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Saturday 8 April 2017

The Creations of Perceptions.

The perception of ascension takes
our focus away from being ascended

There is no ascension, only the ascended

In actuality, to be ascended means there
was an ascension process to begin with

So the very perception of ascension or the
ascended is counteractive as the  
perception of existence as a whole
 is a counteractive response to ascension
and the ascended self  

It is what it is.......

~Mathew G~

The perception of death is a lack of awareness
As is most thing in life......
~Mathew G~

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Balance - A Key to Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Love is unable to exist without a true sense of peace, the more peace we are in, the more of love we become, basically, peace creates a sense of love, they certainly go hand in hand.

Now, peace is unable to exist without balance, look at how non-peaceful this reality is and how imbalanced it is. All imbalances create disharmony as all balances create harmony (peace).

What this means is a true sense of love is about balance and peace; love is unable to exist within the same space as imbalance and disharmony, try hating or expressing disharmony in a true state of love, it's impossible.

It is said in certain philosophies/ideologies that love has no opposite, why then is hate or disharmony unable to exist within the same space as a true sense of love? Of course the opposite of hate is love as well. The ego wants to believe love has no opposite but there is a reason for this kind of reasoning by the ego.

Consider the yin and yang symbol. Negative and positive is shown as one in the same space. To the modern western human mind that is dominated by the ego, this symbol quite clearly shows that negative and positive can indeed exist within the same space.

Waite a minute, the yin and yang symbol illustrates that negative and positive are in unison and in perfect balance with each other, this perfect balance neutralises the effects of both negative and positive. If we were to separate the yin and the yang, the positive and negative, we would have an imbalance with the negative being unable to exist within the same space as the positive and visa-versa.

Now consider the view point of an ancient eastern mind. I should point out; in ancient times there was very little difference between western and eastern minds, there is however a huge difference between ancient minds and modern westernized minds. Because the world is dominated by the westernized ego mind, we presume there is little difference between western and eastern minds; this could not be further from the truth.

As was pointed out to me by a Hindu from India, ancient Hindu philosophy and Greeks philosophy have a lot in common, however, there is a huge difference between the modern western mind and ancient philosophies.

The modern mind segregates everything even when shown that all can be of one while in perfect balance. The modern mind seems to be conditioned to imbalances where the ancient mind is conditioned to balance.

What a lot of modern minds seems to have done is mistaken a pure blissful state for a state of unconditional love, we have in turn become fixated to love. All fixations refer to an existence based on fear. How many people fear having this love taken away from them or threatened in any sense? The critical adverse reactions people like me receive, quite clearly shows that we have replaced one fear based existence with another. At no point should any true state of love (bliss) express fear in any sense.

What created or recreated this love in the first place? An imbalance and disharmony, the love expressed by the modern human mind is in reaction to this but the ancient mind isn't.

Buddhism refers to this blissful state as nothingness or pure awareness, both are correct and do not contradict each other. Hinduism refers to this state as zero point or God (creator) as many ideologies and philosophies do, the difference being, is the views in relation to the ego and how this state is expressed.

In recent time's, instead of my writings coming from channelling, they have at times been coming through my dreams as direct messages. What is peculiar is that there is no definition or labelling or form, these messages seem to be coming from nothingness. For the ego (modern) mind to comprehend anything, it needs definition like a name of form, I have to admit though, most often my ego mind could not comprehend these messages from nothingness, last night was different. This nothingness will feel like pure bliss to us, or as the ego mind sees it, love.

My writings are not well received and are incomprehensible to more a and more people. As what has been pointed out to me a number of times by various people, my writings are beyond most people's comprehension, only because most people become fixated to one part of the process or another while becoming aware.

So what is the point of my writings? I am channelling and receiving messages in my dreams for a purpose, I also need to write them down as they are, this means I will not insert words like love in every sentence, this would be rather deceitful of me, of course deceit relates to fear.

It would seem I am a guide to those who need to go beyond all fixations and fear based existences. Instead of fixating ourselves to love being the absolute and ultimate state, focus on this bliss, this nothingness or zero point that has no need of love which is ego created. This state is bliss for there is no need of love to counteract disharmony.

This state is hard to explain because there is no definition to this state, considering this, be aware that the ego mind will not be able to comprehend this state without giving it some kind of definition or form like love. Like I said, there are certain people in the world that need to go beyond these fixations, go beyond the perceptions of absolutes and ultimate states, however, there are a lot of people who probably just need to stop at this process of the perception of love. My writings are certainly not for these people, not these days.

As of many ancient ideologies express, balance is the key, not just to love but beyond the perceptions of love. For some, try to feel and think void of definition and form. For others, try not to become too fixated to one process or another while becoming aware.

Note: As always, if what I have written offends you or you are upset by them, I apologise but you must look within you to why. If you are honest and unbiased, you will most likely find your reactions are fear based, it is wise to be aware of this.....:)       

Sunday 2 April 2017

Love, The Nullifier

Mathew Naismith

With a true sense of being love, you are able to be in any situation and circumstance and still be within this love. This kind of love simply nullifies or neutralises all other effects of existence and being.

Within this love, no other way of existing can exist, this is why some people can just simply walk into a disharmonious situation and immediately influence these situations to become more passive.  

What isn't a true sense of being love is when you have to avoid judged and at times critically judge judged negative situations or people. This kind of judgment is brought about by dissimulating everything instead of simulating everything including the judged negative from the positives. Judging yourself to be positive is dissimulating, not simulating.

Dissimulating; negatives from positives is separatism that creates realities primarily based on duality. Dissimulating naturally creates disconnectedness and dissension.    

Simulating; negatives and positives is dependency that creates realities primarily based on non-duality. Simulating naturally creates union and harmony.

A true sense of being love, not just thinking you are love, automatically nullifies dissension without effort. If we have to make an effort either to avoid or become deliberately unaware (ignorant) of anything, especially the things we critically judged negative, this isn't a true sense of being love.

It is simply wise not to judge, especially critically, negatives too harshly for all this creates is more dissension, not less. I have observed numerous people who just feel love do just this. My love to these people is to make them aware of this for all they are doing is adding to dissension and separatism, not creating union and harmony.  

I have been lucky enough to come across a few genuine loving people in my time, one nearly brought me down to my knees only because I was not conditioned to this kind of energy at the time.

I know of few people who are actually in situations that other people who only feel love would critically judge negative, you will often find these people in a so called negative situation. The reason for this is simple, they firstly don't critically judge negative situations and ignore or avoid them, in actuality they are attracted to these situation because this is where they are most needed.

In my own view, it is wise to avoid any group who is just feeling love to being this love until you find yourself being of this love. Once you are being of this love, the dissension created by these people will be nullified, only at this point is it wise to integrate with these people and situations. It is especially unwise for an empath to integrate in these kinds of separatist situations, mentalities and existences, until they are being of love, not just feeling love.

It's not easy times, especially for an empath who feels what is going on within their environment. Within these times, we will be attracted to anything that nullifies or neutralises this environment in some way, it is however wise to be aware of anything that is into separatism or fear in anyway.

A person who is being love, even though it might not seem that way at first because they are in a judged negative situation, will willingly go into a judged negative situation, not avoid it at all costs.

You know when you are being this love when you can put yourself into any situation void of critical judgment. I have integrated with very few people on the net who are like this, it's very uncommon sadly enough, we are just plainly too critically judgmental and we are in observation getting worse.

I think to a lot of western minded people, what I have written here is going to be incomprehensible, most probably deliberately sadly enough. We in the west simply think differently, if it's a judged negative, avoid it at all costs.

For myself, I often balance out my being love with other ways of existing, for no way of existing is any more or less worthy of experiencing. Yes, this includes just feeling love and creating even more separatism, what do you think we are all here for? As many true people of being love do, I often put myself within a different existence and situation but my mentality stays of being of love, it's simply impenetrable, this is why people like me are able to do what we do, even while being critically judged by so many people on the net.        

Friday 31 March 2017


Written by Mathew Naismith

Wisdom is the observer of awareness's participation.

~Mathew G~

To become aware, even of your own awareness, is participation.
Awareness is the participator in life; it's the creator of all human developments.

To become wise, even of your own participation, is observation.
Wisdom is the observer of life; it's the observer of all developments.

Wisdom gives the awareness's participation balance within its motions, in turn, creating a more harmonious existence.

Where awareness will often only become aware therefore a participator of the dissimilarities or similarities, wisdom is the observer of both dissimilarities and similarities; this is where the balance lays.  

Thursday 30 March 2017

Good News for the Aware and Wise

Written by Mathew Naismith

I recently had a good friend of mine share an article with me that they recently themselves came across, it's to do with a hypnotised woman describing the upcoming changes in the world. I will insert the link to this article. Of course the most bizarre and incomprehensible points relate to my own writings going back to my first blog in 2011, and even to one of my first posts titled vibrations alive. Vibration alive relate to everything is alive in one sense or another; all is of one consciousness even while being expressed and experienced as a separate consciousness.

How can a rock or a pen be alive for example?

Physicality: Because we are conditioned to 3rd dimensional thinking and that we perceive primarily through physicality, a focus on the satisfaction of physical drives and appetites, we presume this is what all physical realities are like. In actuality, our perception and experience of our kind of 3rd dimensional physical being is minuscule compared to what is really of physical being. To us, everything alive means being of a biological form, all other forms other than biological is not alive and of non-conscious relatives, this is basically why many people cannot perceive the mind existing void of a physical brain.

We relate that all biological form is alive but we don't even relate that all biological form is of a kind of consciousness, in turn, our own relative thinking is limited to certain perspectives of what is and isn't alive and/or of a consciousness.

However, the good news is for anyone who is aware and also wise, our comprehension of everything being of a consciousness and alive, will come within the process of our own consciousness evolving from human consciousness. Yes that is right, human conscious will not evolve, we will instead evolve from human consciousness. Human consciousness is naturally limited to certain perspectives and perceptions; this is what makes human consciousness human. Our perceptions of a higher and/or a God like consciousness, was to assist in human consciousness becoming less destructive, for the collective consciousness as a whole, this clearly didn't occur.

How many people into spirituality today have a disdain for religion for example? Religion had/has a purpose which it lost and found many times over, particularly in the west and parts of the east. The purpose of religion was to keep us connected to this God consciousness, basically, to balance out the ignorance and limitations of human consciousness with an unlimited consciousness. Today, atheism/Zionism is in control of the physical world, and we wonder why the world is in a mess, a lot of us have obviously simply lost this connection. Even a lot of spiritually aware people have lost this connection through their disdain and judgment of negatives like religion; many of these people even have disdain of the expressions of balance!!  

Yin and Yang: Let's look at the yin and yang symbol, it represents pure balance in that yin is apart of yang as yang is apart of yin. I should state I am not advocating Taoism here, I think the yin and yang symbol is a perfect representation of pure harmonious balance that is all. What this means is there is no separation between good and bad, light and dark, negative and positive and even love and hate. How many of us only desire to become aware of the dissimilarities of love and hate? Within perceiving like this, all we will create is even more separation, not less, and we still wonder why the world is still in mess. We have separated the yin and yang by only desiring to become aware of the dissimilarities of all judged negatives and positives. Actually, the similarities between, for example love and hate, are insurmountable, of course you will only want or be able to acknowledge this if you also become aware of their similarities which far outweigh their dissimilarities.

I find it strange that an intelligent being hasn't even worked out the importance of the yin and yang symbol. I think we are only intelligent in the areas we desire to be intelligent in, of course our bias for the yin and yang symbol might have something to do with this, it's after all of another ideology/philosophy. The separation expressed within this human consciousness is incredible through bias and only desiring to be aware of the dissimilarities between everything, not the similarities. The wise always look for the similarities while being aware at the same time of the dissimilarities. The dissimilarities never become a bias for the wise.     

Contradictions: Many would say that it's unintelligent, and even hypocritical, to believe in one thing one moment and something quite the opposite in the next moment. Within a reality of motion, therefore a depiction of an active existence, a finite existence, I know of many people to change their minds, for example, one year they don't believe in climate change and the next year they do, which is usually spurred on by becoming more aware void of bias.

One moment people like me are stating it's wise to become aware of being the observer, motionless, rather than a participator, the next moment we are participating which causes motion. Only through contradiction can a consciousness evolve, becoming fixated to an idea or an ideology or a particular type of philosophy, is not evolving. Contradiction allows one's own consciousness to evolve; this perception was endorsed by an 80 odd year old yoga teacher/friend of mine.

Expect to be contradictive when connecting our passive existence with an active existence. We can be contradictive in an active existence; we of course are going to be more contradictive at times when connecting these two existences. Simply allow yourself to evolve void of critical judgment.    

I am actually talking about a contradiction in terms of the yin and yang here in perfect balance and harmony, not a contradiction in terms of separation or the awareness only of the dissimilarities of all things. To put it simply, there is no separation between being the observer and a participator, only when there is separation, through only being aware of the dissimilarities between these two, can we become truly contradictive. Basically, contradicting yourself, especially through being aware of the similarities of all things, is not just intelligent but a wise thing to do. Contradictions in this sense just shows how wise a person has become, however, if I was to contradict myself while only desiring to be aware of the dissimilarities, this isn't a sign of wisdom for their is no wisdom in extremes and imbalances or bias.

As it's going to be impossible for a lot of people to comprehend the present consciousness shift, what I have written here is going to be incomprehensible. My best advice is, try to condition yourself to become aware of the similarities of all things. We have simply become too conditioned to desiring to become aware of the dissimilarities within all things. Only through these extreme separations have we created the reality we have today.

Only through being wise can we be truly free of our created encumbrances.......                        

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Reality Changing!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I once walked into a barroom situation and completely passively and instantly changed the atmosphere. I did not do this purposely because I try not to interfere or change other people's environments, this would be like forcing my own environment onto others.
Today, I am more mindful in how I interact with other people's environments.

So what is so wrong in changing a non-passive environment to a passive environment?

There is nothing wrong in doing this; it's what humans naturally do in accordance within their own environment. An environment to me represents a person's path in life, has anyone the right to change or influence another person's path especially without consent? What abut the collective human journey as a whole, has anyone the right to change this from its present status.

The opposite of passive is active, we might then presume within this that passive is positive therefore active is negative. So it's alright to change an active (negative) to a positive, but it's not alright to change a passive (positive) to a negative!!

Passive = Positive + motionless

Active = Negative + motion

Humans naturally influence each others paths without consent, either is be passively or actively, but of course passively influencing and even changing other people's paths is more acceptable!!  

Well there you go, I couldn't go on with this post at this point for the reason set out below. I received the following reply in regards to my last post while I was writing this post.  


Our species has ruined our humanity with so many delusional bias opinions... If our species continues to add more delusional unconscious thoughts were heading down a very bad road...

My Reply

What I find strange is that a lot of new age spiritually aware people believe in the hundred monkey theory, where one hundred monkeys influence the rest of the monkeys in the world to become passive in nature.

Children from birth naturally express an unconditional love and/or acceptance, for example, people of other cultures and races without bias or prejudice.

If the hundred monkey theory is correct, why haven't these millions of children influenced a consciousness to become more passive and accepting in nature?

Where you have an already established environment that is conducive to an active mentality as opposed to a passive mentality, and that you then have billions of people who are active by nature, going by the monkey theory, the active is going to win out all the times. The monkey theory actually works but in reverse to what a lot of people think in my mind, this is so evident.

A lot of spiritually aware people are delusional because they exist in a disillusioned environment of an imbalance of active intentions. This delusion that the hundred monkery theory is going to work in a passive way is fraudulent. However, it is natural for a disillusioned consciousness to become delusional; it's actually a very good copping mechanism psychologically, but it's also a lie.

Both active and passive intentions naturally create delusions and lies, but a balance of the two naturally create real realities and truths.  If you look around the world today, it's full of extremes, there is very little balance expressed.  Where there is no balance, there is naturally going to be no wisdom. 


So why can a person like me, go into an active situation and instantly passively change an environment when there are more monkeys that are active?

How many spiritually aware people would critically judge that a barroom situation is negative, especially if it's noisy, abusive, drunkard, aggressive, smelly and so forth? Drinking alcohol is critically judged as a negative to start with. How can you change an environment you have disdain for and/or try to avoid at every level?

To change any environment, especially an active environment, you must first desist in disdain and critical judgement of an environment you want to change. I however stay away from changing other people's environment/paths unless called upon to do so; even then I consider that the soul has a different idea to what the human has of their path. What we are going through has as collective consciousness is part of the process; interfering with this process isn't warranted in my mind, not at this point. We are simply still way too critical, actually, we seem to be spiritually critical more than ever it would seem.

Look at it this way, a highly active barroom situation is normal for an active consciousness and a highly active consciousness is naturally destructive. Once you accept this, only then can you begin to change an environment.

Why then don't the millions of children, who are not critical with their judgment, influence this reality to become more passive?

It matters not how old a body and brain is that a consciousness resides in is, all consciousness is the same while passive, non-active. Basically, all motionless consciousness is of the same exact consciousness, only while experiencing active consciousness is there a difference. Children from birth are being conditioned to active consciousness while existing in an active environment; their focus is on active consciousness, not inactive or passive consciousness.

If the majority of children were brought up in a passive environment, you would soon see a change. The powers at be are doing everything to keep this reality active, coaxing us to critically judge even at the spiritual level is certainly apart of this conditioning.  

Sunday 26 March 2017

A Natural Process of Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Throughout the ages, it is obvious that human consciousness is about awareness, spirituality, science and philosophy, are prime examples of our desire to be aware. Even human instincts are about being aware, it is actually our human instincts that inspire us to become aware of our environment.

Because human consciousness is plagued by a controlling ego, unlike many other conscious entities, our instincts have become self-centred and destructive, in actuality, our instincts have become our nemesis. When a consciousness becomes self-destructive to the point of causing misery and death, it's a sure sign that this kind of a consciousness is a nemesis onto itself. Of course it is obvious that human consciousness has always been a nemesis onto itself, however, intelligence void of wisdom has exasperated or hugely added to this dilemma. 

We have come to the point of the post where a lot of people would say I am just being negative; we need to be only focused on the positive to create a more constructive reality. The problem with this is, at no point in human history has this kind of approach worked, in actuality; it has created quite the opposite as is obvious today. Extreme actions and denial or ignorance does not create constructive realities; my own instincts/awareness tells me this.

It is wise to be aware that instincts are not necessarily about awareness as a whole, especially when instincts are primarily controlled by the ego. In this case, instincts are only about the desire and fear, for example, a desire for more wealth and power or of only being of a higher stature spiritually. Human consciousness so easily limited by these desires because it is plagued by the a controlling ego, of course if we were truly aware, we would realise that human consciousness doesn't have to be plagued in this way. Of course to be aware of this takes wisdom to realise this in the first place. For a consciousness that has obviously shunned wisdom in place of intelligence, this realisation is virtually going to be impossible, unless human consciousness is awakened to this.

The natural process of awareness for a controlling ego is to only be aware of what serves the ego first and foremost; this is the natural instincts of an ego in control. An ego not in control has completely different instincts which are usually influenced by a true sense of awareness and wisdom. Take away the natural instincts of a controlling ego, what you are left with, and quite naturally without effort, is wisdom and a true sense of awareness void of any ignorance what so ever.

We often make the mistake in trying to avoid the negatives and ego altogether, when in actuality all we have to do is become truly aware, and not just aware of what serves our controlling egos. The process of becoming truly aware naturally and automatically naturalises the effects of a controlling egos instincts, and yes, it is a natural instinct for a controlling ego to be destructive. We are presently worldwide going through a natural process in accordance with a controlling egos instinct; we are also experiencing what our truer being is aware of. All of what we are experiencing is what our truer being is aware of; our present experiences are not as negative as we might think.

What we are going through could well be the start of a golden age for man, in the end looking back from this age, we won't be as judgmentally harsh of the negatives as we are now of our present reality. Not all that is negative will create more negatives; more often than not these negatives prove to be very positive, and, more often than not the positives create negatives; materialism is a prime example of this and so is our self-preservation which seems to be prevalent at present.

We have always been apart of wisdom and awareness, it's like the spirit within all things is always present no matter how much we become unaware of this spirit. Basically, wisdom and awareness is this spirit within all things. It's an energy flow or source, like energy itself, that can never be destroyed but unlike energy that can be changed, this spirit within all things can't be changed or even discarded. However, a consciousness can become that unaware or even deliberately ignorant to this spirit that it can become highly destructive and corrupt in every sense. Take away the ignorance of the spirit within all things; all you are left with is awareness and wisdom which has always been present.

People like me are now being censored because we tend to tell it how it is and we think for ourselves. The last thing a consciousness wants you to do, that is created using ignorance as a platform of existing, is think for yourself and talk about a better way of existing. What we are basically talking about here is a system that is based on fear. How many people fear losing any part of their material possessions or fear being singled out by the creators of this kind of fear based system of existence? Of course keeping a consciousness ignorant of its spirit helps keep a consciousness in fear, especially considering that the spirit within all things is fearless.

A state of pure awareness and wisdom, the spirit within all things, has nothing to fear. The more we become unaware of this spirit, the more we fear for only in ignorance can a consciousness express fear.

Yes, fear is a natural state for a consciousness to express when living in ignorance of it's truer being, however, fearlessness is also a natural state for a consciousness to express as well while being of it's truer self. The truer self being this spirit within all things that can never be changed by any other force as this state is infinite within its being. Of course what this means is that anything not of our truer being is finite in nature, this of course makes perfect sense because fear is highly limiting therefore transitory. Being that the spirit within all things is infinite in nature, which is a reflection of our truer being, it stands to reason why a consciousness in this state wouldn't exist in fear. 

It is wise to realise that the present human consciousness is expressive of a natural process of ignorance. This consciousness in a state of ignorance is naturally doing what it's suppose to do, however, at no time are we truly imprisoned by this kind of consciousness, not when you realise that our truer being is infinite in nature. No matter how a consciousness existing in ignorance tries to destroy or change this spirit, even within itself, there is no way it can. All it can do is try to influence a state of consciousness to become unaware which leads to a consciousness existing in fear.

In a true sense, we have nothing to fear, only in truly realising this can we free ourselves of fear based existences. No matter what occurs within this reality, we have nothing to fear, and yes, it is this simple. Consider what you have to lose to start with, our life and our possessions, which are finite therefore transitory in nature to begin with, but you will never lose you spirit, your truer infinite being no matter what.