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Showing posts with label passive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passive. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 October 2021

The Rise of Passive Consciousness

 Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, I recently watched a young person explain how the masses are being duped. Yes, it is easier for so many people to live in fear than to face fear, as with accepting a lie than facing the truth.

Is it easier living in fear, like under communism or fascism, inhumanity as a whole?

How hard is it for many people to face their own fears and traumas? Today, just take a pill for depression due to not being able to face fears and deal with traumas. Watch the idiot box, TV, and feel elated from a state of a little less elation. Take everything away from the people, now make them happy by giving them a piece of bread. They say you will be happy owning nothing, which includes your own thoughts, even if you are a millionaire!!

Even though I am involved in human traumas, I can still sense a state of great conscious passiveness is becoming a lot more apparent, a catalyst that has been inadvertently created by excessive chaos, fear and aggravation. I am quite involved in human trauma but even I can in this state sense this, which means this state of passiveness is becoming more influential.

Sadly, often a consciousness that is asleep needs a nightmare to wake up to the nightmare they have been living in all along.

Imagine for a moment that people won't even think of speeding on roads due to caring for other people on the road. Imagine governments putting the people and the country before political and material gains. Imagine a reality were abuse is impossible, where abuse won't even come into people's minds. Imagine not being able to live in fear. Sounds like a fantasy or of another reality apart from human reality!!

Yes, it sounds like I am sensing another realities conscious passiveness, which is very possible for many of us to do, but as many of us are also able to do, sense the behind the scene changes occurring in human reality, to human consciousness.

It would seem a great catalyst is concurring, a catalyst that was brought on by the very same thing that is trying to avert such a catalyst occurring. In reaction to a rise in the influence of passive consciousness, the aggressive chaotic side to human consciousness has inadvertently created the very same situation it is trying to eradicate. In the process of a very aggressive eradication, a certain opposite effect has also been created. When you shut of all the lights and leave one light shining, what is more prominent, the dark or the light? We are of course talking about a light that can't be extinguished or eradicated. Yes, this light can as a whole become extinguished from human consciousness, but not from consciousness as a whole.

We are not just of human consciousness, therefore we are governed by a consciousness beyond the control of human consciousness. Yes, many of us can be coerced into believing we are just of human consciousness, therefore the light can be extinguished if we allow it to be, but at no time are we just of human consciousness, as this aggressive chaotic part of human consciousness wants us to believe.

So, many of us will probably die or become coerced before this passive consciousness starts making a physical difference, in the process creating a state of fear. Like technical drawings, where a long process of thought, planning and then of drawing commences before construction, consciousness overall often takes a while to become physical as well.

Imagine living again when this passive consciousness becomes the most influential consciousness of human consciousness, what you sacrificed in a previous life will feel well worth it. As I am predicting myself, those who live another life within this passive human consciousness, will be noted as being pioneers of this passive consciousness. The harder this aggressive chaotic human consciousness pushes, the catalyst is, the more likely that a new age of passive human conscious is likely to eventuate. No, they have no idea of this otherwise they wouldn't push so hard, but be glad they are.

Note that anything I have stated here may not be true, but to someone like me most likely true considering the circumstances.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

The Higher Realms

Written by Mathew Naismith

It's been unusually quiet recently in regards to channelling and messages coming through me, actually, a good friend of mine has also noticed how quiet it has been for them as well. Is this the quiet before the storm?

All quiet moments create different realities and/or perceptions, basically a change in consciousness or a shift in consciousness. As all non-quiet moments, like war/conflict, create shifts or changes in physical realities, quiet moments also create shifts in reality to one degree or another, it's just that quiet moments are more passive in nature within creating these shifts. Quiet moments also create an awareness that goes beyond human perceptions and perspectives. Non-quiet moments create an awareness within the limits of the said consciousness. Quietness basically represents a passive shift that is limitless in nature to the consciousness experiencing the quietness. Quiet moments are also more conducive to wisdom where non-quiet moments are unconducive to wisdom; this is because wisdoms is of this quietness. Basically, the observer rather than the participator, motionless rather than motion.

So does this higher realm represent a state of limitless awareness and wisdom?

What if I said that experiencing states of unawareness/ignorance and high degrees of expressional ego straits, is also of this higher state. As human consciousness often perceives, a more aware state is of a higher stature than an unaware state, try experiencing an unaware state while being fully aware, you simply can't which means you are expressing a limited consciousness. Being aware that consciousness as a whole is limitless, infinite in nature, it's strange to think that human consciousness thinks that a higher degree of awareness is of a higher realm of conscious awareness. Even experiencing conscious states void of wisdom is of this higher realm of consciousness.

I truly think it's virtually impossible for human consciousness itself to perceive that there is no true higher state or realm of consciousness, only in our ability to experience all of what is, either that be aware or non-aware, can we be of this so-called higher realm. Because human consciousness is limited by certain perceptions and perspectives, which of course makes human consciousness human, perceiving beyond these limited perceptions and perspectives is virtually impossible, this is until we incorporate another consciousness within human consciousness that is. For an example of this, God's consciousness or a state of pure awareness is often used to influence human consciousness, of course more often in a passive way.

It's important, at our stage of the conscious shift, that we are aware of the importance of passive shifts in relation to non-passive shifts. We are that conditioned to non-passive shifts of consciousness, that passive shifts could pass us by without being noticed therefore utilised. I have the understanding that all conscious shifts/changes can only come to fruition through being aware of these passive shifts, or, desisting in counteracting these passive shifts with highly active expressions/motions of any kind.
It is often said that this passive shift is now going to occur no matter what, I couldn't think of a more limited conscious within thinking this. Consciousness is unlimited therefore there are no certainties, this has nothing to do with scare mongering, it's an actuality that consciousness is unlimited therefore there are no certainties or absolutes, ever. I find it strange that we talk about certainties on one had but on the other hand talk about there being no absolutes. You can see why so many people take spirituality as being a joke these days, especially in relation to the western mind.

I also have the understanding that the true elite are not the people who are controlling the world at present. It's wise to be aware that this control is apart of the experience that we are all having to one degree or another, that is all.

The true so-called elite are the people who can take what they have created in this realm with them after their so-called demise (death). It's impossible for the present controllers of the world to do this no matter how much they accumulate and create; this is how limited this kind of consciousness is. Of course you can take this highly limited kind of consciousness with you after death; you just simply can't take what has created these limitations with you. Eventually, what has been physically created by the present controllers will be wiped out; this is because everything created by this kind of limited consciousness is limited within its existence. Limited consciousness is simply finite by nature.

I thought I would end this post with something I wrote in an anniversary card to my wife just recently. This might give some people a better understanding of me.

Happy anniversary my darling

Life can be shaky at times but
it's these shaky times that builds
upon our joining

These shaky times are like the
glue that bonds our love together
The stranger the glue, the stronger
the bonding

These shaky times, the glue that
bonds our love, are only weakened
by our resolve when there is no
conclusion to such a  bonding love
as ours

Yes, it's these shaky times that has
build upon our joining for without
a strong bonding, love has
nothing to adhere to

Much Love and Blessings,
You're Beloved

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Reality Changing!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I once walked into a barroom situation and completely passively and instantly changed the atmosphere. I did not do this purposely because I try not to interfere or change other people's environments, this would be like forcing my own environment onto others.
Today, I am more mindful in how I interact with other people's environments.

So what is so wrong in changing a non-passive environment to a passive environment?

There is nothing wrong in doing this; it's what humans naturally do in accordance within their own environment. An environment to me represents a person's path in life, has anyone the right to change or influence another person's path especially without consent? What abut the collective human journey as a whole, has anyone the right to change this from its present status.

The opposite of passive is active, we might then presume within this that passive is positive therefore active is negative. So it's alright to change an active (negative) to a positive, but it's not alright to change a passive (positive) to a negative!!

Passive = Positive + motionless

Active = Negative + motion

Humans naturally influence each others paths without consent, either is be passively or actively, but of course passively influencing and even changing other people's paths is more acceptable!!  

Well there you go, I couldn't go on with this post at this point for the reason set out below. I received the following reply in regards to my last post while I was writing this post.  


Our species has ruined our humanity with so many delusional bias opinions... If our species continues to add more delusional unconscious thoughts were heading down a very bad road...

My Reply

What I find strange is that a lot of new age spiritually aware people believe in the hundred monkey theory, where one hundred monkeys influence the rest of the monkeys in the world to become passive in nature.

Children from birth naturally express an unconditional love and/or acceptance, for example, people of other cultures and races without bias or prejudice.

If the hundred monkey theory is correct, why haven't these millions of children influenced a consciousness to become more passive and accepting in nature?

Where you have an already established environment that is conducive to an active mentality as opposed to a passive mentality, and that you then have billions of people who are active by nature, going by the monkey theory, the active is going to win out all the times. The monkey theory actually works but in reverse to what a lot of people think in my mind, this is so evident.

A lot of spiritually aware people are delusional because they exist in a disillusioned environment of an imbalance of active intentions. This delusion that the hundred monkery theory is going to work in a passive way is fraudulent. However, it is natural for a disillusioned consciousness to become delusional; it's actually a very good copping mechanism psychologically, but it's also a lie.

Both active and passive intentions naturally create delusions and lies, but a balance of the two naturally create real realities and truths.  If you look around the world today, it's full of extremes, there is very little balance expressed.  Where there is no balance, there is naturally going to be no wisdom. 


So why can a person like me, go into an active situation and instantly passively change an environment when there are more monkeys that are active?

How many spiritually aware people would critically judge that a barroom situation is negative, especially if it's noisy, abusive, drunkard, aggressive, smelly and so forth? Drinking alcohol is critically judged as a negative to start with. How can you change an environment you have disdain for and/or try to avoid at every level?

To change any environment, especially an active environment, you must first desist in disdain and critical judgement of an environment you want to change. I however stay away from changing other people's environment/paths unless called upon to do so; even then I consider that the soul has a different idea to what the human has of their path. What we are going through has as collective consciousness is part of the process; interfering with this process isn't warranted in my mind, not at this point. We are simply still way too critical, actually, we seem to be spiritually critical more than ever it would seem.

Look at it this way, a highly active barroom situation is normal for an active consciousness and a highly active consciousness is naturally destructive. Once you accept this, only then can you begin to change an environment.

Why then don't the millions of children, who are not critical with their judgment, influence this reality to become more passive?

It matters not how old a body and brain is that a consciousness resides in is, all consciousness is the same while passive, non-active. Basically, all motionless consciousness is of the same exact consciousness, only while experiencing active consciousness is there a difference. Children from birth are being conditioned to active consciousness while existing in an active environment; their focus is on active consciousness, not inactive or passive consciousness.

If the majority of children were brought up in a passive environment, you would soon see a change. The powers at be are doing everything to keep this reality active, coaxing us to critically judge even at the spiritual level is certainly apart of this conditioning.  

Friday, 17 March 2017

The Passiveness of Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Love is a passive expression.

Love is not about judging everything
else that is not of this love negative.

Love is neither negative nor positive
for it is passive by nature.

Love does not limit itself to
judgment or extremes.

Love has no boundaries,
for only in harsh judgment are
there so many negatives/boundaries.

Love is simply freedom from these
inhibiting aggressive expressions
of today's expressions of love and light.

~Mathew G~

Has this new movement of love and light become highly aggressive?

Considering the conversations I have had with a number of people on this topic, and that anyone apart of this new movement often judge more, especially more of what is negative, it certainly seems it is highly aggressive. It is amazing what is negative today that wasn't before, and we are suppose to be judging less, not more!!

Yes, the perception of love and light is observed by many as being a movement and a new movement. As of any new movement, it becomes a be and end all, the ultimate answer to our troubling world and minds. This alone reminds me of the religious Dark Ages, my movement/religion is the ultimate answer. 

This movement is also new because it does not emulate the ancient teachings of love and light. These ancient teachings of love and light are and were not about extreme expressions to start with. They are also not about being in judgment more, in effect, judging more of what is negative. What wasn't judged as negative before is now judged as negative by this new movement today, for example, expressing a balanced view is negative. Balance of course pertains to wisdom. 

Speaking with other people as well on this topic, they mention how telling it how it actually is, is negative by this new movement, meaning, the truth is negative which pertains that this new movement is really of the non-acceptance of truths. This of course pertain that this new movement is really about lies. The similarities between this new movement of today and the religious Dark Age movements are obvious, not they are exactly the same but there are some significant similarities. Basing a movement on the non-acceptance of truths is but one of them, excluding wisdom and balance from a movement is another.

It is quite disheartening for people like me to observe this occurring all over again; we are just not willing to free ourselves from these boundaries that we are conditioned to.

I was repeatedly told, at an early age, not to read or study on certain subjects that were going to condition me to  certain ways of thinking; this included a lot of new age spiritual teachings at the time. Even today this is the case. Only now can I see why, through my interactions with other people, I was told not to condition myself to certain teachings.      

Materialism is only apart of that conditioning, the other part is to do with spiritual conditioning, especially the spiritual conditionings that pertain to fear. How many people today fear expressing the ego, judgment and negativity? If you fear the so called dark side of life at all, you are conditioned to fear, however, it is also advisable not to fear being in fear either.

Being fearful is part of the process of negating or neutralising fear altogether, it is wise to treat this as part of the process. It is also wise to treat fearing being fearful of negativity as apart of the process as well. No one part of the process is a be and end all, it is wise to be aware of this in my mind. 

Friday, 3 March 2017

Passive Analogies and Insights

Written by Mathew Naismith

"The pond of life is still and tranquil, this is until the still pond is put into motion by countermanding motions of human differences".......Mathew G

The pond of life: Look upon life as a still pond, it is still, tranquil and clear, this is until the still tranquilness of the pond is disrupted by opposing motions, not necessarily opposing motions to the water but opposition motions on each side of the pond. These opposing motions are likened to, bad and good, negative and positive, light and dark, hate and love and so on. Now imagine that these opposing motions are throwing stones at each other from their side of the pond, as opposing motions naturally do. Of course many of these stones end up in the water as do some of the opposing motions themselves, is the still tranquil pond still clear and calm? 

In the end, the pond ends up not being a pond anymore but a quagmire of embattlement, this is because both opposing forces end up opposing the pond which gave life to all motion to begin with.  It's strange to think, no pond, no motion, even when the pond itself is motionless. It's this motionlessness that gives life and its motion that can take the life of the pond away, but only when motion becomes extreme within its own motion. Opposing motions only see dissimilarities, not also, the way too obvious, similarities.

To people like me, the similarities are obvious, for example, the similarities between dark and light. Both want to control or destroy each other. Both have opposing views. Both know they are more powerful than the other. Both want to become the dominate force. Both are using the same motion but with very slightly dissimilar motives. One's motive is for the collective good of the (I), the other is for the collective good of the collective as a whole. Of course many religions have tried to control the collective by dominating it, this is why love and light should never be used as an opposing force but it clearly is being used in this way.

While existing in a chaotic existence, we perceive that the still tranquil clear pond indicates love and light, thus perceiving love has no opposites; of course what is then the opposite of hate!!

The tranquil still clear pond of life doesn't represent love and light, it represents exactly what it is, still, tranquil and clear; this is all. Because we exist within a chaotic existence, we perceive that the pond is of love and light and quite understandably so. Any kind of tranquilness will feel more loving and of the light while experiencing chaos in any form. The pond doesn't have to be of love and light because it has no opposition, the pond of life isn't in opposition to motion but motion can be in opposition to the pond, to life itself. The pond of life is what it is, motionless except for the life that the pond creates/supports. When the life that the pond creates becomes too expressively of motion, it's quite understandable that this will upset the tranquilness of the pond.

The universe: Now think of how tranquil the pond that the universe exists in was before the universe was created. Yes, I look at what the universe was created in as a pond as well. The universe represents all living form that exists within pond/space itself.

In a pond, a fish is hatched from roe which was conceived through the integration of yin and yang, what is the pond to the fish? The pond is everything to the fish which makes the pond more precious than life itself. Now look at the universe as being this fish, how important is the pond/space to the fish/universe to us? We of course perceived that the universe is far more special than the space that the universe was conceived in, this is very much unlike the fish that sees the pond/space far more special for it gave it its life to begin with. I think one day we will find out how special this seemingly nothingness space that the universe was born into. There is far more to this empty space than we perceive in my mind. 

Fish = universe

Pond = Space

Yes, I also see that the universe was conceived, which comes from the idea that matter and antimatter created the universe through integration of these two motions.

Matter = yang + male

Antimatter = yin + female

I should state here that matter could also be perceived as being female and visa-versa for argument sake.

Oneness, God: So where does the idea of God or oneness fit within all of this? Let's look at the human race; it takes two to create another living energy source, what actually integrates these two energy sources to create another energy source?  Try integrating without consciousness; you need to be consciousness of another energy source, and the right energy source, to integrate to start with, this of course takes a singular source of energy, such as consciousness, to begin with.

You can see where the hidden perception of oneness and a God comes from. I say hidden because our ego minds perceive in a structured way in accordance to our five senses. Our structured perceptions perceive God as a man, Christ as man and not as a consciousness. 

Oneness equals God as God equals consciousness that is seemingly behind all of creation, very simular to humans and the creation of the universe which again took the integration of yin and yang, two different but also indifferent energy sources that were conceived from a consciousness in my mind.

I should state that the analogies and insights used in this post come wholly from and through me, please at no time take them as being absolutely true........          

Friday, 13 January 2017

Acknowledgment Beyond Perceptions

Written by Mathew Naismith

In finite realities, which are based on time, space and motion, perceptions influence us in every way single way from our feelings of various vibrations to the views we have of other people and our environment. It's however different in finite realities in that perception just plainly don't exist, they can't because perceptions need motion to exist. A true infinite reality has no motion, in actuality it's not even a reality as we know a reality to be.

It would seem more people are becoming more in tune with infinite consciousness or our infinite being (higher self). This connection, while still existing in a finite reality, gives us perceptions of our perceived higher self. What many of us seemed to have done is compare one to the other, infinite consciousness is perceived as way more passive and loving than finite consciousness. This perception in my mind is absolutely correct even though it's still just a perception we have. Being that this quite correct perception is purely based in motion, finite consciousness perceptions, it's amazing how accurate this perception is of our infinite being as a whole.

In this case, we would also perceive that less motion is positive while motion is more negative is also correct. It's true, the more motion that is created, the more destructive a consciousness is more likely to become, human consciousness is a prime example of this.

So we now have a perception that motion (finite existence) is of a negative polarity and motionless (infinite existence) is positive. The more passive we express ourselves as, the more positive of the polarity we perceive we are of.

Motion (finite)= negative polarities + active

Motionless (infinite) = positive polarities + passive

In our perception within a finite consciousness, we perceive that passiveness is obviously more positive than activeness, basically, motion is negative and motionlessness is positive.

Recently in discussion with others, I was seen by some as negative to the point of obviously being toxic, basically, highly and excessively negative. At the exact same time though, I was seen by other people as being positive even while expressing, at times, excessive motion. I was very active at times in the discussions as opposed to passive, this was seen as being negative by certain people involved in the discussion, the reason for this varied. The funny thing is, some people felt my vibration were negative, other people thought it was positive!!   

Now consider the following. The sun within our solar system is excessively violent , it's not just simply active, it's violent to an excess. The sun expresses a huge amount of motion as opposed to motionless, do we perceive that the sun isn't just toxic but demonic seen as it's the most active source of energy in the entire solar system? No, so why do we often judge that all active motion has to be of a negative polarity?

The point is, we seemingly often perceive, while becoming connected with our infinite being, that anything else other than this infinite being is negative. Could any biological life exist without the sun being as violent as it is? Yes, when the sun becomes imbalanced within it's own projection, it will express extreme motions that will in the end destroy all of what it created in the first place. It is predicted that our sun will, in it's end, envelope Earth as it expands before it's own end. Within this, motion as we know it will cease to exist as biological life will. There will be no motion, everything will be passive but at the expense of destroying biological life as a whole. You see, not everything that is passive has a  positive outcome, in fact it's devastatingly quite the opposite.

Could you imagine not sitting by a stream and listening to the birds sing and see the fish swimming, this is what motionlessness (passiveness) will destroy in the end when the highly violent sun ends it own cycle of life. We seem to have the perception that all violent acts are negative when in actuality passiveness is highly destructive within it's own existence.

The way we are perceiving while existing in a finite reality, the sun would have to be the most negative energy source within the solar system but it's simply not. This is exactly why I try to stay away from this kind of black and white mentality, there is no true black and white to anything. This kind of black and white perception is only still a perception in the end.

While becoming connected to our infinite being, we often, in my mind quite incorrectly, perceive that our passive motionless being has to be way more positive to that of our finite being, that simply and obviously is not the case. In this case the sun would have to be perceived as the most negative source of energy in the solar system. I believe this perception has come about because we are now existing in a reality of extremes, very much like when the sun will end it's cycle, anything other than this end will be perceived as being more positive, giving us the incorrect perception that all active motion is negative.

Of course any extreme motion will give us the perception that all motion is negative, it's just simply not the case though. Could you imagine being around when the sun ends it cycle, any other existence at that time will be perceived as being more positive, that is where I feel many of us are at. It's quite understandable why we perceive like this but you should look beyond these perceptions to really see the truth of the matter, not all active motion is negative, in fact violent motion can be extremely life giving. Of course acknowledging this while we are influenced by our present perceptions is going to be difficult. We are often too influenced by our present perceptions of all motion and motionlessness is of just a negative or a positive.  

Freeing ourselves from these perceptions, is only replacing one lot of perceptions with another lot of perceptions, but a more accurate truer sense of perceptions while existing in a finite reality. It's just simply not all black and white.        

Thursday, 29 December 2016

The Passive Matrix

Written by Mathew Naismith

I've never written about finite consciousness in reference to the matrix before, it's usually only in reference to finite consciousness which to me the matrix is all about. Finite consciousness is all about a starting and ending point, this is driven by a perception of time. The universe itself is based on a starting point and it is governed by time because it also has an ending point. The physical universe is certainly of the matrix, as is the consciousness behind the creation of the universe, or more precisely, (of) the universe. You could say when the universe was created, so was the consciousness that is governed by time, finite consciousness

Infinite Consciousness: We are that governed or conditioned to finite consciousness, that we don't see the consciousness that is influencing the universe. And yes, the universe is the matrix as it's governed by time, time being of finite consciousness, a consciousness limited to time based perceptions.

The strange thing is, there is no end to time because time wasn't created from a starting point, how would have infinite consciousness created time when there is no starting or ending point to infinite consciousness? Time has always existed but matrix systems haven't, not as they are or turn out to be. Time, finite consciousness, is the starting blocks to matrix systems, it's further interaction/motion by consciousness that creates the matrix systems as they are.  Basically, motion creates matrix systems and the more motion  created within a matrix, the more destructive a matrix system becomes.

Finite = ego + motion + matrix systems + time

Infinite = egoless + motionless + no matrix systems + timelessness 

Time basically gives consciousness motion which creates various matrix systems, in a sense, matrix systems have always existed but in a more passive way until excessive motion is applied through various interactions. Time separates consciousness into various quantum's or forms, within this separation, we get interaction which is excessive motion. It's funny to think we are all expressive of excessive motion in matrix systems!!

On the other hand a consciousness void of time, has no motion because time gives consciousness it's motion. We can so easily presume this motionlessness isn't of energy or God if you like, it's that anything of motion is unable to detect an energy field within this motionless state. I should say here that I refer to God as energy, the spirit within all things is energy to me, all energy to me is also in reference to consciousness, energy is of one form or another of  consciousness. I think certain science experiments recently found that protons communicate/interact with each other over vast distances, this obviously represents some kind of conscious interaction!!  

The following probably isn't going to go to well for a lot of people, I tend to be able to perceive beyond limited boundaries, this means I will present certain things that aren't in-line or accepted by perceptions limited to a certain consciousness.

Higher Consciousness!!: Let's take a look at this motionless, timeless state of the infinite, a state that is often referred to as oneness, zero point, nothingness, a state void of ego and motion.

This state seems to be of oneness therefore ego has no way of existing in a state of true oneness. The ego is unable to exist in this state because there is no separation, no division of consciousness, consciousness is one. The ego needs a comparison to exist, in a state of oneness or nothingness, there is nothing to compare one to another so the ego is unable to exist in this state.

Would a consciousness that has no ego, compare or even be aware that one state of consciousness is of a higher stature, vibration or pinnacle? We often see nothingness or oneness being of a higher pinnacle to all other states, it's something we should aspire to, especially compared to finite conscious states. To a state that has no ego, there is no pinnacle to aspire to, so wouldn't this egoless state experience all of what is without judgment or what is or isn't worthy? An egoless conscious state is able to experience everything void of bias. It's like people who humble themselves, one state of existence is never less worthy than a another state to experience, our so called higher vibrational oneness state is no different.

This is how matrix systems are able to exist as they are. There is no ego within infinite state of consciousness, it's no less worthy experiencing time, finite consciousness and matrix systems than a so called higher conscious state, a state often seen as the pinnacle to all of existence. It's exactly like saying God is this higher pinnacle when God to me represents all energy of finite and infinite conscious existence, there is no true separation therefore there is no true worthy or unworthy of an existence to experience.

When you have a consciousness that is unable to define what is more or less worthy, this kind of consciousness will experience all of what is, it's only when this consciousness sees itself divided from other conscious states, that it will judge that there is a higher state of existence, a more worthy state to experience. There is no worthy or unworthy state of existence as there is no pinnacle of existence, or non-existence, that is above all other existences, only can the ego perceive like this.

Passive Matrix: Matrix systems are at first passive even when they are of time, of ongoing starting and ending points. This is because this interacting consciousness is still conditioned to infinite consciousness, at this point it hasn't become conditioned to finite consciousness.

Finite consciousness relates to various consciousness's in motion, the more motion being expressed, the more separation we have between various conscious states. Basically, the more motion we express, the less passive a matrix becomes, however, the less passive a matrix becomes, isn't due to excessive physical motion as such, it's primarily due to conscious motion particularly of thought, it's this thought that gives motion to the physical. Change the way we think and perceive in a more passive way, the less physically chaotic we will express ourselves.

All matrix systems can be passive, this is due to a consciousness still being conditioned to infinite consciousness, however, not conditioned in opposition to finite consciousness, this is very important. It's wise to find a balance between infinite and finite consciousness while experiencing an existence based on finite existence. Because within a finite existence, such as matrix systems, we have excessive finite conscious awareness and perceptions, this always needs to be balanced out by infinite consciousness to keep a matrix system passive and not overly destructive. Religion and spirituality over all, has always played a part in this, this is until these practices also become predominately of finite consciousness, this of course has been evident numerous times in human history. Once we lose the awareness of our infinite self, we lose the ability to create passive existences, matrix systems.      

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

The Observer - A Passive Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

I cannot personally think of a more passive existence than being an observer. An observer being an observer of motion or participation even of one's own participation. It's this involvement or participation of any motion that detracts away from our passive nature, the more the participator we become, the less passive of an existence we create. Of course the more the observer we become, the more passive of  an existence we create, it's all to do with how passive we are and more importantly, more of the observer we become.

It's impossible for a true observer to be anything but passive, Buddha and Jesus are prime examples of this passive existence or being. You can't be aggressive and be a true observer, this means any existence or reality that is noticeably aggressive, is created from other sources, this is why it is said that God's consciousness didn't create realities like we are presently experiencing. No true observer can create a reality that is primarily based on destruction. Basically, the present human mentality wasn't created from anything like a God consciousness, a consciousness that is able to perceive, or more precisely, observe, beyond human conscious perceptions.

A true observer, or if you like, a higher consciousness, is able to observe the bigger picture as it's unlimited within it's observation, basically, there is absolutely no bias within this kind of observation. Human consciousness on the other hand can only observe through it's bias, thus limiting this kind of consciousness to observing a smaller picture. As I have said many times before, what makes human consciousness human, is it's limitations, otherwise it's not human. This is the same with God's consciousness or any simular consciousness to God's consciousness, it's the limitlessness that makes a God like consciousness, a higher consciousness, what it is.

This kind of consciousness is also known as the divine inner self within all things, basically, it's an energy that connects all things no matter how unobservant a consciousness becomes, even of itself.  This energy is divine, in that no matter how disconnected a consciousness feels, it is always connected to everything else through this energy within all things. It's quite understandable why we call this kind of energy divine, and this is why it's also said that we never truly became disconnected to this divine energy. I have personally come across consciousness's that tried to disconnect themselves from this energy flow, all I did was smile, while being aware that they will always be connected to this consciousness no matter how hard they try to disconnect themselves from this inner divine energy.

All we have done is stopped being a true observer while experiencing human consciousness. Being that human consciousness limitations also include being unaware of our truer being, it's quite understandable why we have stopped being an observer in lieu of being a participator, a consciousness that is unable to perceive beyond it's numerous limitations. True freedom from our present situation, can only obtained through the awareness of how limited human consciousness actually is, of course a controlling ego will tell you otherwise as always!!