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Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Mystic Thoughts

Written by Mathew Naismith
Someone asked, “What is love?” I answered,
“You will know when you become ‘we.’”

Try to remember, the perception of God here represents one consciousness, a state of oneness, a singular consciousness instead of numerous separate consciousnesses.  

We, is in reference to no exceptions of negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, theist and atheist, black and white, dark and light. An example, I am of the light; you being of the dark are not accepted as we.

Love and light is not in counteraction or opposition to hate and dark, only through a perception of hate and dark can this be perceived. Too many people today use love and light in counteraction or opposition, this is not we but I, a separation by the ego from a perceived opposing motion!!

Has love and/or light an opposite? For many people, love and/or light doesn't have an opposite, this is of hate and dark perceptions. Why? We first think an opposite refers to oppositions, when only in hate and dark perceptions can this be perceived.

The Western mind in all of us is about separation therefore creates opposition, hate.

The Eastern mind in all of us is about union therefore creates compatibility, love.

God represents a singular consciousness therefore love no matter of what motion, for example of motion, dark and light. This doesn't mean this singular consciousness is loving, it simply means it's of love. The Western mind perceives God is loving when this singular consciousness, represented by what we call God, is of love, there is a difference.

Humans, in their separate forms, are loving, be it through God or anti-God. This singular consciousness, God, void of separation is this love humans express. It is also wise to be aware that opposites are only in opposition when perceived separations occur!!      

Sunday, 29 July 2018

True Positive Manifesting

Written by Mathew Naismith

I look upon human kind and all I can do is smile no matter how destructive or negative human kind may seem, for all I see is a consciousness lost within its own creation.....MG Naismith

Is true positive thinking, thinking that something that is lost is negative? Also, how many self-proclaimed positive people have a huge desire to escape this creation? I would think a true positive approach would be to assist in this consciousness finding itself again!!

This is not to be the case it would seem, positive thinking for a lot of people is to do with escaping and/or ignoring negative creations thus creating a positive creation. As I will clearly show using three different sources, this is not true positive thinking and can only lead to a continuation and even an enhancement of a lost consciousness.

Extract: Positive thinking is the ability to feel negative when you have to and still maintain enough hope to keep on going.

Extract: Perhaps the statement that best exemplifies positive thinking is "When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade." It seems so self-evident that this is a good thing that we never question the wisdom of the adage. But it does not take a whole lot of digging to unearth the flaws in this reasoning.

First, did fate really hand you a lemon or was this merely your initial, unthinking response? Second, is a lemon really a bad thing, something that you would rather not have, but now that you do have it you will somehow salvage something by making lemonade? Finally, it is quite stressful to be handed a lemon until such time as you figure out how to make lemonade. Do you really have to go through this phase?

Extract: Your success depends on whether or not you choose the positive direction for your thoughts, generate the right vibrations, and avoid any negative thoughts or emotions. Your way of thinking determines what you will attract—negative thinking attracts bad things, whereas positive thinking attracts good things — according to the so-called law of attraction. Unfortunately, that’s not true.
So-called negative experiences allow us to strengthen the positive within us. I call these experiences so-called negative because for a true positive person, all that could come from the negatives in life is a positive resolve, a positive outcome. Simply deeming a lost consciousness negative and even toxic isn't going to lead to a positive resolve, in actuality quite the opposite.

Here is a point. I am supposed to be negative and even toxic to so-called positive people. I am clearly a manifestation of their thinking as I am the reaction of their actions; this was brought about by the way so-called positive people think these days. All they have done is create a negative manifestation, in their mind, in my own reaction to them!!        

How many people think that this lost consciousness, either individually or collectively speaking, is simply a lemon? This is in line with how many people are deemed negative these days by so-called positive people. It's something we need to escape from or ignore to create a more positive creation!! Is this lemon as negative as so-called positive people try to make out?

Today, we have so many so-called positive people trying to manifest a creation by simply denouncing anything deemed negative, this is while negatives can and often do lead to a positive resolve. As the sources I supplied clearly state, so many of us are conditioned to being positive in a very strange way, a way that will manifest anything but of what we desire. Unfortunately, what a lot of people are conditioned to in relation to positive thinking isn't a true form of positive thinking.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Avoiding Self-Deception

Written by Mathew Naismith

Within a reality obviously controlled by the ego, the order of the day is going to be self-deception, this is because the ego in control naturally creates self-deception through simply being itself, it's self only of what serves itself. Most often what doesn't serve the controlling ego is often deemed negative or toxic and most often ostracized, within this, self-deception of the existence of what doesn't serve our egos is ignored or destroyed, usually something deemed as negative by the ego.    

Yes, even an empath, a person who has the ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual, is expressive of pure ego when feeling bad or toxic vibrations. It might not be their own ego they are feeling but its still ego, an ego that separates one from the other. What ego wants to be a part of a toxic vibration? A consciousness less expressive of the ego doesn't have this problem of feeling toxic vibrations, for in this state no other vibration is of serving the ego.

I became aware of this years ego, that all I was doing is serving the ego when, on a continuous basis, I would intuitively experience unbecoming experiences from other people and their experiences. Don't get me wrong here; the ego has a part to play when we intuitively are made aware of certain circumstances, however, what a lot of us do is allow the ego to take control to serve itself through deception. The deception is to deem all that doesn't serve our own egos as negative and/or toxic, this is to separate our egos from anything that doesn't serve our egos desires. How many different and separate spiritual groups are formed today to simply separate the ego from what isn't serving the ego? The ego is simply feeding off itself to serve itself through other like minded people.

Now, what will be the immediate reaction of an ego of self-serving and self-deception be in regards to the truth here? People like me are simply deemed toxic only because we have told the truth, the last thing a self-serving ego desires is the truth in how it actually is. This is why a self-serving ego is self-deceptive; the ego denounces any truth that doesn't directly serve the ego!!

I have had people, who are supposed to be in the know, ask me why I become involved in things that are not of my own, basically, becoming involved in the environment around me that is not of my own vibrations. People like me are simply not controlled by the ego, in saying this, I have observed my own ego in action to the point of an ego in control, the difference is, being aware of this. It's all to do with being aware of when the ego is in control, which isn't easy, especially when the ego becomes self-deceptive to the point of becoming aware of only what serves itself.

People like me couldn't think of anything more destructive than to separate ourselves from what isn't of our own vibrations, to do so would be more of this ego controlled reality, not less. Yes, even a deemed toxic person like me are asked to join these groups in person. I simply make an appearance now and again.

Destruction can only exist within a reality that is separated by various vibrations, try being destructive in a reality where all is one, not of one kind of vibration but the embracement of all vibrations as simply vibrations period. What a lot of us seem to not understand or even comprehend, is it's the separation of vibrations that causes destruction and the creation of bad, negative or even toxic vibrations. It's within this separation of energy that causes one energy to become destructive to what another energy has created. You can't destroy energy itself, only of what energy creates. Energy in motion is ego so anything that energy creates is of the ego. Destruction simply relates to an ego in control, and yes, this includes energy sources like the sun.

More and more people are becoming more of an ego controlled reality, not less. The trick is, to be aware of the ego in control, of course this seems virtually impossible when the ego in control is self-deceptive to the bitter end. It's simply all about awareness; of course a true sense of awareness takes a lot of truth to be acknowledged, which is the last thing the ego desires. Simply being aware of this can help a great deal in overcoming our, the egos, created dilemmas. Yes, even in India self-deception is being embraced over and above the truth.

In deception while ignoring the negatives, of course the world is improving, this within itself is obvious in the ego self-serving itself. To be excessively positive is self-deceptive which goes right along with the present created reality!!

All that is needed is truth within our awareness, not deception within our awareness........

Thursday, 19 July 2018

The Beauty of the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is important not to simply look at the ego as being negative. Yes, the ego can be destructive and create a reality of chaos and misery, however, the ego can also be highly constructive and creative. Simply labelling the ego negative in anyway isn't the truth of the matter, in truth; the ego can be exceptionally beneficial to all of creation.

Western mind = ego

Eastern mind = egoless

Is the Western mind simply negative? No. Being that the Western mind represents ego in all cultures and its people, labelling the ego simply negative in any expression is only of half truths.

Considering that the Western mind dislikes being questioned about its own behaviour and takes any questing like this as an insult, truths, especially about itself, becomes unacceptable. Basically, half truths and lies become the order of the day, accepted over and above truths.

In truth, the Western mind, void of the balance of the Eastern mind, is a monster (destructive) unto itself and its environment. Considering that the Eastern mind doesn't take questioning about its own mind as an insult, you can see why, especially at present, why the Western mind needs the Eastern mind for balance. In truth, the Western mind needs the truth of the Eastern mind, especially in relation to itself. I have simply lost count how many Western minded people have taken what I say as an insult, while at the same time the Eastern mind seriously considers what is being said.

One simply wants to know of a desired truth; a truth that will enhance its stature, while the other considers all of what is said void of desire. Of course a mind of the balance of ego and egoless, the Western and Eastern mind, will also express desire but in a moderate way. In truth, the Eastern mind is of truth where's the Western mind, void of the balance of an Eastern in an ego reality, is of lies and deceit. It matters not if you are in an Eastern part of the world, if the main dominance is of a Western mind, lies and deceit will be present.

Western mind = lies and deceit + motion

Eastern mind = truth and honesty + motionless

Remember, the Western mind in all of us will naturally take offence to what is being said here, this is unless the Eastern mind in all of us is influential upon the Western mind. Within a reality of ego, the Eastern mind is needed to quell the desires of the Western mind. In actuality, it's the Eastern mind that should be predominant in an ego based reality, not the Western mind.

Having spoken to a number of Hindus from India, it would seem the teachings in relation to the ego are becoming less and less at a young age, in effect, the Western mind is becoming more dominant, even in India!!

You have to realise that the Western mind in all of us is all about separation, especially separating itself from the truths of the Eastern mind. Yes, the Western mind can take on the teachings and influence of the Eastern mind. Sadly, most often this is done under the complete dominance of the Western mind, turning the Eastern teachings into a Western ideology in Western cultures. I have lost count how often I have come across this.

Considering all this, it's difficult to realise that the ego, the Western mind, can be beautiful and highly constructive. In its glory and in balance with the Eastern mind in all of us, the Western mind is simply spectacular within an ego based reality, a reality of motion as all motion relates to a form of ego. The more motion expressed, the more the ego is present.

The question is now, should we all simply become of the Eastern mind within an ego reality, especially a reality dominated by the Western mind? No, to desire this is to be just as much of the ego, the Western mind. Also, to replace the Western mind with the Eastern mind represents separation therefore of the Western mind. As Hinduism clearly shows how a true Eastern mind works, the ego and egolessness, the Western and Eastern mind, is never separated from each other in an ego based existence, an existence of a high degree of motion. The Eastern mind is simply made aware of the Western minds traits, of course this can't occur if the Western mind is predominant over the Eastern mind within an ego based reality.

It's sad to realise this but as always, the Western mind will take offence of all this, it's wise to be aware of this within all of us. In truth, there is no separation between the Western and Eastern mind, the ego and egolessness, only a perceived separation. Yes, you can go into states of pure ego and egolessness, in truth, at no time are they truly separated.

We, as humans, are yet to learn how beautiful and constructive the ego can be when in balance with egolessnss. Such a mind has no boundaries to it; it's simply infinite in nature, meaning, a consciousness like this will not kill itself off, unlike the Western mind is doing today........

Is it easy for a Western mind in a Western culture to realise its own shortcomings? The answer is obviously no but it's certainly worth the effort, only if one prefers to live in truth instead of live in lies!! As of usual, the Western mind will not take kindly to all that is said here, in my mind, it's wise to be aware of this.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

The Organism as a Whole

"Everything in the universe is within you.
Ask all from yourself." 

Written by Mathew Naismith

Organism: A living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently.

When talking about the organism as a whole, I am making reference to the whole of existence. The whole of existence includes both ego created existences (participation/motion) and an existence not of the ego (observation/motionless. There is no perception of separation of this singular organism as a whole.

The independence of this organism as a whole is independent of the perceptions of separation of this whole organism. While of the ego and by the ego, the whole organism is perceived to be of separate individualistic entities or organisms, however, while not of the ego and by the ego, all is observed as one organism. There is no perception here, just clear observation through the absence of bias. You see, the ego existence, therefore participation, creates biases simply by separating one from the other. This process of separation also creates, for example, racialism and hate; you of course could go on from this and say evil and demonic tendencies.

This is odd for me to think like this as I was brought up as an atheist, of a limited consciousness to certain specifics of existence as whole. I observed that atheism wasn't just limiting my consciousness; I also looked at the whole existence as a singular organism, not of a separated organism trying to control all other organism not of itself.

Having researched in the way the Eastern and Western mind thinks in all of us, it would seem that my Eastern mind observed one organism even while my Western mind was focused on the individualistic side of existence. Yes, we are individuals but individuals existing in a holistic existence, an existence of observation of participation of the ego. Ego simply means to individualise existence into separate parts.

A lot of people perceive this individualising, the separation of a singular organism or consciousness, as an illusion. Illusion refers to something that is fake, not of a real existence. So, what is the observer observing? Why would the observer of ego existences observe anything that was an illusion? To do this would be of the ego; this is not the observer, considering the observer is egoless, only the ego would bother to perceive and observe an illusion!!

What is being observed are ego existences, a part of the organism in motion. It's important here not to perceive everything as just being of materialism where matter is the only reality. The observer is not of matter for matter takes motion, the observer is simply motionless therefore not of matter.

The ego often separates one from the other; thereby individualising its existence separate to other existences. Seen as the Western mind is of individualising, you could easily perceive that the Western mind is of the ego and the Eastern mind is of egolessness. I don't think this is far from the truth considering that the Western and Eastern mind is within everyone. What becomes more predominant reflects our thoughts and feelings, either that be of the ego or egolessness/selflessness.

What the ego seems to do on a regular basis is to perceive that ego existences are separate to the egoless existence; this is while the observer observes only one organism in motion. It's still of one organism even when the observer is observing itself in observation, it's all one organism either in motion or not. Look at this way. Yin and yang can often act as one organism when in harmony to each other. When one is asleep and the other is awake, are they still not of one organism?

It's advisable and wise to be aware how our egos behave; separating a singular organism into numerous individualistic organisms to serve its own self-worth.......

It is really good to see that science is looking at everything being of one organism, of non-duality. However, it is sad for people like me observing new age spirituality doing the opposite, trying to separate itself from something it doesn't desire to be a part of. When you are a part of the whole organism, no amount of perceived separation will separate you from this organism. You can become as perceived evil or saintly as much as you like, you are still a part of the whole organism as a whole.

So how do you create a more constructive existence/reality? By simply being aware that you are a part of the whole organism without exception, within this, the destructive ways of the organism become insignificant in comparison to the whole organism. Yes I know, this is hard to comprehend for the Western mind and understandably so.       

Alan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher who interpreted and popularised Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. What is being said here is very much of the Eastern mind, of course the Western mind being what it is, desires to separate itself from the Eastern mind!!                       

Friday, 13 July 2018

Whole of Existence - A Singular Organism

Written by Mathew Naismith

I awoke during the night holding my hand out; this is of course no big deal. What was a big deal was what I perceived or envisioned that I was holding in my hand in awe, the entire existence as a whole. The wonderment I experienced wasn't just to do with what I was holding; it was to do with how the entire existence exists.

One simply creates the other, for example, bad creates good, negative creates positive, awareness creates unawareness, dark creates light and of course visa-versa. There was no perception that one was above another. That some almighty high level of consciousness resides as an ultimate state over all other states. What was obvious is that existence was of the ego and non-existence was egoless.

However, what's in observation of existence? What is the observer's state of consciousness to all other states of consciousness? As I was doing, I was in observation of existences as a whole. It was like observing a singular organism in motion with itself. It seemed to be important for me to perceive the whole existence as a singular organism, more importantly, an organism in motion with itself.

From an ego point of view, this observing state of consciousness is going to be desired to be the ultimate state over all other states. To do this, the ego has to put this state above all other states. The ego does this in different ways through the perception of God, light and love, some perceived ultimate state or however the ego desires to perceives this state to be. Don't get me wrong here, it's good that the ego does this; at least this gives the ego a perception of something more than an existence of ego. The organism in motion with itself is simply pure ego.

What is in observation of the entire ego existence, this singular organism in motion with itself, is a state void of the ego. This gives the perception, from an ego point of view, of a non-existence. As you could imagine from an egoless point of view, this is clearly not the case. Existence is of both ego and egoless states of existence. Just because one is of observation void of participation, void of the ego therefore motion, doesn't mean the observer doesn't exist!!

Being the observer observing the entire ego existence, isn't in observation of the entire existence when excluding observing the observer as well. Within my own actions here, I am also observing the observer in observation of the ego's existence. In other words, I have observed all of existence by observing the ego's existence, the participator, and the egoless existence, the observer in observation.

My ego wishes it could remember the dream that incited my experience here; it was not to be........

I decided to look up on related topics and came up with the following.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Being the Quality of Change

Written by Mathew Naismith

If people like Jesus and Buddha couldn't change the world, how are thousands or even millions of people working towards a singular goal going to change the world? Considering the enlightenment of Jesus and Buddha and many other wise and aware people in human history, millions of people not of the quality of this enlightenment are obviously not going to change the world either. We need to be honest with ourselves here, so what is the answer?

I wrote the following in regards to light and dark, light overwhelming or overcoming dark.

Imagine yourself in a completely dark room; now shine a small light, what has your focus, the dark or the light? The light is more pronounced within the dark than in the light, even though the light is surrounded by darkness!!

As it's not the quantity of people that will change the world but the quality, it's the quality of the light within the dark that will change the world, not the volume of light. If the light within the dark is not pronounceable, the dark will be more pronounced.

It all comes down to not being of the quantity or volume but the quality.........


Imagine a light room with a small dark area, what is your focus going to be on? The dark because it's more pronounced within a light room. Now imagine a balance of light and dark within a room, which, out of light and dark, is going to be your main focus on? Neither, the focus will be mainly on the balance of light and dark because it's the balance of light and dark that becomes more pronounceable/obvious.

When you go into a house that is made up of a decor of a balance of black and white, what do you notice the most, the black or white? The balance between black and white becomes the main focus, even when a brightly coloured object is added. The brightly coloured object will take your attention but your main focus is still going to be on the pronounced, the balance of black and white.

Buddha, being a prince, was in a safe heaven away from all the negatives of the world outside of his safe heaven. Jesus was a carpenter, this was his safe heaven. What did both of these people do? They went way outside of their safe heavens!! They faced the so-called negatives face on outside of their personal safe heavens, most importantly, facing the degradation of their own being. Degradation simply refers to how our desires overrule all else. In their case the act of going outside of their safe heaven was to deny their own personal desires control over them. They became more focused on the collective than the individual.

The negatives outside of their safe heavens became more pronounced, this is represented by the dark in regards to their own light. Their main focus wasn't on the light but the dark, as the dark became more pronounced to them. In truth, what is our main focus on? The light, while at the same time ostracising and/or having disdain for the dark!!! Should we give more attention, love and goodwill to the light or the dark? We most often give our attention to the light, not the dark. Yes, the quantity of people are trying to change the world but not the quality, as most of the quantity simply desires to create a personal safe heaven, not go out from their safe heaven to assist in real change.

I often give as much attention to the perpetrators as I do the victims, for example, I often give more time to bullies and abusers than I do their victims. For people like me, the perpetrators are as much of a victim of themselves as of anyone!!

All you need to be is the quality of change, not the quantity of change........M G Naismith

Monday, 2 July 2018

Eastern Western Mind

Written by Mathew Naismith

In my case, its Western Eastern mind, being that the Western mind is predominant over the Eastern mind. This is understandable, being that the culture I have predominantly been influenced by is Western. Look at it like this, most males (yang) are predominately inflected by male chromosomes, as most females (yin) are predominantly influenced by female; each is of its own predominance but not totally without the other.

Holistically and individually speaking, we exist within an individual existence, for each aspect of this existence has its own separate identity. At no time is any reality of individualism totally without or not also a part of the holistic existence as a whole. Being that the Eastern mind is of the collective and the Western mind being of the individual, the existence of the holistic mind is still present. To me, this Eastern holistic mind is there to balance out the Western individual mind in a reality of growing individualism.

From today's materialism to spiritualism, individualism is being expressed and taught more and more. It's primarily about benefiting your personal self over and above others. It's simply about personal growth over and above the collective growth. Of course we are taught our own personal growth will benefit the collective growth in some way in the future. This is not living in the present for the good of the collective within the present.

So by focussing more on the individual self (ego) within an individualistic reality, we are creating a more balanced peaceful existence!! Peace and tranquillity can't exist for very long in an imbalanced existence while continually focusing on the individual, especially within an individualistic reality of perceived separate identities.

It makes perfect sense to the Eastern mind that a balance of the collective is needed in a reality of individualism. Of course the Western mind is unable to comprehend this, so the Western mind, without the balance of the Eastern mind, expresses even more individualism in chaotic times of existence. This of course created more imbalances not less.

If we existed in a holistic collective perceived reality, the opposite would have to occur to reach a balanced state. More of an individual mind would be needed to be expressed to create a balanced reality but within the very present we don't need to do this, quite the opposite actually. In actuality, we need to express more of the collective mind, the Eastern mind of holistic perceptions, to balance out the present perceived reality. Of course the Western mind being what it is, about the individual self over and above all else, we do the opposite which creates even more imbalances.

Eastern mind = holistic mind + collective reality

Western mind = atomistic mind + individualistic reality

As of any well balanced relationship, only peace and tranquillity can exist.....    

If you comprehend and understand what is written here, it is most likely you are of the Eastern mind as well, even when being of and existing in a Western culture.

Some people will find the following video quite interesting.