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Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts

Thursday 27 September 2018

To Change From Within

Written by Mathew Naismith

"The world can only change from within". ~ Eckhart Tolle

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world". ~ Mahatma Gandhi

What does it mean to change from within? Is it to influence change within our personal individual selves or is it to change within human existence? Human existence is of us as is the entire universe. Its important here not to separate yourself as being a separate entity to all else, in turn dividing energy into separate individual parts. In my mind, any division of energy, especially into numerous different entities, is an abuse of energy. Influencing change from within can only be accomplished if we are a part of what we are trying to influence change upon.

Can change be successfully implemented if we divide everything up into negatives and positives, good and bad, wrong and right, black and white, light and dark, etc? No, because you have now separated yourself from what you wish to influence change upon from within. With this kind of abuse of energy there is no within. Yes, you have your own separate divided self to change from within but while being separate to what you really want to influence change upon. You cannot change the world if you are still separate to that world, all changes must be from within that world, not separate to that world. Of course many people desire to scrap this world/reality for a more positive world of love and light. You are simply not scrapping anything within this kind of mentality of separation and division. With this mentality of separation and division, you are certainly not trying to change from within but from outside to what you are tying to change.

To change from within entails us to change within the environment we wish to change. You have to be a part of what you want to change, not separate to it. Is changing within the personal individual self really a change from within, when we have or are trying to separate ourselves from the world we are within? In truth, this kind of abuse of energy is simply changing your own world, which isn't going to change the world from within because you are no longer within that world. Is being within your own separate individual self truly of an inner self? Simply, there is no separate individual self that we need to change from within, all of existence is the self which, if you like it or not, is a part of you. To continually separate yourself from the rest of the existence you desire not to be a part of isn't changing from within, it's simply abuse of energy through separation and division to only serve the individual self.

I recently came a cross an article where aliens, different forms of energy, told a large group of children about our abuse of energy. I will insert this article latter on. The abuse of energy was not just to do with our natural resources but our abusive use of mental projections upon each other. An example, a true sense of love and light doesn't separate itself from all other energy forms; it certainly doesn't ostracise and banish anything not of its own energy. Within this mentality, a true sense of love and light is found in any reality or world. A true sense of love and light is not an energy form that separates its own energy from any other energy. Today's perception of love and light for a lot of people is all about separation and division, simply, an abuse of energy to serve the individual only. You simply cannot change from which you have separated yourself from in any way, especially when you have the perception you are not within what you are trying to influence. If there is any sense of separation or division, you are not within.

How many people think that love and light is a positive? A true sense of love and light is actually neutral, this is why some people are able to experience a true sense of unconditional love in this state. There are no conditions created by perceptions of positive or negative, black and white. Any form of division and separation is an abuse of energy. Look at how black people were abused because black was simply referred to as a negative by white people. Actually, any other skin colour than white was and still is often perceived to be negative in some way by some people, this is in opposition to white people representing a positive. Separation, division and abuse creates by negative and positive perceptions!!

If you really want to influence the rest of the world, do it from within what you are trying to influence and stay away from anything that promotes separation and division. You cannot change what you critically judge negative in any sense, not in harmony anyway. This means to influence change upon the world, one must truly do it from within this world, this means being a part of what you are trying to change. At no time have disdain for what you are trying to change in any sense, all this mentality will create is even more separation and division, not less. You will find once you become neutral within your mentality, working within what you are trying to change will come so easy to you.

People like me interact with all energy to one degree or another, we simply don't ostracise and critically judge what isn't of ourselves. Yes, at times one must let go of certain energies that are on another journey to yourself but do it without separation and division created by positive and negative perceptions. Remember, a true sense of love and light is not of separation and division, in actuality quite the opposite. It's simply a beautiful conscious state of neutrality which can also lead to experiencing the zone more often.

A number of years ago I wrote about how reincarnation is about one life lived, not many lives lived. Each different segment to this life is simply a journey to be experienced, like a stage play where you have one play but a number of acts that make up a play. Looking from a human perspective, there are many lives lived. Looking from the soul perspective, there is only one life lived. The point is, it would seem I am not conditioned to separating and dividing everything into separate divided segments. In saying this, depending on the environment I am in at the time, I still express perceptions of negatives and positives but I am aware of this kind of abuse of energy. This is important; avoid looking at the abuse of energy as something negative or bad for obvious reasons. I am also aware that most people are conditioned to express perceptions of negatives and positives (separatism) most of the time in their lives.

As the following article shows, other entities from other places within the universe are saying the same thing I am, be aware of how you use and abuse energy in every sense.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Experiencing the Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

Being in the zone, to me, refers to an enlightened state where your focus allows you to perform physical and mental tasks way beyond your normal boundaries. Simply, your awareness has focus in this state on a particular task, not on many tasks at the same time. Boundaries by the way are a creation of the controlling ego, a separation of energy into negatives and positive, good and bad, wrong and right. How often are these separation thought of when in the zone? There simply not for all energy within this state becomes neutral, as if you are one with all the energy around you without separation. Imagine being at one with all the energy of the universe or even all of creation as a whole, this is the zone.

Focus on your awareness has focus, meaning that your awareness has focus on one thing instead of being partially focused on many things. Too often our awareness, when controlled by a controlling ego, will only partially focus on one thing, or, focus all energy, for example, on materialism or of what we desire. How many people put all their focus on their income and their job to fulfil their desires? When people focus like this, this is not the zone for energy used in this way is simply being abused. Often this kind of focus will create a destructive reality, not a constructive reality. If you feel at one with the energy around you, this is the zone, a state where you work in unison with energy without abusing energy. The zone isn't about fulfilling a desire; it's simply about working in unison with energy.

Do the people who experience the zone focus at anytime on their desires while experiencing the zone? Your focus isn't on positives and negatives, rights and wrongs, bad and good; your focus is simply on energy as a whole, there is simply no perception of separation of energy within this state. Be aware though, the ego in control will most often use this state to serve its own desires. This is often the case when the zone is perceived to be of a positive or is only obtained through positive thinking. Let's be honest here, this is the same mentality in that white people are more of a positive entity than black people. Never perceive that the zone is of and only gained through positive thinking, all this is a sign of is the abuse of energy, usually created by ignorance than awareness!!      

Consider this, perceptions of negatives and positives, wrong and rights, bad and good, black and white, are simply perceptions where the zone is an actual state of consciousness and oneness. This is where energy is used harmoniously. You at no time have to be of a positive mind to experience this state; just don't be negative or even positive. Imagine not having to be positive because there were no perceived negatives!! Remember, positives and negatives are simply perceptions. How often is an occurrence perceived to be negative but then turns out to be a positive? Also, what is positive or negative to one person isn't to another.

I have had to do a lot of focusing in my life because of my predicament, at times outperforming people with no disabling abilities. I always remember a time when working at a National Park, barrowing wet gravel stone up a steep narrow hillside. A semi-professional footballer had a hard time keeping up with me. He never knew that I had a fully dislocated elbow and that my shoulder was weaker than my dislocated elbow.  Simply, my ego never took control of me because of my focus. Yes, pain can also teach us to focus but only if the ego in control is not in control of you.

There are a number of spiritual practices that condition us to focus better as well, meditation, singing hymns, chanting, praying and many other practices teach us to condition our mind to focus without abusing energy. Yes, playing a musical instrument or singing can also help us to focus in this way, often have performers gone into the zone. In actuality, anywhere where we are focusing, while working at one with energy around us, can lead us to experience this state called the zone. How many people have experienced enlightening experiences while going through some kind of trauma? What is no doubt perceived to be a negative experience by some people, can be one of our most enlightening experiences in our lives.                                                   

You will find the following actually refers to being in the zone to our alter ego, an alternate personality to your normal everyday self.  It would certainly seem that being in the zone can be used by the controlling ego to gain more control and self-satisfaction, even though while being in the zone itself isn't about a controlling ego. The zone is simply neutral and a natural state of existence. I don't actually concur with the findings of the following two inserted articles but some people might find them interesting.           

Even though I rely on psychology to give me some of the answers to life, in the case of the zone, psychology for me really doesn't have the answers or the answers that are true to me. I instead agree with the following.

Happiness (enlightenment) isn't something you seek. You instead allow happiness to seek you, however, the act of seeking happiness (enlightenment) creates motion that leads one to the light when of the perception of being of the dark. The ego, when detaching itself from the control of the ego, will need to seek to then find out it must no longer seek what the ego seeks. You are simply seeking not to seek happiness, a state where the zone (enlightenment) is common place......           

Wednesday 12 September 2018

In the Zone

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's occurred again, a light bulb just went on Raghunath in reference to my interaction with people like you.

Consider this Raghunath. People talk about unconditional love and oneness at the same time avoiding, what they have judged, negative people and situations at all cost. There conditions in life are insurmountable. Get this. I personally know of Catholics who have helped various people of all walks of life including atheists in a big way. Who, between love and light people and Catholics, express fewer conditions?  Who is then able to truly comprehend and understand unconditional love and oneness the most?

I know of Buddhist and Hindus who express far fewer conditions than people of love, light and positivity. I have experienced this first hand, having been on a number of spiritual forums, their conditions to life overall are insurmountable. Look at what group is trying to switch the light bulb off of what they have conditions to the most. What group is trying to separate itself the most from the present reality? You could not become more of the dark if you tried; this is in fear of anything remotely critically judged as being negative and toxic or different to yourself. Being truly of the light is being aware of everything while of the absence of conditions as much a possible. You will notice a lot of these people also criticise religions!!

Conditions are usually created from perceptions of what is judged to be negative and positive, a division in consciousness, therefore energy, in fear of what isn't presently of ourselves. There is of course no true sense of oneness or unconditional love to be had in this. I am simply trying to awaken people to their own darkness, how many people today desire to stay unaware of themselves being of this darkness? People like you make a difference, for you are for turning on the light, not turning it off.  

It's the seeker of light, of awareness, who turns on the light switch, not the person who guides you to that light switch. A true seeker simply refers to a person who seeks to express as fewer conditions as possible, most often seeking to do this unbeknownst to themselves. Less motion expressed is always preferable spiritually.

I do live in a cave, as such. I live within my own existence by going in, so so beautiful and harmonious. I created this cave, my own reality, by accepting everything for what it is, a consciousness lost within its own creation. Its nobodies fault and no one is to blame, it's simple conditioning over many years. We truly know not what we do, if we did, we couldn't have created such a reality.

When I face up to the worst of it, all I can do is smile but smile in bewilderment, not glee.

You didn't ramble on jim my, you simply expressed the truth within. Be you.


I am at times asked how I cope with this reality the way it is in the way I do. My wife and I haven't watched TV (television) for around ten years now; we have simply stopped the endless conditioning of television, the conditioning to what is positive and negative. We are simply being told or conditioned to what is and what isn't negative and positive. We are therefore often conditioned to express more motion, not less. What is a depiction of love? Lust and desire. What is positivity? Control, manipulation and the ostracisation of everything that doesn't give us control. Being in control is positive; not being in control is therefore negative. We are the good guys, they are the bad guys, it's a continuos separation (division) of consciousness. Of course television is but one media outlet that conditions us to express more motion, not less.

I am also asked how I coped and cope with the type of injuries I incurred in my childhood. People, who have incurred an injury half way through their lives, wonder how I copped with my injuries and also coped with my injuries without taking painkillers. Also, some of the work I did in my life was too hard to do for fully able people, people without serious injury.

If I tried to be positive all my life, I simply could not have done what I did; all my energy would have gone into trying to be positive instead of trying to be neutral. Being positive takes an endless amount of energy, it's something that has to be continually fed to stay positive. It takes very little energy to be neutral as there are no conditions to be neutral other than staying away from conditions in the first place. People excessively positive have to feed off of each other, this is why they ostracise anyone who is remotely judged as being negative, now imagine for a moment not having to do this.

You can see how I cope with this reality is simular to how I cope with my injuries and many other challengers in my life; I try to stay away from anything that conditions us to certain conditions. My own life experiences, which are often perceived as being negative by positive thinking people, is enlightening only because of the lack of conditions I put on my life. Now do the same with this reality. Look at this reality as a person trying to cope with a disability instead of a person who is simply negative. When you take away the conditions of negative and positive, you take away the need of excessive counteractive motions.         

I ask myself, what is there to be so excessively positive if the same opposing excess doesn't exist? One excessive naturally creates the other; now imagine a reality of the absence of excesses. Perceptions of negatives and positives are simply perceptions and conditions we have created no more. Only through these perceptions can we create excesses. Don't be deceived for one moment, you don't have to be excessively positive to cope with life as it is, in fact, excessive positiveness doesn't cope, it simply ignores or stays in the dark to cope.......!!

Think on this, are sports people, who experience the zone where everything seems to slow down and they are at their optimum, think they are negative or positive at the time of their experience? They are simply neutral to all around them. 

Extract: According to Csikszentmihalyi, the secret to getting “in the zone” is the Goldilocks principle: not too hot, not too cold. You want to feel inspired, but not overwhelmed. We can apply this to anything (everything!). Your squat weight, your career path, and your sex life: not so much challenge that you burn out, not so little that you get bored.

Note: It's also worth reading what different people feel when in the zone in this article. Imagine a reality where all that exists in this reality is in the zone......!!   

Sunday 22 April 2018

Looking Beyond

Written by Mathew Naismith

I do receive some interesting queries and replies at times that send me off writing again, it's as though some people are able to incite the inner most awareness from other people without much effort.

Sorry for this Mike, you started me off again which isn't unusual for you; you seem to have a knack, an ability for it.  

Enlightenment: Education that results in understanding and the spread of knowledge.
(Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation; characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness.

Enlightenment to me is of a state of the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness that is reached through awareness. Could a collective consciousness, as opposed to an individual consciousness, become this aware? Looking from a human perspective, I would say no. Looking from a more open and aware consciousness, most probably and likely.

Indeed Mike, 3 dimensional realities consist of both polarities, after all it's these polarities, and at times opposing polarities, that create 3 dimensional realities like this. We do have a choice to be either expressive of opposing or unifying polarities or both. Our present human reality is imbalanced because there are few unifying expressive polarities being expressed; it's either one or the other in opposition to the other to an extreme.

If I was to counteract the negative opposing polarities, people and their expression, with extreme positivity, does this give balance to a reality? There is no balance to be had in separation, only further imbalance; it's basically what a lot of new age spiritually aware people are doing.

Imagine an old fashion scale; one side represents positive and the other negative. Now imagine the positive being further extended on the arm than the negative, how is this balance? It's the same if both polities of a scale were excessively extended, the further away both polarities are away from each other, the harder it is to obtain balance. The last thing we should be doing is distancing (separating) ourselves from the whole, from the pole that holds the arm of the scale. The closer we are to the pole, the easier it is to obtain balance.

You could look at the pole and the base of the scale representing the source of creation (God), the closer we become to this pole (the creative source), the easier it is to obtain balance in any dimension. You can't ascend into another so-called higher dimension without first being accepting, especially if the dimension is of unconditional love. How can you become unconditionally loving without first being unconditionally accepting? This is exactly what a lot of people are trying to do, become unconditionally loving void of being unconditionally accepting period. In actuality, people who are supposed to be more unconditionally loving, void of being unconditionally accepting, have less and less acceptance, not more acceptance.

It would seem on their part we are simply against these people and their ideologies, this couldn't be further from the truth, it is the way they think sadly enough. We are simply trying to help them to become aware that you can't be unconditionally loving without first becoming unconditionally accepting, even and especially while in a 3rd dimensional reality.

Acceptance doesn't mean we have to become what you accept, it simply means accepting what is for what it is. We know not what we do, if we did, we simply couldn't and wouldn't do it; this is the way it is.

Can we ascend (evolve) to a more aware consciousness in turn giving us piece on Earth?  If our consciousness is going to stay 3 dimensional, I would say not. We must evolve on from being of human consciousness, what a lot of people call ascend, to obtain this on a collective scale, a huge ask. It would have to take a huge shift in consciousness, a shift away from being non-unconditionally accepting to start with. As we personally know ourselves Mike, this is not easy under the present circumstances.

Kim Passie also brought foreword some interesting queries within his remarks.   

My Reply
Human perception is that neutrality is between negative and positive, it's the balancing force between negative and positive like old fashion scales. This is true in a sense.

However, neutrality is an entity all of its own, it's not really a part of negative and positive but it can balance out negatives and positives. Negative and positive acting/being as one is simply neutrality, it basically neutralises negatives and positives in a state they are no longer needed in.

Indeed Kim, just because neutrality can exist between positive and negative, doesn't make it of positive and negative, it's a completely different entity. It's like a triangle; neutrality is the pinnacle of the triangle so neutrality is indeed above positive and negative. Neutrality is between negative and positive but more importantly above more than between.

If neutrality was on the same line
or level as positive and negative, you could clearly say neutrality is between positive and negative but as you say it's not, not really.

Wow Mathew <3 This is Onderfully put.... I actually felt this, this morning <3 I realized that neutrality can be seen as the space in which positive and negative happen...

My Reply
Well stated Kim, you seem to have grasped wisdom very well. To comprehend wisdom is one thing, to understand wisdom is another. You can tell who is really aware and who isn't in the queries and remarks they express. The people who have wisely learnt from their environment instead of suffered from their environment. You seem to have stopped suffering from your environment, you have basically neutralised the environment around you it would seem. 

A good example of suffering is excessive positivity in counteraction to suffering. Suffering has created a reaction of excess positivity, in actuality the positivity in this case is primarily based on negative suffering. There is a difference between negative and positive suffering. What is neutrality based on? Neither or both in neutrality to each other, this is why this state is so aware; there are no biases to start with.

Today's westernised spirituality is all about feeling good, usually in counteraction to the suffering, insurmountable biases. How do caring loving parents treat their children? They will suffer for their children so their children may not suffer, they will often give while going without themselves, is this negative? 

Spirituality, wisdom and awareness isn't all about us feeling good, it's about finding a balance in life while suffering yourself to save others from suffering at times, like caring loving parents. Is suffering negative when we learn from it and give so much? Feeling good quite naturally occurs when we become aware of this neutral state; this is without feeling good on the back of suffering. This feel good isn't based on suffering but a state of neutrality as neutrality isn't in counteraction to anything.

Good to hear that you don't just comprehend neutrality but understand it too.

Saturday 14 April 2018

A True Positive Perception

Written by Mathew Naismith

First of all perceptions are, "The representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept". Concepts are often based on a negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, etc; perceptions are simply to do with the way we look at our environment and ourselves. A good example is the formation of an ism or ideology which is often based on these concepts of opposing polarities, two opposite attributes or tendencies, atheism and religion, God and man, yin and yang, etc.

When one side or attribute is perceived as excessively positive, this instantly makes the opposing side excessively negative. The more perceived the positive is of one side, the more negative the opposing side becomes. So being excessively positive actually creates more and excessive negatives, not less. This is not a true example of positiveness; a true example of positiveness is perceiving the perceived negatives less negatively, not more negatively. In actuality working with the negative rather than running away from them or ignoring them because they are so negative!!

I will explain myself better by using a scenario as follow.

Who would a wealthy person embrace if there was only a choice of another wealthy person, a positive, or a wretched poor person, a negative, to embrace? Now, who would a spiritually aware person embrace, if there was only a choice of a positive spiritual person and a negative non-spiritual person to embrace? The scenario outcome is exactly the same, as the perceived positive person will always be embraced over and above a negative person. What if I told you that a true positive person would always embrace the negative person first and foremost, even if this takes them out of their own comfort zone?

What you have is the same exact mentality between a wealthy materialist and a spiritual aware person. The western spiritual perception of this is, materialism is of a 3rd dimensional consciousness where the spiritual is of a 5th dimensional consciousness. Not sure how this works when both mentalities express the same attributes or behavioural patterns!!

A 5th dimensional consciousness is supposed to entail a consciousness to be unconditionally loving, unconditionally accepting, unconditionally compassionate, etc. What we are talking about here is levels where human consciousness evolves to. The main point here is levels, where normally with levels one level is successfully completed to go onto the next level of consciousness. What level of completion, in a 3rd dimension, is there while excluding all excessively perceived negatives from the equation? A 3rd dimensional level can't be completed unless one can embrace all as one. This is clearly not occurring and in actuality quite the opposite is occurring.

Being excessively positive is simply creating excessive negatives in the first place, to go on from this and create even more negatives isn't of a 5th dimension consciousness, it's purely of a 3rd dimensional conscious mentality. 

A 5th dimensional consciousness simply neutralises the negatives by embracing them first and foremost. Being positive has nothing to do with creating excessive negatives and more negatives overall, or, ignoring these insurmountable negatives because they are excessively negative, it's about embracing all as one.

You must understand, this age is known as the age of false prophets, this simply means an age of trickery and deceit especially upon ourselves by ourselves. If you look at the world around us, where isn't there trickery and deceitfulness? We have simply been tricked into thinking we are positive in our thinking when we are not; to someone like me this is too obvious. We are simply trying to separate ourselves to what we have perceived and critically judged as being negative, separation just simply doesn't exist within a 5th dimensional consciousness.

To put it plainly, human consciousness will not evolve to the next level of consciousness with this kind of mentality of separation, not that I believe in levels myself. Levels simply give us the perception we are not at a certain stage or level of evolving, it really is just a perception we have. To see this one must first see everything as one, if everything is as one, where are the levels? Evolving to me simply means awakening, an awakening that everything is as one no matter how much we desire to separate ourselves from what we desire not to be of. 

Does yin and yang, positive and negative exist? Yes, but the perception of how negative and positive they are is really just based on our personal perceptions, no more. To evolve from human consciousness, as we have evolved before, doesn't incorporate us to accept less and separate ourselves more from everything, it takes quite the opposite.

To a lot of spiritually aware people, posts like this are excessively negative; I have simply lost count how many times I have been called negative just by simply pointing out the obvious and truth. Labelling everything that is not of our own vibrations negative is simply not being positive, far from it. This kind of separatist mentality certainly will not lead to evolving consciously, if anything a regression of consciousness.

True positiveness isn't excessive expressions of positiveness, far from it. True positiveness is all about embracing the negatives, in turn, turning them around to become anything but excessive negatives that need to be avoided at all cost.

Fear of what is negative will only create excessive negatives to be feared even more......M G Naismith   

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Escaping From Reality

Written by Mathew Naismith

Today's present reality is all about awareness, an awareness that was once only aware to the people experiencing or involved in a specific occurrence. A good example of this is war; war was only really experienced by the people involved in war. Through today's media this is very different, we are more than ever aware of what is occurring in the world through numerous media outlets.

If we deem war and conflicts simply negative, the effects on us will be inline with how negative we have deemed the world around us to be. The more negatively we deem the world around or the more occurrences we deem negative, the more we are going to desire to escape this reality, strangely enough, a reality of awareness.

Because the reality at present is conflictive therefore simply deemed highly negative, what we will become aware of will be inline with how negative we have deemed everything not of our reality to be. I find it strange that positive people deem so much of the world today simply negative; to me this isn't a true sense of positive thinking. A true sense of positive thinking is to desist in simply deeming everything not of your own desires and personal reality to be negative.

Is everything destructive and violent negative? This seems to be the case these days; this would mean that the sun is exceptionally negative and even demonic especially considering its present solar flares. This is inline with people not just calling other people negative but toxic, is this the new wave of positive thinking? It would certainly seem so, to people like me, this kind of mentality couldn't be further from a true sense of positive thinking. In actually it's highly negative; of course this would only be the case if I used the same mentality, that everything violent and destructive was negative.

To deem everything that is violent and destructive and not of our personal desires and reality negative and even toxic, are expressions of a high degree of violence and destructiveness. A true positive person has no will or desires to destroy everything they have deemed negative; they instead accept the reality and work with it. They certainly don't try to escape it, the desire to do so simply infer a high degree of negativity, a negativity towards everything not of their own personal desires and reality.

Becoming aware within a destructive violent reality is by noway an easy thing to do; it can be most unbecoming and upsetting. The answer isn't to become ignorant to the reality you are currently influenced by; in actuality ignorance does a lot of harm and can even exasperate (worsen) the destructive violence. If we are going to ignore everything we deem negative, all this will do is exasperate destructive violence. The trick is to not simply deem anything negative not of our own personal desires, it's really this simple.

The problem the western mind has with negatives and positive is it most often looks at them as being in conflict with each other, an opposing force rather than a complimenting force. The eastern mind looks at this differently, a good example of this is again the sun, it's highly destructive and violent but it's given life and beauty to the Earth and the solar system as a whole. Imagine looking up at the sky at night and only seeing darkness, an unawareness of other star systems and planets. Imagine not being aware of an engulfing destructive violent force that could be stopped only through awareness, of course this is presently occurring.

I know what's going on over in Syria through my own research. I don't often watch TV and especially the news but while waiting for someone I watched the news. It would have been lucky if 10% of the news broadcast on Syria was correct. The problem with the main media today, which more and more people seem to becoming aware of, is it's built on lies and deception. In this case a so-called negative has created a so-called positive, an awareness of the deception of main stream media.

When did an awareness of our present reality and the truth become negative?

I completely understand, if the psyche is unable or unwilling to face the truth as it really is, it will create its own reality; this is usually accomplished by deeming all other realities negative. As anyone into psychology knows, creating your own desired reality by deeming all else negative is an unhealthy way to live; all this will do is exasperate what you are trying to escape from. Yes, within our own ignorance we might feel good and safe, safe from real reality, the problem with this is that the real reality doesn't go anywhere because we are not dealing with it, we are simply ignoring it to feed our desires.

The problem is we desire to feel good all the time; this is while existing within an existence of extremes. The sun gives life and beauty to a world but can also take it away as it will in the end of its life. Our expectations while existing in an existence of extremes is unrealistic, however, if we work with the reality we have and desist in deeming everything negative, especially what doesn't feed our desires to feel good all the times, the extremes become less extreme simply because of our expectations are not as extreme and unrealistic themselves. 

This is not going to be easy for a lot of people to understand, only because we are conditioned to unrealistic expectations, I know because I have been there. Simply ease back the perception of negative being in opposition to positive all the times, it's simply not. The unawareness today has created an awareness, action reaction, the unawareness being the action which has crested a reaction, an awareness. Just because the present reality is not of the expectations of our desires, doesn't mean the present reality is negative or even toxic, a reality we all need to escape from.

To be truly positive is to see the positives within all the negatives and to accept the negatives for what they are, an awareness simular or dissimilar to the positives. Dissimilarities are not just simply negative; in actuality they can be highly enlightening but only if we don't treat them as an extreme, in an extreme way........              

Monday 12 March 2018

Optimism - An Optimum State

Written by Mathew Naismith

Why would I state that optimism is an optimum state? We might think that optimism is a positive mental state to be in, within this perception it's the most favourable and most rewarding state to be in. I actually don't concur (agree) with this on the grounds that optimism is a positive attribute or state of mind, however, optimism is highly constructive without having to be perceived as a positive.

Optimism looks upon human consciousness holistically, this means that optimism looks upon human consciousness in conjunction with the rest of existence. Basically, human consciousness isn't separated from the environment it's a part of where's pessimism separates everything.

Human consciousness can be highly destructive and violent, when taken in reference to the environment that human consciousness exists in, human consciousness is mild within its destructiveness and violence. A good example of this is the sun, being that the sun is one of the most violent destructive energy sources in the universe, not the most destructive and violent though. It's interesting how an optimist and a pessimist perceive the environment as I will explain.  

                     Optimism; Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something

                     Pessimism; A general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things 

                     Optimum; The best, most favourable or desirable, especially under some restriction

Optimism creates rationality, a sound sense of reasoning, by confidently making reverence to its whole environment in the hope to understand it's own positioning within its existence. This is done without discounting any part of the environment for what ever reason, being it either a positive or negative perception of its environment.

Optimism takes in consideration of both negative and positive reflections, most always looking at the negatives in a favourable way or in reference to other perceived negatives. Reverence isn't made in comparison but in conjunction with. A good example of this is judging human consciousness highly negative and even toxic while excluding making reference to the rest of the environment like the sun.

The point is that optimism doesn't perceive that negatives are simply bad while at the same time making exclusions to these perceived negatives. Optimism optimistically, favourably, looks at everything with the same light, in the same value, void of separation. Perceiving that everything not of my own vibrations, my own reality, is negative or that certain forms of human consciousness are plainly negative and even toxic, is a sign of pessimism, not optimism. Pessimism irrationally looks at certain forms of human consciousness as being negative therefore bad void of making reference to the rest of the environment.

So why isn't optimism of a positive state of mind?

A positive state of mind only takes in and considers the positives while excluding what are perceived to be negative, only the positives of existence are acknowledge. You can't be of a positive mind while including the negatives, the negative state of mind or existence. The negative mind works in the same way by excluding the positives otherwise it's not of a true negative mind.

A mind set to negative or positive thinking creates a state of pessimism, all else not of its own vibrations is excluded. This sounds awfully too familiar today. To a negative mind, the positive mind is highly negative and visa-versa, this is not the same with a balanced mind because a balanced mind creates a state of optimism. Everything is seen in a favourable way through the acceptance of the whole environment the way it is, not just accepting parts of the environment we desire to be of.

Optimism is simply the middle ground between our created and perceived negatives and positives. Let's be honest here, perceptions of negatives and positives are simply perceptions, a creation brought about in the way we perceive either that be optimistically or pessimistically.

Pessimism is of both negative and positives perceptions; pessimism needs an opposing opposite to exist thus we have perceptions and creation of negatives and positives. All of a sudden numerous people are judged as being toxic, excessively negative, how optimistic is this especially in regards to what is being so critically judged and ostracised, not included? To even look at yourself as being of some kind of higher value than judged negatives is quite a dark way to exist. 

You could say that optimism is of both negative and positive energy sources working in balance, the thing is the union of negatives and positives in perfect balance negate or neutralise each other. They work as one void of separation as in the perceptions of negatives and positives.

Is it positive and optimistic to refute an obvious occurrence because it's negative? Optimism looks at the negative occurrence and tries to make the best of it, pessimism simply ignores the obvious. You can see how a true state of optimism creates a state of rationality and pessimism creates a state of irrationality. One takes in consideration of the whole picture while the other only takes in what it desires to be of, the small picture.

I really hope I have explained this better, an optimistic view........ 

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Truer Divinity

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's important to firstly define what humans define as being of divinity and what actually is of divinity. The human definition of divinity is as follow, "Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force." Seen as there is no need or desire to change anything through control in a true state of divinity, to me, this very human definition of divinity isn't correct within it's entirety.

In a true state of divinity, there is simply no supernatural energy source or force because everything is as one; this however changes for any other state outside of this state of divinity that will, quite naturally, perceive states of divinity as supernatural and controlling. All this means is, any consciousness that has to take control of anything in any sense is not a true depiction of a state of divinity, there is simply no need or desire of taking control in this state.

We are simply conditioned to believe there are supernatural forces, and that taking control of ourselves and the environment around us is supernatural or spiritually connected, a state beyond the human state of consciousness. Only when we start to perceive beyond human perception of divinity, will we truly be of this state in one sense or another in my mind.

Yes, it's quite natural for any consciousness that perceives itself as being of a lesser value or worthiness, to have the perception of supernatural forces or sources above all other forces or sources. There is simply no above or below in this state of divinity, even vibrations have no definitive differentiations, as within this state of divinity there is no subjective definitive conjecturing through participation, only objective observations.

Yes, someone who is empathic, for example, will of course feel a difference within their environment; this is very human as it's very human not to feel like this about our environment, this is simply being human. There is nothing wrong with being human by the way; being human is simply but another way to exist, this is all.

Within this human state as an empath, the vibrations we feel as being out of tune or discordant with our own vibrations is real, this is simply to do with how we are conditioned to perceive therefore feel. Our own perceptions have everything to do with how we feel or what kind of vibrations we are sensitive to.

As we become more of this state of divinity, part of the process is feeling these vibrations in the way we do around us. These vibrations will feel discordant with our own, however, as we become more of this state of true divinity, these feelings simply just fade away. In actuality, within this state you are able to enter into any other state without being affected of influenced by these states. This means you will not feel bad or even good vibrations as their are no subjective definitive conjecturing through participation, only objective observations.

Now, while in this state of divinity, isn't it deliberate self-deception not feel these very real discordant vibrations within other state of existence?

Subjective means, "Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias". There is simply no bias within this state of divinity to begin with, there is also nothing definitive as there are no limitations. Because there is no bias, there is also no conjecturing for to conjecture is to perceive through suppositions, a state of supposing to a state of guessing while in a state outside a state of divinity. There is simply no state of suppositions within a state of divinity as everything is as one. Within this state, you became more of an observer rather than a participator, this of course doesn't mean you can't try to influence your environment you are existing in, in actuality, this is exactly what you are meant to do in my mind.

Once you get past the process of subjective definitive conjecturing through participation, only then will you stop feeling or not feeling bad or good, negative or positive vibrations, empath or not. Simply recondition your mind from judging or even observing what is or isn't bad or good, negative or positive, it is really this simple.

It's true, every other state, outside this state of divinity, perceives and feels completely different about there environment they are experiencing than in a state of divinity. To a consciousness that is conditioned to perceive in separatist way, comprehending and understanding this state of divinity will be hard to do, this is simply to do with perceiving in separatist ways as good and bad, negative and positive while being subjective and  definitive in our conjecturing through participation.

My advice is, sit back and simply observe your environment while trying not to label everything as good and bad, negative and positive. Yes, this takes a bit of an effort but you simply won't be apart of this state of divinity if you don't do this in my mind. Of course if you don't want or need to be of this state of divinity, even to some degree as I believe I am, you simply don't have to. In saying this, I think it's become more of a need than a desire these days to become of some part of this state of divinity in my mind, as they say, the ball is in our court, what we do with it is up to us.......

Ah, one more thing, this is very important, there is no such thing as a supernatural force, source or phenomena within a state of divinity as everything is indeed observed and perceived as one.

By the way, as of anything I write, there is no plagiarising as has been suggested, unless I use material from another source, in this case I always make reference to the source of material used in my posts.                          

Monday 15 May 2017

The Lies of Positive Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is another interesting read on positive thinking that was sent to me.

Why “positive thinking” won’t help you out

Osho: “The philosophy of positive thinking means being untruthful; it means being dishonest. It means seeing a certain thing and yet denying what you have seen; it means deceiving yourself and others.”

Henry Ford: But Henry Ford’s logic was clear.
"No. I do not believe in any philosophy of positive thinking."

Consider this; the more positive you are, the more negative everything is that isn't positive to the same level or degree. In actuality, excess passivity creates more negatives, not less; this is another reason why many ancient teachings teach balance. Of course, a true sense of balance isn't the balance of excesses but of moderation, this means there is less of a difference between positive and negative. Within this, neither creates an opposing extreme to itself thus in turn creating less negativity/positively.

Positive thinking is also in line with love and light, how many more negatives are created through excessive perceptions of love and light? How many more people do people of love and light judge as being negative compared to themselves? Considering love and light is based on positive thinking to oppose negative thinking, the dark, it's quite understandable that love and light will create more negatives. This isn't saying that love and light is bad or negative, but love and light can create negatives or be destructive. However, if used in a balanced way, love and light is very constructive, this simply isn't presently occurring in my mind.

To my readers, anything that teaches excessiveness/extremism, avoid at all cost, one excess will always create an opposing excess to the same degree/level, it's wise to be aware of this. Instead, embrace teachings that teach balance and moderation. Even better, condition yourself to not judge everything as a positive or negative, as always considering our preconditioning, this is easier said than done but plausible. 

I keep receiving messages like this and channeled messages saying to moderate the way we use love and light and positive thinking, however, it would seem that we are simply not listening to the whispers. I don't think we should allow it to get to the stage we have to be yelled at though. People like me, and far wiser people like Osho, are the whisperers; please listen to the whisperers who express moderation and balance, the reality that will be created otherwise isn't worth experiencing in my mind.  

Monday 6 February 2017

Right and Wrong - Positive and Negative

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before I get into the right and wrongs we create as religions, I would like to broach on the topic of inspiration, even of a guru.

I went through a stage where I did not need inspiration from anyone as I inspired myself. I then entered a stage in my life where other worldly wise and aware people inspired me; at this stage, I did call certain people gurus as they did at times inspire me to the depth of guru. I then came to a very silly stage where I listened to external forces that said gurus, inspiring wise people, were just being expressive of ego. This stage did not last long, today; many people inspire me these days.

What is frightening these days is there seems to be more and more groups cropping up slamming anyone who expresses wisdom and awareness. It is as if you are not allowed to inspire other people in ways that are not of other people's structured beliefs. You certainly cannot be seen as having experienced more than these people in any sense of the word, in this case you are often labelled egotistical and that you are not my guru or far worse.

We seem to have entered a stage where we think, void of actual experiences, we are just as wise and aware as anyone, within this belief, we don't need to be inspired by anyone else, this is unless the inspiration is in accordance with our own views that is. If you are going to be inspiring and wise, it must be within their right as opposed to your right even if you do not live by a right. Actually, if you do not live by a right, this is worse than living by an opposing right; you are seen as not being right at all and are often treated as such.

I wrote the following for a particular group, it is about being void of right and wrongs, good and bad, negative and positive. It is a state of being, not just void of wrongs (negatives), but also a state of being void of rights (positives). We need to be honest with ourselves, as soon as we talk about a positive; we are talking about a right, an absolute.                  

You get to a point where, as of wrong and rights, love, light and positivity, are no longer needed. Love, light and positivity are highlighted for a very good reason, this often occurs in a chaotic existence.

As there are no wrong and rights, there will be no true or excessive positivity and negativity either. The yin is no longer seen as indifferent to yang, within this, all wrong and rights, positive and negative, are neutralised.

Trying to live by the yang void of the yin, negates the yang's purpose of existing in the end, both must be embraced thus neutralised.

It is often asked of me why I embrace so-called unbecoming people, negative people, why don't I feel their negative vibrations?

Once you neutralise positive and negatives, wrong and rights, bad and good, these so called negative vibrations no longer exist. You no longer need a positive (right) to negate negatives (wrong), they simply do not exist as they are no longer needed.

The neutralising of positive (right) and negative (wrong) is pure bliss, everything else is only a perception of this bliss.

However, love, light and positivity, can be a stepping to this neutralisation, but only if we do not become too attached though. I cannot wait for the time we no longer need love and light and positivity in our lives any more. I think human consciousness needs to evolve from these wrong and rights.

We tend to attach ourselves to a certain right, what ever that may be, and turn it into another religion, another be and end all. We then talk about that there are no right or wrongs but then talk in positives and love and light, but another right!!

In a reality of natural chaos, it is understandable that we attach ourselves to these rights, in doing so though; we often box ourselves into another religion, another right. This action of course adds to the chaos even though we are in relative peace in accordance to our right. We create another right often in opposition to other created rights, collectively; it is obvious this is only going to add to the collective chaos.

To exist in peace within an existence of natural chaos, we need to stop adding to this chaos with another right. We need to detach ourselves from these right and wrongs completely to bring real peace and harmony, instead of doing this, we create another right!! 

The funny thing is, it is natural do act in this way in a reality of chaos. The universe was created through chaos, this is it's natural state, we need to exist in this kind of existence more wisely in my mind.

I would like to further add to this, it is impossible for a true observer to perceive in right and wrongs of any kind, only a participator is able to perceive like this, or, an observer of one's own participation can perceive like this too, be it to a much lesser extreme. The less of a participator we become, the less we naturally perceive in right and wrongs. The middle ground here is being able to observe your own participation in life, this allows us to perceive void of extreme right and wrongs. Within this action, we are able to quell the chaos in a naturally chaotic existence. In my mind, we are not supposed to totally be of an observer while in a natural environment of chaos, this is unnatural to this kind of environment, but we can quell the chaos we experience.

In this case, quelling means to neutralise, you still have a right and wrong, yin and yang, but they are in harmony or balance with each other; there are no extreme expressions of these rights and wrongs.

Freedom can only comes through releasing ourselves from extremes expressions we so often attach ourselves to.    

Thursday 2 February 2017

But Another Fear Based Existence!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have been busy communicating with a number of different people again. I often get out of my comfort zone like this, which of course makes me even more appreciative of my comfort zone. This also allows me to observe different views and actions, my own views and actions are a little mundane at times to me.

The following is an interesting reply I received on the discussion of being overly positive. I am also going to insert links to other sources that explain why positive thinking is not all it's cracked up to be, they are certainly worth browsing through in my mind.

There is a difference between living with rose coloured glasses in order to avoid looking at the hard ourselves, and finding balance enough that we can distance ourselves and not get pulled into drama, including our own. We do need to acknowledge those aspects of self, allow ourselves to feel those emotions we like to avoid, before we are able to release them.

My Reply:
We do need to acknowledge these negative aspects and in the process neutralize them. Having fear of negativity, ego and judgment, is not neutralizing anything, it is running way from them.

When it gets to a stage when balance views become negative, I think this is taking positive thinking way too far. To this excess (extreme) is when positive thinking becomes destructive and highly judgmental in my mind.

Honestly, it's all based on fear, I thought we were supposed to distance ourselves from fear based existences, not just create yet another slightly different fear based existence than what we are experiencing at present!!

Take my dreams for instance; they have at times been quite traumatic. If I did not face these horrid negatives face on, I would be still in fear of them. The world around us is like our dreams, face what is going on and neutralise them, do not just judge them as negative and ignore them.

In all, if we want to create another fear based existence, we are going the right way about it. Fancy having fear in talking about the atrocities in the world in fear of being negative. Observe what is truly going on but at the same time avoid being a participator as much as possible. 

I do not get this mentality, more is better especially if it is positive, when is enough not enough? Take Donald Trump for instance, he will never obtain enough power and money to serve his desires like any multinational, these people are on a treadmill they are unable or unwilling to get off. To these people, it is exceptionally positive to keep trying to obtain more money and power; there will never be enough, is this any different to positive thinking? To be honest, of course it is not because if a bit is beneficial, more has to be even more beneficial and on and on it goes.

As people like Donald Trump obviously fear being poor and powerless, spiritually positive people obviously also fear negatives, so more of a good thing as being positive has to be more beneficial!!

Once we start limiting our own consciousness to fears and the attachments to more has to be better, all we will create is more of the same, albeit in a different format.

Yes, it is predicted that man's consciousness will evolve into a more loving caring consciousness, however, this will occur naturally void of fearing so called negatives of the world. I could not stress to my readers more, please do not be drawn into an existence that is still based on fear and lies, especially if it feels all worm and fluffy. Yes, by all means take in this love and oneness but please don't do this in ignorance of our present condition. My advice is to not look at negatives as being negative or positives as being positive, and please don't get to a point where balance is just seen as negative.

As I stated to certain people recently, "The only thing balance is limiting of is extremes. The reason for this lies in that extremes are highly limiting. Balance has no true limitations accept to these limitations, makes perfect sense to me."

Free yourself of this fear and never get into an existence based on any kind of fear of who we are at present, this also means not fearing being limited either!!

Extract: It turns out there’s some science behind my feelings: A look at the research reveals positive thinking isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, researchers are asking: What if embracing so-called “negative” states like failure, pessimism, insecurity, and uncertainty actually has a positive outcome?