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Monday, 15 January 2024

The Great Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

I love the American Indian or first nation people's description of an energy that can't be destroyed, as of all energy, nor can it be changed or distorted, like all other energy. The following may sound repetitive, so not worth reading, but there are subtle and not so subtle changes, this is due to the never ending cycle of changing energy, like the ever changing weather in the life of this planet.

You can equate this spirit within all things to any ideology that is based on an energy that can't be changed or distorted. For an example, an energy flow that puts religion and/or church before God is in fact basing their form of ideology on an energy that can be changed and even distorted beyond recognition. Would a far more distorted energy flow take advantage of this kind of distortion? If a far more distorted energy flow did not create the distortion in the first place, it would certainly take advantage of it as of present in the world it would seem.

I find it most peculiar that so many of us base our entire life and human existence on energy flows that can be distorted, often beyond recognition. People like me when looking at an ideology look for what that ideology is based on, focusing on the energy flow to see if it is based primarily on an energy that can't be distorted. I look for this spirit within all things that can't be distorted by another distorted energy flow. Put in another way, I look for a balanced energy flow compared to an imbalanced energy flow. There is no balance to be had in an energy flow that can be distorted at will.

Why would someone like me dogmatically follow something like the teachings of Lucifer for example, as a huge number of people today are doing? Common sense alone tells me not to attach myself to such a distorted energy flow to start with, notably one of the most distorted energy flows in existence.

I am flabbergasted at how society itself has become so attached to numerous energy flows of distortion based on lust and desire, as opposed to a society based on what is not lusted for and desired. In other words base a society on energy flows that are not distorted. How many of us know about the distortions of energy, that human existence has become primarily based on energy flows that are distorted to excess from the initial energy flow, the great spirit, the spirit within all things?

Yes, everything in existence has this great spirit within, be it that the more our own energy becomes distorted, the further unrecognisable or buried this energy becomes, however, no matter how buried this energy becomes within distorted energy flows, this great spirit still exists. It must be infuriating for distorted energy flows not being able to destroy this great spirit, and at times coming across an energy flow they are unable to distort. Yes, this distorted energy flow can distort the energy flow of souls, this is very different for souls that the energy flow is based on this great spirit, an energy flow that can't be distorted.

Imagine for a moment if the majority of us in humanity based our energy flow on an energy that can't be distorted, life for humanity as a whole would be very different to what it is today. Lucky for humanity, we presently have a great opportunity to realise the difference in energy flows as never before.

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Beautiful Sentiments!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

“If you can't say anything good about a person, don't say anything at all.”

Beautiful sentiments that a lot of people try to live by, sentiments worth striving for.

So, if I know of a person abusing children in our community, if I can't say anything good about this person I can't say anything at all, which leads to even more children being abused.

Morally, people like me just can't live by beautiful sentiments like this in an imperfect world, not at the risk of other people being hurt. In all honesty, trying to live by beautiful sentiments like this in an imperfect world will only result in even more people being abused, not less.

Have you noticed that people who live by sentiments like this actually determine that, anyone who does not live by sentiments like this are often immoral. In other words, if you are honest and open with the truth you are immoral. It is interesting that being open and honest with the truth is immoral.

People like me live by, if you can say something good about a person, not saying bad about a person being abusive is outright deceptive and even immoral.

In a perfect well balanced world beautiful sentiments like this are indeed worth living by, in fact are automatically an everyday part of existence, however, living by sentiments like this in an imperfect world will only lead to a more imbalanced energy flow/world, as what has seemingly occurred.

Yes, people like me are indeed labelled with being immoral when open and honest with the truth and even depicted as loving conflict. So if you notice a harmful energy imbalance or a festering of emotions that you know often lead to further imbalanced energy flows, or a festering of emotions that leads to further abuse, it is of loving conflict to bring this imbalance out in the open to be dealt with!!

Exposing the truth in an open honest way often leads to one being labelled all sorts of things, in an imperfect world, however, in a perfect world, ironically, you would be labelled as a peace keeper or a person trying to keep energy flows in balance instead!!

A beautiful sentiment to people like me is being open and honest with the truth in an imperfect and perfect world, while realising in an imperfect world other people will desire to see this quite differently.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

The Sun is Green


Written by Mathew Naismith

This is so funny, the title came before the following that I had no idea of. I was actually looking at it in a different way, that the sun's true spectrum is very different to the way we physically see the sun. The interesting thing is, many of us actually see the sun in the same way we see ourselves and each other, what we see and experience physically is all we are, nothing else. Are humans living a lie, in the process create realities in accordance to lies?

“The Zohar – more than 2,000 years old – explicitly states that the sun is indeed green. Scientists would finally make this ‘discovery’ in the early 18th century, 1,800 years later – but who’s counting.”

“BONUS Fact: The Color of the Sun is Actually Green!”

What I am saying or visualised just recently is that the true spectrum of the sun in a non-psychical sense is also depicted as being green. Could we honesty say the same thing about man, that man is being his true self, he's true non-physical self as of the sun?

No joke, the sun is green in whatever existing spectrum the sun exists in, be it of it's physical state or non- physical state.

It is amazing how we can be drawn into living and existing in realities based on lies. What occurred just recently in relation to a neighbour we have helped over the years is by no mistake. The lie the whole family live by was eventually going to be exposed.

“Amazing, I am the one who is suppose to be imbalanced, I will tell you why this is not the case which goers for each and everyone of us!!

It is amazing how a whole family can live a lie, in this case that someone of the family has not got an aggressive bone in their body, even when they notably have, more than one it turns out.

Is this the same of a mass of people living a known lie? Now expose this lie for what it is, deceptive, and see the reaction you will get.

Lies told to deceive yourself, each other and everyone else is simply a sign of an imbalance. In a reality based on balance than imbalanced energies, it is impossible to live by lies like this as of any imbalances.“

When we live by lies, of course the sun is only going to be what we see it as, not what it really is, as of ourselves and a reality based on so many imbalances is going to be.

As of anyone, I am still awakening to our truer being.

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Dreams and Demons


Written by Mathew Naismith

Progression of dreams tell the true story of one's own personal and at times collective development.

Recently in the past, my dreams told me of deceit, treachery and hidden hostility. It turns out that the hidden hostilities were emanating from a neighbour my wife and I have helped out quite a bit, so always remember dreams can be foretelling.

I often confront my demons face on in real life, of course to anyone of a subjective mentality, abusive, deceitful and/or demon like in other ways in one's life, confronting these demons face on is always going to lead to you being the bad one to the demons in our lives. Expect this to occur and never take on what these demons have to say about you or to you.

In previous dreams of demons, this particular demon would always become larger and more aggressive and abusive, last night I held the demon in my right hand, had to watch the sharp teeth though. No, I did not kill the demon, the demon in my presence simply became a lot smaller but just as aggressive and abusive. I simply depicted the demon in it's true form, before a collective subjective consciousness inflated it's size. This kind of consciousness is tiny and quite insignificant, until made a lot more significant in an environment conducive to it's growth and subjective abusive conscious expansion.

I let the demon go, knowing that a subjective consciousness reality will result in the demon becoming far more abusive while it's form grows to a massive size once again. Scientifically, you cannot destroy energy, all you can do is transform energy by changing the environment these demons need to manifest in. Look at how hydroxychloroquine and zinc help to subdue virus replication, it is the same thing. You can see why these demons within our present reality did everything to stop the use of protocols like this during and after the covid pandemic!! You can't destroy these virus's altogether within environments, but you can change the environment so that virus's or demons are not conducive to the replication or manifestation of viruses and demons within any given environment.

So the fact of the matter is, if the environment is conducive to demons, there is nothing one can do except make your own environment less attractive to these demons.What needs to occur is change the environment to be less conducive to demons on a personal and/or collective level, sadly, the collective seems to be doing quite the opposite, at present.

The dream is making reference to how I am now on a personal level dealing with my own demons within and around me, but also showing that these demons are always present, waiting for the right environment to manifest in on a personal and collective level. Without a doubt these demons of abuse and mayhem can be arrested/subdued into a form of insignificance, while remembering it is this insignificance the demons fear the most and will do everything to avoid occurring, expect this.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Primary source of Consciousness



Written by Mathew Naismith


The primary source of human civilisation is supposed to have started in Africa. Not so sure on this one.

The primary source of human and animal life is from conception. Most definitely.

The primary source of learning is from the environment we live in. Most definitely.

Science can only speculate to the primary source of consciousness, a primary source of consciousness every other consciousness is secondary to, no matter how evil it may seem. Very little doubt here no matter what you want to call this primary source.

Imagine for a moment if humanity allowed itself to be governed by this primary source of consciousness, instead of being governed by secondary sources of consciousness!!

In actuality, some of us do to one extent or another.

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

A Wise Person of Concern

Written by Mathew Naismith

We don't have to be of what our immediate environment determines.

Observing so many people into virtual Neanderthal rock and stick throwing, today's bombs and missiles, used against another is hard to observe, especially when hearing the related justifications of rock and stick throwing. To me and people like me, these justifications are the hardest to listen to, mainly because this kind of mentality has not change in millions of years. The reason for this is, to me, to do with still being of what our environment determines us to be.

If we are honest, the natural environment has always been, to one extent or another, hostile towards living things, put in another way, abusive. This kind of reality or world can be quite a harsh environment for any living thing to survive in. We have simply allowed this harshness to turn into abuse.

What if I told you under the current NWO system that  digital bank robbery is worse than ever in human history. Notice that there is no posse or lawmen tracking down these digital bank robbers!! Look at the slave trade and paedophile abuse of children today. Look at how we accept an apartheid system, like medical apartheid, where the people not covid vaccinated are not just prosecuted but persecuted. Look at how many people still after millions of years justify rock and stick throwing!! It is the justifications that are used to abuse others that is concerning here.

After millions of years we are still being governed by what our immediate harsh environment determines, which of course includes our mentality of apartheid systems and rock and stick throwing. It is funny how we have not taken on the beauty of the natural environment, while destroying it, but what the harshness of this environment determines, obviously.

I have noticed that spirituality can reflect either the harshness of the natural environment or the beauty of this environment. The middle ages or medieval period is a prime example of spirituality taking the road of the harshness or abusive side of the natural environment. What I find interesting in this period is when church and or religion came before God!! However, I also find it interesting when spirit or even soul becomes the governing factor, not the immediate abusive side of the natural environment.

We are simply of what our environment determines, be it of man made, of nature, of spirit or God, wisdom, etc. To me and people like me, having our reality determined or influenced by Neanderthal rock and stick throwing to begin with is of an antiquated mentality, a mentality we think should have long past, a past that seemingly the majority of people are still governed by today, often by trickery and coercion.

No wonder I have not posted this post yet, a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago.

Are people like me too concerned, too involved in our surrounding environment? This is something one needs to be observant of when of concern.

Firstly, if we were all concerned, what is occurring simply would not occur. Secondly, knowing the difference between being simply concerned to feeding this energy that we are concerned about even more energy is simple outright wise, at the same time realising that our present reality is governed by subjective energies, energies of intense distortion. Look at the biases and how emotions where used against the average person during the pandemic. If we were wise as a species, we could learn a lot from this one occurrence, not saying we won't do this, the opportunity is there.

A wise person of concern does not desire vengeance or retribution, at the same time concerned enough in relation to how the surrounding environment is becoming distorted more and more at present. You also realise the opportunity at hand to learn from such distortion, to never go down this road again. The opportunity to transform from a reality governed by a subjective mentality to a reality governed by an objective mentality is apparent and upon us all, but we must refrain from becoming too involved in the present subjective energy at play for this to occur. Yes, subjective and objective mentalities are of nature, of human nature, a wise thing to become aware of.

Thursday, 9 November 2023

What Do Women Want!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

So, what do women want from their partners? Yes, I am use to sticking my neck out.

Respect and appreciation, yes men, I think it is this simple.

I am talking about the average women, not women who want everything the material world can give them.

My wife and I know of couples who the man shows very little respect and appreciation to, we even know of one bloke who thinks women should be subordinate. I thought this bloke was alright, how wrong could I be.

I have gone out with women who use to love having sex, of course these women were sluts and the blokes weren't!! I use to walk in public holding their hands, of course these blokes thought it was some how unmanly to do so. One lass got a huge surprise when I put my hand in hers while walking down the streets, sadly, she was obviously never shown respect and appreciation.

Is it due to my objective mentality as I have always shown respect and appreciation to those who deserve this kind of emotion? Are a lot of blokes of a subjective mentality, to the point of wanting women to be more subordinate?

The difference between spiritual people is of being of a subjective and objective mentality, being that subjectivity is of the absence of wisdom and objectivity being of the presence of wisdom. Being aware of this the difference is apparent. I tend to lean towards objective people, while being aware that bias, lust and desire is subjective.

The differences is of all aspects of life, not just do with relationships or spirituality, the same is with the sciences, atheism, politics, masculinity, etc, being of a subjective or objective mentality does indeed make a difference. Imagine for one moment if our world was predominantly influenced by the objective, with objective observers running the world instead of the present subjective observers!! Ukraine and Palestine would not have occurred in the first place, to the disgust of the NWO, UN, NATO, WEF, etc. Yes, what I am saying is that these entities are of the subjective observer mentality. Evil is simply of a mentality of subjective observation. Why the difference in masculinity is a good one, one is of respect and appreciation and the other of disrespect and depreciation!! Do the big boys running the world appreciate and respect us for what we have given them? They could not be more subjective if they tried.

Would women want men, the masculine, to be more objective? I think it's to do with more of a need, not just for women but the world as a whole. The world needs more objectivity, not less.