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Sunday 4 February 2018

A Journey to Behold

Written by Mathew Naismith

I feel like a charlatan at present. Having posted over two thousand posts on topics like letting go in one sense or another, I still have an attachment to a journey I have no passion to belong to for I have my own journey to follow. I am not talking about a path as in our own personal paths that we follow through the collective human journey; I am talking about a journey that my path has lead me down to.
My family individual paths are following the present human journey, a journey conditioned to one order trying to dominate each path being followed. This means that all paths must follow the present dominating journey or perish, however, my path is leading me down a different journey, a journey where a particular order doesn't dominate all other paths lead.

The Roman Empire, the Napoleon Empire and the world order of Adolph Hitler's fascism, are of world orders; the human collective consciousness has been conditioned over thousands of years to the dominance of an order over all individual paths. All paths are to serve the order or perish, this is apparent today as a one world order once again tries to dominate over all other orders and paths lead.

Confucius died disheartened in China because he was unable to influence his countries journey to a great degree, his countries journey was of course following what China was conditioned to on a collective human scale. I would say Jesus was also disappointed at his attempt to influence the collective human consciousness as well, as of anyone with a true sense of love and compassion would for the collective consciousness.

You could say people like this tried to change the collective conscious journey rather than just simply influence the collective human conscious journey. The influence wasn't done in a way that inferred force, deception, lying and brutality under one order, so it wasn't to change the collective journey but to influence it in a way to be more moderate within its order.

A one world order will denounce or, if applicable, totally ignore anything it's proclaimed as being negative, especially if it's of toxic vibrations. It's of course understandable that a one world order will feel that other orders are of bad toxic vibration, these people will literally feel bad vibrations from other orders it sees as a threat or has disdain for.

Do you see where I am coming from in relation to new age spirituality? It's of the same order it's trying to extricate itself from so it denounces anything not of its order as what? Toxic, bad vibrations and so on it goes. Yes, while being of another journey collectively, we will feel that the present journey is negative and even toxic to our new order, the trick is to not treat a break away human collective journey as being an order. As species have evolved from other species over millions of years, I believe a new consciousness will evolve from the present human consciousness, this can't be obtained if we are still of the old order or of any order to be precise.

Yes, it is possible that western perceptions like love and light are of a different path while following the same human collective journey, in actuality this seems to be the case but I don't think it's meant to be.

The more unconditionally loving we become, the more accepting we become, our acceptance should be more unconditional not less. There is simply more conditions in what we don't and do accept, considering that to truly love one must be accepting, being less accepting isn't truly love, it's a desire. Try loving something you don't accept, within this unacceptance there is a huge amount of conditions. How many conditions are their to a world order? This is why there is no true love within a one world order, only desire. Yes, many of us simply desire a new human journey which will only continue us on the present journey unbeknownst to us.

I accept my family's journey as being their journey and not mine; this is the same on a collective human scale, within this I can truly love what I am parting from. Yes, the present human journey feels simply not of my own, should this really mean it's toxic or even negative like a world order? You will find what you truly love hard to detach or extricate yourself from, as it should be if we are truly becoming a part of a new consciousness.

You should love what you are detaching yourself from, this is simply not occurring. You must love it for what it is, not what you desire it to be in accordance with your own order. The journey to behold is simply not of an order, it's far more accepting than that...... 

Friday 2 February 2018

Acquiring Spiritual Wealth

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I have illustrated in the below image, to desire is to separate oneself from what one doesn't desire, for example, material or spiritual wealth is desired over being poor or non-spiritual. Within this process, we have either knowingly or inadvertently separated ourselves from an undesirable.

What this is saying in regards to spiritual wealth, is we shouldn't desire to take or obtain/acquire spiritual wealth. Yes, material wealth is always taken or obtained/acquired, this is the only way to obtain this kind of wealth, but spiritual wealth should be acquired void of desire. The reason for this lies in that any desire of spiritual wealth negates spiritual wealth within its own actions, this is because spiritual wealth is the culmination of everything, not an anticlimax in regards to everything.

 How is one to experience an anticlimax in regards to spiritual wealth if we have separated everything through our desires?

Spiritual wealth can only be acquired, a true sense of spiritual wealth isn't even obtained, it's simply acquired. Obtaining refers to seeking. To seek one must have a desire in what one is seeking, one can't seek void of desire, seeking is simply desiring. Acquiring spiritual wealth is allowing the wealth to come to you, not you going to it.
To seek out any wealth is exactly like seeking material wealth; it's all based on desire.

So if we meditate or shut ourselves off from all human distractions, like through being a hermit for example, is this not based on a desire to obtain a higher degree of spiritual wealth?

All what one is doing when shutting oneself off from human distractions, is to allow the life force of wealth to come to you, you are not seeking, you are simply allowing this wealth to come to you void of as many desiring distractions as possible. You are also allowing everything to be as one void of separation, this is spiritual wealth. It's not spiritual wealth when taken or obtained through desires.

Human consciousness desires, spiritual consciousness doesn't, for the only wealth that is truly of wealth is spiritual wealth and that comes free of charge to everyone. In a true sense, wealth taken or obtained through desires isn't a true sense of wealth for it is finite in nature; it's limited to the desires desired. The reason for desires being limited is simply due to desires naturally separate one from the other, in turn, limiting ourselves to what we have separated ourselves from.

It came to me recently that multinationals have no true wealth, for all wealth has to be taken or obtained. Imagine not having to take or obtain wealth, having wealth given to you freely through free will. Any wealth obtained through desires isn't given freely or by free will, it's taken or obtained through various means.
Finally getting back to this post again after a couple of days, I have had some interesting times recently which I am thinking of talking about in a video, maybe. As of our dreams that can be three dimensional, the three dimensional mind relates better to a three dimensional videos than to two dimensional writings. It's important to awaken the three dimensional mind to other dimensional aspects, even through three dimensional means. Comprehension and then understanding!!

Getting back to the main topic, so it would seem that we shouldn't desire!!

Not at all, being of human consciousness is of desires; this is one of the traits that make human consciousness human. What I am saying is, moderate our desires so they don't become a major part of our lives so we are able to acquire spiritual wealth. Desires simply erode away our ability to acquire spiritual wealth, the more desires our lives are based on, the less chance of acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth.

Imagine being of love void of having to first feel love!! Of course love isn't just of love; a true sense of love is based on a true sense of acceptance, compassion, a balanced mentality and so on. Love is not the be and end all, this is desire/lust, everything as one is, this is why this state has no labels. The trick is, be love, which basically means observe love void of being predominately a participator of love while being also aware that all participation is based on desire; it's really this simple.....                

While we are predominantly being a participator, acquiring a true sense of spiritual wealth will always elude us or be hard to acquire, being that participating is based on desire, it all makes perfect sense. Let go......  

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Identifying a True Sense of Love

Written By Mathew Naismith

A true sense of love has no name......

The shining; a benevolent all accepting state of pure bliss, a bliss with no perceptions of labels, a state of true unequivocal acceptance of all within it's presence, a true state of oneness.

Is the above referring to what we call unconditional love? Yes, it's referring to what we call unconditional love but its not unconditional love for a true sense of love has no name.

To imply a name, as unconditional love, to this state is to separate itself from what is not unconditional, we therefore have conditions when we apply a name to this state as unconditional.

The conditions are, to stay away from everything that is toxic and/or negative so that one can experience this state. If you have to be in a certain environment to obtain and keep within this state, conditions to this labelled state are applied to a major extent.

This is why this state is very tricky to truly comprehend in the first place to then understand.

Our comprehension is to first put a label on everything we have comprehended exists, as with everything. This is what a 3rd dimensional mind does, applies a label to everything to be able to comprehend what it wants to then understand, however, as soon as a label is applied and implied, we have separation.

The word shining exemplifies this state void of separation, for all is of the shining but not all is of unconditional love. The label unconditional love isn't an exemplification, its separation from what isn't unconditional brought about by the 3rd dimensional mind to separate itself from what it doesn't desire to be of. Exemplifying is simply a clarification, in this case, a clarification of this particular state that all is shining void of separation.

Only in separation are we unable to comprehend that everything is of the shining, no matter what of the vibration it is.      

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Extrication from Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is weird and can even be called hypocritical from a person who has been interested and involved in spiritualism nearly all their lives. Extrication sounds like excommunication, given that extrication means the release from a snarled or entangled condition, very simular to excommunication.

Spirituality pertains to the otherworldliness, basically the spirit within all things, spiritual reality, as being different to being interested and knowing of physical realities and entities, an interest in all non-physical realities and entities.

Hang on, how can one extricate themselves from the spirit if everything is of the spirit? As everything is energy, everything is of the spirit, same thing to someone like me.

This would be exactly like extricating yourself from being energy!!

Extrication is a release from a snarled or entangled condition, if the condition you're in isn't snarling or entangling you, there is no reason for extrication.

However, anything that creates bias and/or prejudice can be entangling in that bias and prejudice often creates untruths as opposed to truths. As all ideological isms create a certain amount of bias, it is fair to say that we are all entangled to one degree or another to untruths. Untruths of course can quite naturally create what we are experiencing today, a reality based on deception.

Who truly wants to become aware that they are themselves in an entangled condition? Very few people.

Because our entanglement has been occurring for centuries, we are well and truly conditioned to this kind of existence to the point of not knowing what condition we are truly in. It's come to the point that most people don't want to know and will do anything to avoid knowing.

However, there are a few people who do want to know, in my mind this is the predicted conscious change, a change from discontinuing the cycle of entanglement.

As like with species throughout the history of the Earth, species can and do evolve from other species. As man himself has evolved from other species, he will again evolve into another species, this is natural law. It is also natural law that the species that another species has evolved from will either perish or adapt to the new species reality. How many species of animals have had to adapt or perish in our reality?

To be honest to myself, spiritualism is but another ism, yes, maybe an ism that tells more of the truth but still an ism that can still expresses bias. Spiritualism is but one of the processes to the truth, it's a process, a stepping stone, to truth and knowing of all we are. Only when we consciously become aware of beyond the perceptions of spiritualism will we know the truth, all else is an entanglement.

In saying this, one of the traits of a spiritual person is to humble themselves to the ego, to the entanglement of what the ego creates, otherwise none of us would be experiencing what we are experiencing. In a true sense, we are also all beyond these entanglements as we are all a part of the consciousness that is beyond spiritualism, beyond all entanglements. We are of one while still being of the other.

Yes indeed, more people today are grasping onto atheisms and new age spiritualism, strangely enough, atheism and new age spirituality are totally fear based. Atheists fear the existence of a God or divine entities, religion and even the existence of consciousness existing outside the human brain. Atheism purely exists only because of it's supposed opposite!!

New age spirituality has fear of negative energy, of being too much of this reality and only exists because of it's supposed opposite that is also fear based. Would not the new conscious change be about extricating ourselves from fear based ideological isms altogether?

I have done some really silly things in the past, trying to guide people away from labelling, therefore motion, when anyone conditioned to labelling and motion is unable, and probably unwilling, to comprehend an existence void of labels and motion. This is exactly the same with a fear based existence, this is why what I write about is for very few people and people who are not conditioned to a fear based existence.

Spirituality, as of any ideological ism, has a purpose in life, when that purpose has reached the end of its cycle of use, we must learn to let go. Which ideological ism or religion exists in a true state of oneness with everything? All but none. Buddhism calls this state pure awareness and nothingness, all but none.

Pure awareness = all

Nothingness = none.

The all as one negates everything turning it into nothingness while still being all. We are all a prime example of this all expressed individually, in turn, creating fear of the other thus creating more of the other. As of anything of excessive motion, it will burn itself out, this simply needn't occur.     

Saturday 20 January 2018

An Image to Live Up To

Written by Mathew Naismith

In my younger days while experiencing my first experiences in the welfare arena, I was accepted into a motor cycle group of people as being no threat to them. Even though I was within my own element, my own reality as a spiritually aware person that was involved in welfare work, I was well accepted and trusted. In this case I am talking about bikers, motor cycle clan members, from Mount Druitt and Blacktown areas of Sydney, hard core bikers.

Even to the average person as opposed to a new age spiritually aware person, you could easily say I was interacting with very negative people. It's hard to be in a more negative situation in relation to the biker's business side of their live; even the social side of their lives was daunting at times.

However, at no time did I critically judge that I was in a negative situation while interacting with these people, yes, it was quite daunting at times but I didn't critically judge it as negative. And no, I wasn't apart of their business side of things even though they would freely talk about this in front of me but only to a certain extent.

You see, once you get to a certain point of spiritual development, you begin to no longer judge what is or isn't negative or positive no mater what circumstances you find yourself in. In saying this, at times I do still judge a circumstance as being unbecoming. Just because something is unbecoming though, doesn't make it instantly negative, it's still simply unbecoming. I was at times quite uncomfortable in the presence of these bikers only because it wasn't my scene, my way of life. Just because it's not our way of life and living life, doesn't make it negative, it can be simply unbecoming void of critically judging a negative.

During my time when interacting with these bikers, a bloke who was a dealer in cannabis came up to me one day and stated, "I wish I could be more like you but I have an image to live up to". To me, an image like this is likened to an ideological ism we often try to live up to, our egos control us to that much of an extent that we have to live up to the image that our egos have created.

As our reality has found itself in an unbecoming situation, we can ourselves just simply find ourselves in this kind of situation personally, the trick is, is not to become what you are apart of. Be simply what other people around you wish to be and not what the ego desires you to be.

To these bikers, their ideological ism was hard core biking, they had to live up to this image once of this image. Being of an image is different to being apart of an image. Being of an image is being all of what is imaged. Being only apart of an image is only being apart of an image, not the whole of an image, this makes a huge different in regards to having to live up to an image. Once you are compelled to live up to an image, you become that image, however, if not compelled, you have no image to live up to, no ideological ism to be controlled by.

Once we become free of this kind of control, we become less bias and prejudice in our judgment of anything not of our own reality. When judging everything not of our own reality as negative, to be honest, we couldn't be more bias and judgmental even when our ideological ism is about not judging in this way. We are in an age of false prophets, an age of deception; we can all be fooled in this way.

Even in my younger days, I was not fooled in the company I kept at times. To judge my company simply negative would to be of my company instead of only apart of my company. Be very careful in judging your company as simply negative, only in being aware of this can we reach a stage where we no longer judge like this.

I would also like to say that I have assisted many people in my life, including disabled people; no doubt far more people than most spiritually aware people have simply because I didn't critically judge my present company or environment. Yes, I am often aware of my company and environment and vocal of this at times, but I am not in critical judgment of simply because there is no perception of negative and positive!!

Ideological isms can and often do separate everything in turn creating the reality we have today. It's simply the image we try to live up to that creates such a separated hostile reality and environment, when in all, we simply don't have to live by an image to start with. It's simply all to do with the ego deceiving us into living by an image.       

Friday 19 January 2018

Using Ideologies and Isms Correctly

Written By Mathew Naismith

Having consorted on this topic with a number of people recently, including clashes with atheists of one kind or another, it is obvious to me we are using isms and ideologies incorrectly. We are using them as a be and end all, or, an ultimate state of thinking that should suite everyone. Personally, I don't know of any ism or ideology that would suite every, thankfully, on a collective scale, we are too diverse, too unlimited in consciousness for that.

Why limit human consciousness to one consort, one ideological view which dominates and limits our consciousness to one ideological stance? For me, I couldn't imagine being this limited, this encaged by a singular ideology. In saying this though, diversity of consciousness also includes people being very content within their own ideological stance.  

In my own mind, all isms and ideologies should be used as a guide, not a be and end all, an ultimate state of being for all. I would not like to think that human consciousness could ever reach this state of encaged consciousness, a consciousness totally limited by its own conscious limitations. Diversity is the key an ever evolving consciousness.

Having also researched on this topic, I found the following quite interesting and very truthful. It is wise to know that isms and ideologies can and do create bias and even disdain, especially towards an opposing ism or ideology. Once influenced by such isms and ideologies, especially dogmatically, truth becomes a blur, truth basically becomes less truthful.                              

Extract: One of my bigger regrets is publicly declaring myself an atheist.
Not because I’ve made a recent conversion to faith—I’m still confident in my original opinion. Rather, because I believe “-isms” are dangerous, whether it is theism, atheism, vegetarianism, Buddhism or any other philosophy.

I do find the rigid conscious limited stance of atheists that treat atheism, materialism and science as a be an end, as an ultimate all powerful God like ideological ism, are as bad if not worse within their religion than extremist religion. Again, atheism, like any ideological ism, should be treated as guide, not some ultimate all powerful God like entity because this is exactly what is occurring.  

I personally know of a number of atheists, I was once an atheist myself, even my stepdaughter confirms that she is an atheist, for every good reasons I might add. They are not into extremist atheism, an ism that is being treated far more than just a guide to life to think and live by.      

The following will show how some of these kinds of atheists think, to me, there is no logics to the way they think and live. This is an example of westernised atheism, not eastern atheism, there is a difference.


As I have stated before, not all experiences and observations can be proven factually, it doesn't make them untrue to the observer or experiencer. The materialist/atheist stance is, to me, too rigid/dogmatic and illogical.

Everyone dreams including materialists, so if a dream can't be substantiated by hard core facts, the dream didn't occur. This would mean a materialist can't discuss their dreams void of solid evidence that they had an actual dream!! Strange logic's for a people who have a go at other people's logic's or lack of.

I do understand materialist/atheist ideological views, especially when limited to primary materialist perspectives.

I do however use a lot of actual experiences and observation, at times supported by scientific evidence. In a sense, I have a right to talk about my dreams void of physical evidence. How do you debate or even question a non-psychical occurrence void of actual evidence? It's totally illogical to even try but materialists do exactly this which shows how illogical they too can be!!

Fact and truth; I had a number of dreams last night.

Fact and truth; there is no knowable evidence of me having these dreams.

Fact and truth; I had these dreams even when the lack of evidence proves otherwise.

Fact and truth; the reliance on evidence to prove an occurrence occurred can often be flawed.

In my mind, we need to be more truthful with ourselves, evidence can be and is often flawed, this doesn't include actual tampering of evidence either!!


You have got to understand this stance of a lot of westernised atheists. To acknowledge observation and actual experience as evidence, would be to open themselves up to observation and actual experiences from opposing ideologies as evidence as well. The deception here is that atheists also rely on observation and actual experience as a prime source of evidence at times as well.

If you label an opposing ideology hypocritical, this deceptively takes the emphasis off their own hypocrisy, yes, its fraudulent behaviour by a lot of westernised atheists of today. It's sad that many atheists have turned atheism and science into yet another religion, yet another be and end all ism/ideology!!    

Wednesday 17 January 2018

The Non-acceptance of Truth Today

 Written by Mathew Naismith

Today, telling the truth will not make you few friends but many enemies, this makes perfect sense in the age of false prophets, people and news. I have a lot of true friends but even more enemies; it's of course worth having more enemies because of the trueness of my friends!! I should also point out that the following will be quite controversial to some people.    

So what is truth and whose definition of truth are we talking about?

Truth is defined as being void of bias, prejudice and deception while of observation. Observation being not of participation as participation can often give a false representation of truth. The more of the observer we condition ourselves to be, the more of the real truth we will become aware of, for example, the more involved in a specific ideology we become, the more bias we are likely to be. The amount of participation in anything defines how bias our perceptions will become; this is unless an ideology teaches one to observe as well void of bias, prejudice and deception.

The following is a reply I gave to a person recently I would claim as being wise. Its bible related by the way.   


My Reply
I've actually heard the bible read in a number of different ways, this is how it actually should be. Yes, read within a certain context but not just of a certain context.

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time."

You can read this as people using the actual name of Christ to deceive, this is what people are looking for, however, Christ represents the word of God, how many people today act as Gods to the people void of taking on the name of Jesus but the representation of a God?

By not taking on the name of Jesus but acting as God's is even more deceptive. False prophets simply mean the average person taking on the role of falsity, they act on behalf of the self-proclaimed Gods while making out they are pure, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. This is how deceptive our current reality is, many people don't even realise they are wolves in sheep's clothing!!

How many new age spiritual people are conditioned to ignore the so-called critically judged negatives in the world today? So if they saw a child was being raped, this is negative and must be ignored. We must put things into proper perspective, these people are deceived to ignore the negatives so the negatives can persist which are created and ruled by false Gods.

How many spiritually aware people today critically judge the present reality as being negative, point blank? The perception of negative in opposition to positive is based on fear, the fear of being in the presence of negatives. A people living in fear are easier to control by the false Gods. It's certainly the age of false prophets/people.


Let's be honest, most people prefer to be lied to, deceived, as studies have proven, most people in the world accept lying (deception) as an every day occurrence in their own lives.

To lie, one would have to not accept part or all of the truth, even if it's only part of the truth, it's deception for only the whole truth isn't deceptive. Human consciousness only knowing parts of the truth about itself is deception, this of course includes me, the difference is, people like me know we are living a lie, in a deceptive reality. Now, try telling some kind of truth in a reality based on deception, you are going to receive a quick and often hostile rebuttal and/or refusal.

To only be aware of what one desires is a lie, to live this lie as the truth is pure utter self-deception.

Do we really want to lie and deceive ourselves any longer? The question is direct; the answers however are as ambiguous and numerous as the isms we hold dear and true.