there are concepts of absolutes. We are human, this is a fact, so we don't look beyond the human concept. It's like Newtonians didn't accept that Newtonian concepts and principles were limited, the same with Einstein concepts and principles. Albert Einstein's concepts and principles/theories were taken as an absolute, within this perception, there was no room for evolving therefore these kinds of perceptions are limited to certain concepts and principles.

A lot of modern day consciousness is restricted to certain limitations or dogmatic concepts and principles, there are barriers that can't ever be crossed or even questioned. Of course the only reason barriers exist is because we have created them or they have been created in accordance to the perceptions used. If we perceive there are barriers therefore limitations to our conscious existence, we will ourselves create a reality based on these limitations. Of course to do this, a consciousness has to ignore the infinite in preference to the finite.

Finite consciousness is purely based on time, time being the creator of starting and ending points thus creating realities based on limitations rather than realities based on unlimited potentiality. Of course to balance out these kinds of perceptions, we kept our perceptions of the existence of the infinite, perceptions that are not limited but unlimited.

We might then think that time itself is finite in nature when in actuality time is infinite in nature, it's only what is created in time that is finite. Time itself is actually governed by infinite projections, for time has no limitations in how time is perceived or how long time will exist for. The simple reason for this is that time wasn't created, in that the creation of time has no starting or ending point, only of created perceived starting and ending points. For an example of this, there is an end to our nights and days on Earth, however, when you go out into space, there is only daylight, this of course is governed by how long a sun lasts. In saying this, the energy used to create the energy of the sun is endless because, like time, energy has no starting point within itself, only what energy creates.

To perceive this one must simply look at time as being energy, not what this energy creates. An energy that is not limited to certain concepts and principles, time is therefore based on the infinite, not on what the finite creates. We too often only look at what time creates, not on what time is really based on, in actuality, everything is based on the infinite for energy itself is infinite in nature.

Let's now look at how differently finite and infinite consciousness looks at reincarnation for example, the belief in past lives which has been scientifically proven to exist.

The finite consciousness looks at each life as a separate life to other lives lived, each life having a starting or ending point of it's own. The infinite consciousness doesn't look at it this way, it looks at reincarnation as being one life or existence separated by different scenarios. There is no starting or ending point, only an expression of different energies usually separated by our inability to remember our past lives. If we could remember our past lives and our lives between these lives, we would see ourselves as experiencing one life or existence that has no limitations or starting and ending points.

We are simply conditioned to perceive in starting and ending points therefore being of a conscious based on the finite, an existence of limitations therefore barriers, in turn, creating existences purely based on the finite rather than the infinite. Considering that everything in existence is based and created from the infinite, I find basing a reality purely on the finite peculiar, it's simply unnatural, in saying this, we must also remember being limited like this is also apart of being unlimited. Are we really unlimited being limited to the unlimited? Being limited is also apart of being unlimited, think on this, how unlimited are the expressions and motions of being limited? The expressions of being limited is infinite, there is no end to these limited expressions and motions.

We exist in a finite limited reality, how many possibilities can be expressed in such a reality? What if the Roman Empire never existed or Adolf Hitler never came to power, the possibilities of different realities being created within a limited reality are endless, all of existence is simply infinite in nature.

Infinite also pertains to oneness, being that everything is connected, where's finite simply pertains to separation or division of this oneness, of the infinite. The finite is simply a divided infinite, this is why the finite can only exist within time. Considering how time is divided into seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries and so on, it's quite understandable why finite can only exist within the perception of time. Take away how time divides the infinite into numerous and infinite divisions, like with measurements which are infinite, you take away the perception of the finite, all you are then left with is the infinite.

The finite is simply a perception because it can only represent part of the whole at any given time; the whole of course is represented by the infinite. To me, it's not a natural state if we exist within a finite reality while excluding the infinite. Giving that energy itself is infinite in nature, I find this most peculiar. We simply can't exist without the infinite, if we try to do this in my mind, we will simply destroy ourselves; destroy the form and creation of an infinite energy. We are simply going against the natural laws by excluding the infinite in our existence, not a very wise or intelligent thing to do in my mind.           

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Express Being Truly Unlimited

Written by Mathew Naismith

All that truly exists is an unlimited state; anything else from this is an illusion. A perception of a state of being limited.....Mathew G

A state of limited potential and perception simply doesn't exist. While one being, one entity or one energy source is expressing motion, especially to extremes, a state of limitations simply doesn't and can't exist. Even if I was to limit my personal self, consciousness, to certain states void of the ego, motion period, I am still not in a limited state while any other kind of motion is being expressed in and through anything else. Yes, extremes motion also has it's place within an unlimited state, anything else would be limiting.

Consider this, energy itself is unlimited within it's expressions, within it's motion, this means it's also unlimited to what form it takes. Energy itself is infinite in nature, it's not finite. You can't destroy energy, as science has proven, yes, you can transform the form energy takes but you can't destroy the energy that creates form and existence as a whole. I look at it this way, energy is the spirit within all things, it's the life force of all things, of all motion, without this spirit, without energy, all things become limited. Of course this is impossible as there is no such thing as a limited state.

However, we can indeed enter into states of consciousness or non-consciousness where there is a perception of a state of limitations. Within this state, motion seems to not exist therefore energy; it's a state where the spirit within all things simply doesn't exist. Yes, this state also exists because this is how unlimited we are as a whole, there are simply no boundaries, no limitations even within a limited state.

So often I get people stating they are not expressive of the ego or judgment, while at the same time egotism and judgment is expressed to an extreme through certain kinds of other energy sources. If motion is being expressed in any sense from any kind of source, we are ourselves of that motional expression, everything is. Actually, a state void of ego and motion period is as limited as a state can be, also, being expressive of motion to any extreme is limiting. A good example of this is materialism, wealth and power overriding all other motions especially by force and control. Once a motion, an energy source, loses balance between one in favour of the other, a reality of limited potential exists, this of course in turn creates a reality of limitations. Sounds awfully familiar!!

Any energy or non-energy source that is limited in nature will of course be destructive in nature; this includes the so-called ultimate state where there is no ego or motion period. This state is obvious within it's destructiveness to motion period because motion period is unable to exist in this state. We might not think this motionless state isn't destructive when within this state motion is simply non-existent. How many people are trying to say we are only truly of this motionless ultimate state, while within a state of extreme motions? This state is simply destructive in nature to motion even within states of motion by refuting that we are unlimited to all potential, to motion and motionlessness, not just to one potentiality of motionlessness.

This is why I personally love the perception of God, as opposed to a God of man which is limiting and not infinite in nature. The perception of God represents everything without bias or prejudice, within this, there is simply no exclusions based on a particle perception or ideology/philosophy stating we are limited to a certain states of existence. There are simply no limitations to existence or our truer being; it simply doesn't exist as no state of limitations do. Yes, states of limited potential do exist but not really, not when we consider the whole of things, of course to realise this, one must go way outside our own present reality based on it's own limitations. As a whole, states of limitations need to also exist for there to be truly no limitations.

So what does all this mean?

Extremes of any kind are destructive in nature, either it be of motion being destructive to motionless or visa-versa, it's just simply destructive because it's a state that is limited and imbalanced with the rest of what it is. This is why people like me often mention about moderation and balance within all things without any exclusion through bias or prejudice.

Yes, expressing the ego in moderation, expressing motion period in moderation, is actually more spiritual that not tying to be expressive of motion period. The reason for this simply lies within it's own limitlessness, also, at no time is anyone just of one state and not of others, this is an impossibility because these limitations simply don't exist overall but they do exist within their own limitations. This is a true state on unlimited potentiality.

Limited perceptions simply denote an imbalance while unlimited perceptions denote balance. One is naturally destructive to all else, the other constructive to all else, it is what it is by nature.....Mathew G   

Friday 12 May 2017

One Source of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Niasmith

It's funny how a more advanced science today is in line with ancient teachings, that all things are connected as one. It's all of one source no matter what you call it.

Now imagine trying to separate yourself from this source. The act of trying to separate oneself from this source will of course create realities quite different from a consciousness who is close to the source, or in other words, aware of the source. The more aware we are, the closer to the source we are. The less aware we are, the further from the source we are. It's simply this unawares, this perceived separation, that creates chaotic and destructive realities it would seem to me. 

Saturday 31 December 2016

The Matrix!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

At present, it is obvious we exist in a reality of a kind and not a reality entirely created by our own thoughts and perceptions, yes, our thoughts and perceptions influence this reality but they don't define this reality, this matrix system. Basically, our conscious influence isn't what determines the essential quality of realities like this, they are only apart or created from these essential qualities within a reality. All matrix systems are created from finite consciousness, a consciousness that is limited to certain specifics, time and space are certainly essential qualities to all matrix systems.

However as of always, the extent of motion of a matrix system is squarely on our shoulders as we are the creators of excessive motion within a matrix. The matrix just couldn't and wouldn't exist to excess without our participation.

The question still remains, have we created the perception of time therefore created the matrix itself through these perceptions?

As I have explained many times before, time has always existed like timelessness, how could time be created from timelessness if timelessness has no starting point to create from. There just isn't a from in relation to time. We are supposed to be initially from this timeless nothingness or oneness, but how would this be the case if there is no starting point of creation to start with? We within our individual perceptions, didn't create time or space but we did create the perception of there prominently only being time and space.

Indestructible Energy: They say God created everything, this of course must include all the destruction and chaos as well!! The perception of God relates to our infinite consciousness which is within all things, now think on this, you can't destroy energy but you can transform energy. God to me represents this indestructible creative energy source, however, within a finite consciousness, a matrix system, energy has the perception of being able to be destroyed as opposed to just being transformed. We, not God, created the perception of energy being able to be destroyed, basically, creating a starting and ending point to an excess.

As timelessness is of this God's consciousness, so is time, time of course refers to matrix system, a system based primarily on time, finite consciousness. Matrix systems were already created but void of excessive motion. This excessive motion was created from our own perceptions and interactions, God's consciousness didn't create these kinds of  interactions, we did. So in all, this God consciousness didn't create the perception of destroying energy, we did, as we didn't create time and space.

Note: You can replace the perception of God's consciousness with anything that defines infinite existence and consciousness, this is included in practices and beliefs like Taoism, Buddhism, Shamanism and so on. Anything that refers to our infinite being or state is in relevance to God's consciousness, a creative consciousness of immeasurable creativeness. You can plainly see why many people call this indestructible creative infinite energy source a God, the funny thing is, we are this God, it's just we have become too much of finite consciousness to acknowledge this.

The following is in reply to a good internet friend of mine, a friend who is well known for his awareness of our infinite being.      

G'day siggy

Good to here from you again, hope all is well with you and your family.

Yes indeed siggy,  the so called matrix, this is inline to what we deem as God in my mind, it's all of human perception, which we should be honest, is limited.

"What do I think", absolutely, my last post goes into how, what we call matrix systems, starts off passive, it's this over interaction or excessive conscious motion that distorts the matrix to the extent it becomes primarily destructive.

Do we need to experience the full destructive power of matrix systems? My wife and I have been talking about catabolism and how it's more prominent today as ever, it's just expressed in a different way. How many politicians and multinationals are feeding off of live people? We  are indeed cattle to them, it's actually a more brutal kind of catabolism in that it slowly feeds off of people until the day they die.

Human consciousness need not have become so brutal and acceptingly brutal. Brutality is fine if we denounce it, it's not so fine if we accept it and/or ignore it and that is where we are at, at present.

Virus, yes indeed, this acceptance is a virus that has distorted the matrix to the extent of the matrix becoming primarily destructive, even onto itself. We have in affect become that virus. 

Is there a their in that a malign consciousness is behind all this brutality?

We would like to think so because human consciousness needs conformation and comprehension, without this, human consciousness is lost for an answer. In my mind, we are all feeding the matrix. If you think of these matrix systems as consciousness, and like any consciousness, is able to be influenced one way or the other by other conscious energy sources, you begin to understand that we are what the matrix is. An ego in control will not accept this in any sense, it's really funny how it works.

Is the matrix of the mind, as a creation of our mind, or is it a consciousness of finite existences which our own divided minds influence?

We totally underestimate ourselves in my mind. The matrix systems, as in time related, has always existed as timeliness has always existed, however, the way these matrix systems have developed, is completely due to our own making. We have purposely forgotten about our infinite consciousness and taken on finite consciousness as who we are. This is fine, however on top of this, many of the practices that kept us in touch with our infinite consciousness, is now being replaced by practices primarily of finite consciousness in my mind.

Because there is no balance between finite an infinite consciousness, we are becoming more destructive for only in ignorance can a consciousness be destructive.

The matrix to me is real in that the matrix represents time therefore limited finite consciousness, however, this finite consciousness was always balanced out with the awareness of our infinite self in various ways, this is no longer the case on a collective scale. Time has always existed to me, because matrix systems are governed by time, they too have always existed but in a more passive way as my recent post goes into.

What we seem to have done is believed that we are trapped by the matrix, this has never or ever will be the case, we hugely underestimate our truer being. So yes, because we are the matrix the way it is now, there is no true limitations or boundaries, these are perceived projections of thought influenced by a finite existence which we ourselves created.     

It would seem I need to catch up with your thoughts and insights siggy.


Much Blessings always,
