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Thursday, 30 April 2020

To Think Less or Not!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

To think less or not is indeed the question it would seem today. I am bewildered, as it seems we have learnt very little considering the vast array of knowledge we have at hand.

What if I told you that it has nothing to do with how little you think, but more in how you think!! Think on this, did Buddha, through his enlightenment, stop thinking? You don’t stop thinking in an enlightened state, you simply think differently. As science has proven, even in a deep state of meditation the brain is still active, be it different parts of the brain become active while other parts of the brain become inactive. Actually, consciousness becomes even more active due to how aware a consciousness becomes in an enlightened state. Consciousness literally glows in this state.

In an enlightened state our brain becomes less active due to awareness, an awareness that our own egos cause our own suffering and misery. You will notice that within an enlightened state, the whole body (aura) lights up which means consciousness lights up. Consciousness becomes more active, not less active, even though the brain becomes less active overall. You could say that you are lighting up a consciousness through enlightenment to become more active on a consciousness level, not less active.

Yes, it seems you are thinking less in an enlightened state only because you are thinking differently to an ego controlled mind. Less of your brain is active, yes, but the parts of the brain that become active become a lot more active!! You are not actually thinking less but thinking differently in the absence of an ego controlled mind. Stop thinking in volume, that less of the brain is active, think how aware or active parts of your brain have become.

So if you are thinking in positives and negative, love and hate, good and bad, wrong and right, black and white, etc, is this of a less thinking mind? No, even desiring to feel love all the time is of a thinking mind instead of an active mind. Don’t get me wrong here, love lightens up consciousness but it must be in the absence of what you desire. A true sense of love, a love in the absence of a controlling ego, is based on awareness. The more aware you become, the more love you will experience without desiring this experience.     

Active mind: A mind in the absence of a controlling ego, an enlightened mind. 

Thinking mind: A mind in the presence of a controlling ego, an unenlightened mind. 

It is not the quantity of numbers that will make the difference, it is the quality of numbers that will make the difference!! Simply, enlightenment is about thinking in less of volume, quantity, space, time, etc, and more of thinking in the absence of.

Thinking in how less or more the mind is thinking, is thinking in line with a controlling ego, this is quantity. Quality is thinking how active and alight consciousness has become. Just by simply imagining that your consciousness is far more active and alight will make a difference in the way you think. Yes, an enlightened consciousness doesn’t think, it is simply aware but the mind reflects this by becoming more active, not less of thinking!!

Think in quality, not in quantity.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

SWEDEN-Preventative Isolation

Written by Mathew Naismith

Yes, Sweden is in a preventative isolation, not and draconian lockdown/shutdown.

Sweden is doing really badly, right? Wrong. The media and governmental system in Sweden is not about lockdowns/shutdowns but about preventative isolation. So you would rather live under a draconian lockdown/shutdown than a more evolved approach of preventative isolation's?

Lockdowns/shutdowns are about forcefully policing incarcerations and limiting free movement. Locking up people who are not sick or simply have cold like symptoms!!

Preventative isolation's allows freedom of movement but with certain restrictions and care for your fellow man. Only the ill are put in isolation!!

Would have a less draconian approach worked in countries like the USA, Italy and Spain? The politics in regards to world banking systems and multinationals seems to be at play here. I don't think an approach of preventative isolation would have worked in these countries as it is more like a war footing in these countries. In my own mind, the main weapon used against these countries by the big financiers of the world is COVID-19 and fear, paranoia, hysteria.

I think a phrase like preventative isolation that is enforced would have in my own mind been a much better approach, culminating in a much better outcome. The USA could even be looking at civil war which will only serve the big financiers of the world and what everything the deep state stands for.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

The Extraction of Fear from Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

“Wise words indeed Heather, as I try to also live by.

Living by there are no mistakes, only lessons, as there are no negatives, only positives.

Living by mistakes therefore negatives is simply of not learning, suffering for the ego by the ego.

Living by lessons therefore positives is simply of learning, enjoyment for the ego by the ego.

I once again awoke in the early hours of the morning to write.  Your post is in line with what I am about to write about and funny enough the first post I read.”

I do seem to have some bright and wise friends, people who are not in fear of being open minded and direct in their own way.

The extraction of fear from consciousness, a consciousness that has been conditioned to fear for many years, a fear that is anything but of openness and directness. This consciousness is becoming known by many as the Deep Dark State that has plagued man for so long now. This is a state of consciousness that doesn’t learn from its mistakes but prefer to suffer from its mistakes. Yes, this consciousness actually prefers to suffer from its mistakes than learn form it’s mistakes in a literal sense. The process of learning that leads to awareness is mightily shunned by this consciousness.

Being open minded and direct, this is instead of being closed minded and indirect, in my own way is not always received too well by today consciousness. You would think being opened minded and direct, as opposed to being closed minded and indirect, would be accepted but its not. You must allow a consciousness to evolve through its own processes, in our case gradually evolving from a state of closed mindedness and indirectness to a state of open mindedness and directness. In another words evolving from a state of suffering from our mistakes to a state of learning from our mistakes. Covid-19 is a perfect example of a consciousness still suffering from its mistakes in a number of ways.

I look at it this way. To bring people out of the darkness one must do this gradually, of course to do this one must play up to the ego of the darkness to get the ego to come from the dark into the light, there is no other way if you go down this path. The light must be more appealing to the light than the dark. This means awareness (fearlessness) must be more desirable than ignorance (fear) in regards to the ego. Have you noticed the more aware you become, the less fearful you become? This also means becoming fearlessly aware of the Deep Dark State, not ignoring this state to stay positive!!

People like me are not subtle in the way we express our open mindedness and directness, we are not meant to be as of other people are suppose to be subtle in their approach within their open mindedness and directness. We simply can’t play up to the ego in any sense as many other people are guided to do, this is not our path. Our path is governed by the absence of playing up to the ego. Both paths are of the light, of awareness and wisdom. As their will be no one whatsoever incarcerated in a reality of light, there will be no further need to play up to the ego to coach the ego away from the dark. In other words coach a consciousness out from its own incarceration!!

Today, COVID-19 is being used to incarcerate people, healthy people at that, that should be allowed to build up the human collective immune system. Would a dark entity want you to become immune? No, it would want you to still suffer and not learn from your mistakes. Yes, immunity always comes at a cost; better this than being of some kind of dark ignorant consciousness. 

One more thing, don’t mistaken awareness for judgment. You will express what you become aware of. To many people of judgment, this will seem like judgment when it is simply an expression of awareness. In the process of becoming aware you will become aware of many more things, but in the end all of what you have become aware of will be seen as one thing, be it negative or positive. Only in the darkness, ignorance, can one truly be judgmental of all things. Of course in ignorance one never learns from their mistakes, in the process creating a Deep Dark State of consciousness, a consciousness where mistakes are deliberately never learnt!!     

Saturday, 18 April 2020

A Reemerging Spiritual Revolution

Written by Mathew Naismith

In the Americas before European invasion, the first nation people of the Americas lived in a sterile environment in the absence of numerous European diseases. With the arrival of European contaminates creating a contaminated European stile environment, millions of first nation people died. Alas, today in the absence of modern day medicine and so-called vaccine cures, first nation people are still present within the Americas. As of flu vaccine shots, which hasn’t stopped more people dying of influenza each year, no new vaccine will be an ultimate cure either.

Think on this, what was the first nation’s ultimate cure of millions more first nation people dying? It wasn’t modern medicine or some kind of vaccine cure which don’t exist in relation to viral repository ailments, it was the first nations natural immunity to European contaminated environments. Now, are lockdowns or shutdowns going to enhance natural immunity processes taking place or greatly hinder this natural process taking place?  Yes by all means take precautions but not at the expense of our natural immune system developing its own cures that are real cures, unlike viral vaccine cures that are not real cures, simply of preventative measures.

I once found myself in an environment that is more known today as a deep dark state, a conscious state of fear. Within this state certain entities thrive or feed off of fear. My own ego simply succumbed to this environment of fear for a time. The turning point for me was when 9 entities all at once tried to totally overwhelm my ego with fear; all I could do was laugh at them. At this moment my ego no longer had control over me, it was this simple, for only the ego in control can create and exist within a fearful environment of fearing itself. There are spiritual people that exist within these environments based on fear without themselves being of this fear, this means not fearing fear or even of fearing being fearful themselves, for all that can experience fear is the ego in control. When the ego is no longer in control, one is able to exist within any environment of fear free of fear themselves, in the process neutralising fear within themselves.

Why is there so much more fear today? How many spiritually aware people fear fearing? How many spiritually aware people today avoid fearful environments? Shutting down like this is simply going to do what to our egos immunity in regards to fear, especially in the long term? How many people today fear being negative or of experiencing toxic vibrations?  All this fear of the ego in control has simply created what we have today, a collective consciousness and subsequent reality purely base on fear. Now honestly look at who or what type of consciousness is feeding off of this fear!! 

There are numerous spiritual teachings that help guide the ego away from fear and of fearing being fearful. I have allowed my ego to fear and to experience fear based realities, for within this process an immunity in relation to fear is created. Make no mistake, fear is our most pandemic virus man could ever create, and all we are doing at present is feeding this virus based on fear exactly what it needs to exist.

My advice is, stop listening to the people whose egos immune system has no real cure for fear, for they have not themselves become immune to fear through natural processes.         

Friday, 17 April 2020

Human Conscious Connectedness

Written by Mathew Naismith

You could so easily say it is a curse, the ability of an awareness of connectedness to all of what consciousness pertains to. A special humane connectedness through awareness of all that makes us human that creates a very close bond humanity wise. A humane humanity of all that is.

A life in ancient Egypt where I lived a life of a healer of all that was ailed, not just the elite that were ailed. Even today and probably especially today that bond and connectedness remains, even though my healing abilities are not seemingly present as they once were.

So often in my life today have I been aware of ailing children, children who suffer in complete and utter despair and anguish unbeknownst to so many. Yes, I can so easily stay within my own spiritual comfort like so many but this very special connectedness keeps me in touch to which is being abused on a massive scale. So much like in ancient Egypt where I often felt for abused slaves of a state that had no care for their fellow man in bondage. The complete and utter despair and anguish felt so much the same as of today.

Having spent hours in excessive research in relation to COVID-19, all I can say is smokescreen, a concealment of what is hidden from humanity to hide inhuman actions and present and future plans by other obvious inhumane people. Yes, as I can feel a connectedness to children and other slightly older people being abused on a massive scale, I also have a connectedness to the perpetrators of this inhumanity upon humanity as a whole. This is a curse my ego must bare in my connectedness at present.

So much obvious deception in relation to COVID-19, for if COVID-19 was genuine, in other words in the absence of known numerous deceptions, why the deceptions!! No genuine threat to human life on a major scale would need so much deception to be believed, such an event to be believed would be in the absence of deception period. So why the deceptions in relation to COVID-19?

As I understand it, counties like the US and Russia are presently cracking down on a number of Satanist pedophile rings that are linked to the highest levels of society you could imagine. Why are governments and media in the US and other counties primarily focused on COVID-19, when so many more young adults and children fall pray to Satanist pedophile rings than Covid-19 fatality rates overall by a huge number, as one of the videos at the end of this post will portray.

So why would any high level of people of society within a country that is involved or protects such inhumanity upon humanity disclose such atrocities? COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns is a perfect diversionary cover. Make no mistake, if not enough people are dying of COVID-19, further intervention will be implemented to cause far more deaths to simply deflect from Satanist pedophilic intentions and actions. Governments and media will at all cost protect their high social order of people, even if this means murdering thousands of common lower order people over and over again through viral infections.

As I have always been connected to the excessively abused, I am also connected to the abusers of the abused. The reason I am able to do this is due to not perceiving in negatives and positives. Are Satanist pedophiles negative compared to their victims who would then be perceived as being positive? No, a true connectedness to all that consciousness pertains to means all of what is, not only of what we desire to connect with or to. Perceptions of negatives and positives simply separate one consciousness from another, of course the ego to desire to do this is strong.

This connectedness at times hinders my spiritual peacefulness as you could imagine. The ego may see this as a curse but I actually see it as a blessing. Why? I would rather have a special connectedness to humanity as a whole than only have a connectedness to parts of humanity I desire to only have a connectedness to. Yes, even Satanist pedophiles are simply seen as a consciousness lost within their own creation, nothing more.  

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Awareness Equals Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Fear is a creation of the ego therefore an illusion to all else other than to the ego.

Another point is, try expressing love in the absence of ego!! It simply can’t be done for all motions are of the ego.

However, is awareness of the ego?

How aware do you become the lesser of motion (ego) we are of? At this point of connection to everything through awareness our egos feel more loving. So in truth in relation to our egos, love is sign of awareness where fear is a sign of ignorance.

Now observe the present situation in the world, is it of fear or love? It is of fear therefore ignorance. Being aware that fear is sign of ignorance and love is a sign of awareness to the ego is enlightening in times like this. Try to remember this, for only the ego can be enlightened, all else is already of this enlightenment.

The fear of death from COVID-19 is simply creating what? Fear in any sense creates ignorance not awareness, where love creates awareness not ignorance. Are our present governments and media based on love (awareness) or fear (ignorance)? So what are our egos presently listening to the most!!      

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

The Sacred Soul

Written by Mathew Naismith

All I can do is try to help you, if this help is rebuffed, that is the way of the wind.

No matter what occurs around you materially, focus on the well being of the soul. Make sure your soul can’t be bought and/or sold no matter what your material being is going through. So many souls have already been bought and sold, of course a bought and/or sold soul can be redeemed or the process of the soul being bought and/or sold reversed.

The process of protecting your soul is simple, simply visualise your soul being infallible to the present material circumstances or if you like, visulaise the hand of God upon your soul. Your soul can only be bought and sold with your permission or brought about by your own submission to misery, in our case a one world order that is presently existing based primarily on fear and lust. 

As I wrote to someone recently.

“I probably shouldn't be saying this but if I am saying this it is meant to be said.

The video, to me, is so-called intelligence based.  I say so-called intelligence based because any intelligence agency that orchestrates this kind of handy work is not that intelligent, especially if someone like me can see through it.

So many people are worried about a new world order controlling the world.

Not just for one, possibly three, generations have been controlled by a one world order, an order that the word sinister barely touches on.

Why are these people and the present world order not that intelligent? When greed, power, lust, pedophilia, Satanism, etc, become the basis of thought, real intelligence goes out the window. This is so funny, all you needed was an intelligence based on the absence of these traits I have mentioned here. To me, it was inevitable that this world order based on these traits was going to come down eventually with the rise of an intelligence based on wisdom.

It is the way of the wind Sandra. By the way, these are my words so don’t take them, well, you know what I mean.”

The relevant post and video in question.  

Note: The video has no real value as it looks to be made up by so-called intelligent agencies. The obvious brainwashing could influence some people so I didn’t directly share the video.

Friday, 10 April 2020

Q Prediction

Written by Mathew Naismith
Firstly, Q represents a new revolution that is occurring in a number of countries that is not being reported by mainstream governments or media in a real sense. This movement is basically in opposition to governments of creating a reality of fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception. Basically, Q is a movement away from Nazi style governmental systems.
I would myself refrain from turning this Q revolution into a religious revolution; it is a revolution of all consciousness that oppose Nazi style ruling. However the question is, what is this going to mean to ideologies and isms like atheism?
Two present doctrines of atheism clearly and quite dogmatically state, it would seem, that we are all born atheists and that if you are not a theist, you are an atheist!!
We are seeing quite a number of pedophile rings currently being dismantled by Q authorities who are devil worshipers in one sense or another. Devil worshipers being the opposite of theism. So if we are all born atheistic, it is understandable that theists can also have a tendency of being a pedophile and a devil worshiper!! Also, if devil worshiping is the opposite of theism, you have to be an atheist to be a devil worshiping pedophile!!
The prediction in relation to atheism is that atheism is going to be seen as a undesirable, but an ideology that will still be allowed to exist. I will explain. Another prediction of mine is that no one in the future will be incarcerated and not just because crime will plummet. It will be known that incarceration is harmful to the collective consciousness as a whole. Yes, this also means releasing all the present incarcerated people, but in time. For the new consciousness, unknown by many to have always existed, will need time for the collective human consciousness to adapt to.
Imagine just for a moment, no incarceration whatsoever in the whole entire world.
Yes, devil worshipers will be allowed to walk among us freely, eventually. You need to understand how this new consciousness, to many, works. This consciousness will no longer and forevermore be or become a threat to humanity. These people of this consciousness won't become outcasts but simply an undesirable consciousness to integrate with on a conscious level. Atheism, through their own actions and dogmatic doctrines, will become an undesirable however, atheism will eventually shift it's emphasis on anti-theism and change it's doctrines forever. Even today not all atheists are anti-theist nor of the doctrines like, we are all born atheistic and that if you are not a theist, you have to be an atheist.
The way we use ideologies and isms will dramatically change for most of us, no longer will an ideology or ism be allowed to be abused for the good of only a few. It will be for the good of all or not at all. Eventually you won't even think of abusing ideologies and isms in this way, it won't even enter your mind to do so.
So where does this leave countries like Israel that seem to be plagued/controlled by Zionism to a massive extent? Not all Israelis are Zionist nor do they agree with Zionist actions or ideologies, even and especially towards the Palestinians. Israeli's consciousness has been controlled by Nazi ideologies for some time now, ideologies that existed way before the rise of the Nazi party or in fact Zionism. I won't go into this. Israel, like many other countries, will be treated as a consciousness that was lead down a very sinister dark road, that is all. There is a however. At no time go along with a consciousness of vengeance or retaliation of any kind upon another race as this will also occur at first. Just allow this consciousness to envelope you in an easy caring way.
Previous prediction prior to watching the video above.
What an exhilarating time to be around, the final days of a system of government that has been strangulating the world for some years now. Finally, in desperation they have exposed themselves thinking that they have control, a governmental system of known fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception. Make no mistake, if you are thinking this kind of governance sounds familiar, you need not look past Nazi fascism. Far better educated people than I seem to be now calling our present governing system fascism.
Fascism: A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism).
Nazism: The far-right ideology of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party, esp. including a totalitarian government and racial superiority.
Authoritarianism in our case refers to an absolute rule instead of a ruler, based primarily on fear, COVID-19. This is so familiar in how the German people in regards to the rise of Adolf Hitler were deceived through fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception, by using so-called undesirables of the state as a tool to gain power. In our case the undesirable is COVID-19.
So to get to how I predict it is going to end. This is my own prediction, no one else so don’t take it to heart.
After these people have exposed themselves through the use of fear, they will be seen as undesirables, not just to a state or country but to humanity as a whole. They will be stripped of everything they have gained and more through years of deception, treachery and manipulation. No one in the future is going to want to marry into their families; their families will simply cease to exist in the end.
It will be recognised that no governmental system based on fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception is appropriate to the good of all humanity, in the process ending forever any governmental system based on these concepts and idealisms.
A new form of worldwide governing will be based on fearlessness, sanity, harmony and truth, these will be the main concepts and idealisms for any governing system in the world. Yes, this means no more wars or conflicts. The world will seem alien at first but then everyone will see how this new world was always a part of us all along. We simply lost this world in the process of becoming as one humanity, no longer many different humanities fighting it out with each other for gain of some kind.
This had to occur to move on from our present accepted governing systems. Actually, these people, who will end up being undesirable to humanity as a whole, will seem to people like me as a blessing for without them being who they are, our destiny most likely wouldn’t have ended up so harmonious as it will be. Many people won’t see this until we find worldwide harmony. These disharmonious people of fear will be seen as a blessing in the future, not a curse, by many believe it or not.”

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

End of COVID-19 Prediction

Written by Mathew Naismith

What an exhilarating time to be around, the final days of a system of government that has been strangulating the world for some years now. Finally, in desperation they have exposed themselves thinking that they have control, a governmental system of known fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception. Make no mistake, if you are thinking this kind of governance sounds familiar, you need not look past Nazi fascism. Far better educated people than I seem to be now calling our present governing system fascism.

Fascism: A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism).

Nazism:  The far-right ideology of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party, esp. including a totalitarian government and racial superiority.

Authoritarianism in our case refers to an absolute rule instead of a ruler, based primarily on fear, COVID-19. This is so familiar in how the German people in regards to the rise of Adolf Hitler were deceived through fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception, by using so-called undesirables of the state as a tool to gain power. In our case the undesirable is COVID-19.

So to get to how I predict it is going to end. This is my own prediction, no ones else’s so don’t take it to heart.

After these people have exposed themselves through the use of fear, they will be seen as undesirables, not just to a state or country but to humanity as a whole. They will be stripped of everything they have gained and more through years of deception, treachery and manipulation. No one in the future is going to want to marry into their families; their families will simply cease to exist in the end.

It will be recognised that no governmental system based on fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception is appropriate to the good of all humanity, in the process ending forever any governmental system based on these concepts and idealisms.

A new form of worldwide governing will be based on fearlessness, sanity, harmony and truth, these will be the main concepts and idealisms for any governing system in the world. Yes, this means no more wars or conflicts. The world will seem alien at first but then everyone will see how this new world was always a part of us all along. We simply lost this world in the process of becoming as one humanity, no longer many different humanities fighting it out with each other for gain of some kind.

This had to occur to move on from our present accepted governing systems. Actually, these people, who will end up being undesirable to humanity as a whole, will seem to people like me as a blessing for without them being who they are, our destiny most likely wouldn’t have ended up so harmonious as it will be. Many people won’t see this until we find worldwide harmony. These disharmonious people of fear will be seen as a blessing in the future, not a curse, by many believe it or not.    

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Unlocking Down

Written by Mathew Naismith

Coronavirus (COVID-19) free post.

I found this funny, my blog address is titled, “freedom immunity”, this is without knowing consciously what was about to occur as such. I actually thought when creating this address of freedom through immunity!!  

I am for unlocking down our mind, body and soul/spirit, for a number of different reasons. Yes, for the people who can just sit within observation, mediation, praying, chanting, etc, this is fine but not for the majority of people. Think on this, how many people solely rely on natural remedies and interactions to simply survive to start with?

Before the America’s were invaded by westerners, westerners didn’t over populate a planet in the presence of vaccines, but in the presence of herd immunity. Herd immunity is were people are subjected to diseases and through the survivors building up a natural immunity to these diseases. This at the moment is being stopped on a grand scale but not in every country.

When westerners invaded the America’s, the local indigenous inhabitance had no natural immunity to western diseases, they died in droves until they could build up their immunity which they did but at a heavy cost. This was in the absence of vaccines by the way. The heavy cost was due to the deliberate introduction of these diseases in relation to the indigenous inhabitants. Somehow sounds familiar to our present circumstances!! 

Most countries have some form of forced lockdown but as I say, make the best of life, not the worse of life, this also means becoming aware by the way.

In my case, I can simply think of being an observer in the absence of participation no matter what I become aware of. Within this an immunity is created to what I become aware of simply by being an observer. Make no mistake; I am often a participator, especially at present, knowing that this state of participation is weakening my immune system in many ways. I am finding it difficult at present observing my own participation which keeps my immune system while in participation strong.

To someone like me, the material is of a limited (finite) state of being and has no greater importance than an unlimited (infinite) state of being. If in the process of helping other with their own immune system in mind, body and soul, ends my finite existence, it matters not to me. This is unlikely because I still find it easy getting into a state of being simply the observer.

So how do I enter into a state of observation? Simply and without effort imagine being the observer in the absence of participating. This means not reacting to any kind of participation especially in relation to emotions, ego period.  Just be in the absence of intentions or expectations, which includes expecting to be within a state of being of the observer. Don’t think of any of this just be, within this one process your mind, body and soul builds up an immunity quite naturally and quite quickly to our present environment. Like I say quite often, make the best of life, not the worse of life.

The following is more information in how to build up your body’s immune system even more, and how this is being purposely hindered by today’s governmental system.    

“Actually, the combination of zinc and Hydroxychloroquine is proven to be highly beneficial in helping to stop the replication of viruses across the board. Viruses are basically replicators.

However, because prescription drugs in particular kill off the zinc in our bodies, using Hydroxychloroquine in the absence of zinc is virtually pointless in cases like this.

So how did this virus take such a hold on us? This is partly and probably mostly due to the lack of zinc and other minerals in our bodies caused by modern day living conditions. Make no mistake, the authorities know how beneficial zinc is to combating viruses.”

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Yes, A True Awakening

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you don’t want to read this post all the way through, I suggest just going to the last link inserted in this post. Quite affective treatment seems to be right there in front of our face. Try to look at this in the absence of racialist ideologies though.   

“Nostradamus; considered that in 2020 a new era will begin, both in terms of the calendar, but also realistically.

The year 2020 marks a sacred moment, favorable and, at the same time, dangerous in the history of mankind, meant to bring both disasters and revelations.

And the preceding years herald this terrible, yet wonderful potential.

The critical year 2020 does not necessarily mean an end, but rather a fundamental transformation of the world we live in, a rebirth of humankind on a new spiritual level.

I now know what it must have been like in the years leading up to the rise of Nazi Germany. If you were one of a few Germans that could see through what Nazism actually stood for, you would have been dismayed, (verbally), at the masses that blindly follow such an ideology. So over 800 thousand children die year after year is shrugged off as nothing while the mass are lead to dreadfully fear a virus portrayed as something far worse than over 2.56 million people dying year after year!! 60 thousand people in the US alone die of pneumonia, of course they are still dying of pneumonias but you can bet these numbers are then added to the coronavirus COVID-19 fatality rate.   

Do your sums, in a decade 2.56 million x 10 = 25.6 million. In a decade, how many people will die of the coronavirus COVID-19? So no lockdowns for 25.6 million but by all means lockdown for the coronavirus COVID-19!!

In Nazi Germany, what was the mass lead to dreadfully fear the most? The undesirables of fascist Nazi society.  This is instead of focusing on were the Nazis were going to lead Germany and the rest of the world to!!  See the similarities; coronavirus COVID-19 is the undesirable to take the focus off of what?   

For only the few with open eyes will see the deceptions and travesty, all else will simply blindly follow Nazism, unbeknownst to them who follow blindly and unaware.

Am I one of the few? Not sure but I am aware of the deceptions in relation to this coronavirus COVID-19. If something is true, why the deception? I even have a friend who watched a movie and one of the scenes seemed very familiar. They checked their phone and here was the same exact image to do with coffins in a hanger that the Italian authorities showed of actual coffins presently being displayed in a hanger. Even the other objects and people placed and standing around the hunger were present!!      

Look, to people like me it is simple, any governmental system based on fear, paranoia, hysteria and deception is not something we should desire to be governed by, if we do, we must look at how manipulatively deceived and brainwashed we have become. However, as usual, only the aware will be wised up to this, and of course only the wise in circumstances like this will be persecuted by the masses.   

This information is dated 17th of March.

“It is an epidemic that has been nipped as it was growing and stopped in its tracks. This is very clear from the data that we have, as well as the observations that we can see in society in general”, he told UN News in the capital, Beijing, on Saturday.

Don’t’ praise our present governments in the west, after all the warnings, especially in relation to SARS, nothing was put in place to remotely combat such an outbreak. Further more, our present governments obviously handled this outbreak while it was occurring very badly to begin with. In Australia, it wasn’t our government that saved us from a higher fatality rate, it was the drought and bushfires. International visitors in significant number stopped visiting Australia. We still had to go in lockdown because our health services would have completely collapsed if we were put under the same strain like in Italy and the US. The people and the country has to greatly pay due to our governments misgoverning, it is this simple.   

For further study on pneumonia:

The present governing system of fear, paranoia, hysteria and deceit seemingly just let the present disease to simply occur on mass.

The term “coronavirus” may have initially been unfamiliar to many, but most everyone has encountered milder forms of such viruses, of which four strains cause about a fifth of common cold cases.


With viruses like flu and coronavirus, pneumonia often delivers the fatal blow”


The thing is coronavirus pneumonia is viral, not bacterial like common pneumonia, however!! The below will explain how to treat the however, the coronavirus pneumonia.

Supplement: It is hard to share this around, not sure it is advisable to do so but.

Why would the Chinese severely harm their own economy deliberately, at the same time risking sever retaliation?

Looking beyond the politics of this, it would seem that zinc and hydroxychloroquine are a recommended treatment for coronavirus pneumonia. It is still a worthwhile video to watch.   


The Next Generation!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have been thinking for years to what legacy we are going to leave the younger generation, now I know what legacy we are going to leave the younger generation and the younger generation are not happy at all.

I recently talked with a number of people recently, some older, some my own age, some middle aged and some of the younger age. It would seem the older age across the board know little about viruses, especially that viruses are not alive. They also didn’t seem to know that you can’t kill a virus, you can only heal or destroy the living tissue viruses replicate in.

The young people I talked to seem to know this and a lot more. When you get a government and media talking about getting rid of money because of the transmission of harmful viruses on money, they just roll their eyes in disbelief, knowing that public touch screens are far worse in transmitting impurities than money. What about public seating, handles/knobs, handrails, etc. They know the present governmental system is blatantly trying to deceive everyone, and not just to do with the transmission of viruses. They know that the numbers of fatalities are deliberately deceptive and corrupt.

Now, it has been mentioned many times recently sacrificing our own comfort for the aged and vulnerable. How many parents and grandparents would sacrifice part of the life or all of their life for their children/grandchildren? It would seem very few. Our own politicians across the board in Australia won't take a cut in their wages we pay them out of our tax money, or sacrifice any kind of bonus in times like this.

This is the kind of government system we are presently under, a governmental system that won't give up any part of it's wealth or privileges for the good of the country and it's people. Would this kind of mentality give a damn about the next generation? They are going the freeze their wages for twelve months but this makes it worse. Will they end up doubling their wage increase and benefits after the twelve month wage freeze anyway!!

In fascist Nazism, all the people serve the states ideologies first and foremost. What do the people under our present governmental system serve first and foremost? It is obviously not it's country or world or it's people, it is the ideologies of the very few people who govern/control our present worldwide governmental and financial system to serve themselves first and foremost.

So, it would seem to the mass that it is alright leaving the young generation to a system that is only of serving itself, it's master, and certainly not the collective. We are not just willing to sacrifice anything for the young generation, we will leave them with a legacy of degradation of the mind, body and soul.

This is the same people who make no big deal about 800 thousand children in the world who die year after year, but are totally distraught over a virus that does not indiscriminately kill as many people as pneumonia does every year!!

Don't be too hard on these people, the count of pneumonia fatalities is nowhere near as dramatised nor shown on the media as the coronavirus numbers have been. It is like watching the Olympics with fatality rates represented by gold medals, moderate symptoms represented by silver medals and of course bronze medals, which are represented by the majority of people with very little symptoms to show. Really, you have got to be joking, is this where human consciousness has degenerated to, a coronavirus medal tally. When you sit back in observation, while not of participation, it is like observing people counting a medal tally, really.

Actually, this is where the present governmental system has lead us to. Think on this, Nazi tallies of people killed and countries subdued under Nazi rule was like a gold medal tally. How many people in the world have to keep up with the present coronavirus tally? No doubt the same people who give little consideration to the younger generation it would seem as clearly shown recently.

As I would not have liked being under Fascist Nazi governing system in the mid 1900's, I don't like being under the present Nazi governing system and neither do a lot of younger people in the know it would seem. We want nothing to do with your Nazi governing system that is obviously based on fear, paranoia and hysteria.

It is obvious that the toxic and polluted environment we have created externally and internally to our bodies and minds, has created a perfect incubation environment for coronavirus to flourish in and become more infectious than it should be. It is like growing a culture in a laboratory, our own man made environment, like a laboratory, is perfect for creating viral cultures. Is this done deliberately? Who knows but would not have the Nazis in the mid 1900's done the same? Remember, under Nazi style governing, the state comes first and foremost!!

The younger generation has no hope of creating a governing system free of fear, paranoia and hysteria under this kind of governing system, that we have not just created and allowed to flourish but support in many different ways.

Imagine being born into a governing system like this knowing no other way to exist!! This is exactly what we are allowing to be created right now.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Say No to Nazi Like Propaganda

Written by Mathew Naismith

Think for a moment, what kind of system thinks that over 800 thousand children that die every year of pneumonia is far more acceptable than how many children are dying from the coronavirus? Try to find out how many children have died so far from the recent coronavirus outbreak. I could find no listed number of child fatalities, is this to do with how low the number are? How is a system of fear, paranoia and hysteria going to use such a low number? It won’t so it doesn’t even get a mention, now look at how other numbers are being used by this propaganda machine!! 

Ask yourselves; what kind of system would forcibly instill fear, paranoia and hysteria in a populous? The phrase lockdown or shutdown for starters instills fear, paranoia and hysteria in people, as opposed to what phrases could have been used like viral containment and enforced isolation. If a propaganda machine wanted to create fear, paranoia and hysteria, the phrase lockdown or shutdown will do this perfectly.  

“There's not enough information that's readily available yet to determine the true survival rate of COVID-19, says Dr. Brown, "but given the tens of thousands of people infected with the virus, the survival rate will be very, very high," he adds. Manisha Juthani, MD, a Yale Medicine infectious disease specialist, agrees. “It can be scary to watch the news and see the death toll rise from the coronavirus overseas. But we now know that most cases of coronavirus in China have been mild and less than 3% of patients have died,” she points out.”

The statement of,” the survival rate will be very, very high” can’t be used in fear based propaganda so they instead use what? Propaganda that is based on Nazi ideologies of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria, basically creating a complete lockdown of fearlessness, sanity and calm!!

Don’t try to tell me that mainstream media isn’t of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria, a media that is obviously of Nazi like propaganda. What next, people going to rallies based on these ideologies!! Why do you as a people even remotely want to go down this path again of a Nazi kind of propaganda and dictatorial dominance? Because you are so engrossed in lying deceiving manipulative mainstream media propaganda, that is exactly what you are doing.

“At this point, the best way to keep survival rates high–and to prepare and protect yourself against coronavirus—is to continue taking preventive measures recommended by the CDC, which include avoiding close contact with people who are sick; not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; staying home when you are sick; putting distance (about 6 feet) between yourself and other people; cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces; and washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating.”

Even this information from the previous inserted link above is of instilling paranoia and fear to some extent. So in the future if anyone even looks like coughing, you have go to stay 6 feet away from them!! Actually, this says to stay 6 feet away from all people no matter what. Is this not like staying 6 feet away from what the state declares undesirables through propaganda, likened to Nazi propaganda? So if someone is hurt on the street you have to stay 6 feet away from them, an undesirable!! This in a sense is worse than Nazism.  

So what is an alternative governing system to the present Nazi based governing system? Look for a governing system that instills fearlessness, sanity and calm especially in times like this. You should not fear the coronanvirus, you should be simply aware of the coronavirus and be prepared for an outbreak. Was the present Nazi based governing system of the world of instilling fear, paranoia and hysteria ready for such an outbreak? No, now ask yourself honestly if a governing system of fearlessness, sanity and calm would have been?  The answer is obvious.    

Fearlessness is actually of awareness, where fear is of ignorance. How many people today are hiding in fear, when in truth it should be the other way around?  Hiding is simply of ignorance, couple this with fear propaganda from today’s media, what do you have? Nazism in full swing.

Ask yourself this, why are people like me with respiratory conditions not in fear but also not watching Nazi propaganda on the media. No, I won’t inhumanly stay away from a hurt person or any person who assumingly, through fear not awareness, may have the coronavirus. I am also not into being brainwashed into Nazi ideologies through today’s media. In awareness, I know that probably most people have the coronavirus, always have, but how many people living in fear therefore ignorance knows this?  You don’t even know that viruses are not even alive. Has the present propaganda told you this?  No, now ask yourself why not. They simply don’t want to clean up their toxic polluted environment that causes viruses to become far worse of a problem for humans. If you live in shit long enough, it is obvious that you will eventually become that shit. 

I am not a fool, I stay away from people who have illnesses but not in fear like so many today, I try to avoid this by simply being aware, not fearful. Only through fear can a mass populous become so easily controlled and manipulated. My advice is, denounce any fear ignorant based governing systems in favour of fearless awareness based governing systems. Wake up, you are well entrenched in Nazi idealism of fear and ignorance, it is so obvious it’s not funny.

The following link has some fearless based information as well to do with the coronavirus.     

Friday, 3 April 2020

A Book of the Future Observed

The deadliest 
weapon of 
mass destruction

Written by Mathew Naismith

Important: Copy the video depicted in this post as soon as possible, my switch could be switched off in one way or another, of course in the process confirming what this video depicts is true.  

So why are people like me elated at this time? I will answer that latter on but I need to briefly touch on some other issues first.

Warning; the following video was deemed, by a so-called independent body, to be of conspiracy theories so was removed by FaceBook and YouTube. Obviously this video cut real close to the bone, interesting. Conformation comes in many forms. I was not going to share this video any further because of too much overload of the mind, but after further conformation from FaceBook I have to.

I wrote the following after watching yet another health worker explain about the travesty of the corornavirus.  The obvious frustration of this young health worker from people not listening was too obvious. I wrote in reply to this video

“Is it this frustrating trying to get mindless zombies to think for themselves again? Yes, but I am not sure why we are even trying. Maybe they are just going to become a separate species!!”

Or probably more to the point, are the aware and incorruptible going to become a separate species?  Let’s be honest, humanity in the absence of wisdom has been degrading in mentality for some hundred years now. So advancement in mentality means instead of throwing rocks and stick at each other, we throw missiles and bombs at each other!!  However, it is obvious we have degraded even further than this to viral, germ, psychological and chemical warfare.

So why are people like me on top of the world, in around about way, at present?

We are not happy with what is occurring right at this moment, but we are pleased in what will come from this unhappiness. You see living in the present or now is not in the absence of the past of future, the present is never not of the past and future, it is all of the present. When you condition your consciousness to this, awareness abounds because of releasing yourself of the limitations of the present being a separate entity to the past and future. What this brings about is an awareness from the whole, not just one part of the whole. Do you know what a books all about by just reading the front cover? Look at it this way.

The past = the front cover.

The present = what is written between the covers.

The future = the back cover of the book.

So what you may say!! The front cover (past) gives a daunting impression. What is written between the covers, the present, gives an even darker impression, however, the back cover (future) shows a very enlightening impression. This means to someone like me, the present is most often overshadowed by the future, the back cover of the book, no matter what is occurring in this very moment in the present.

The ego simply created a manmade consciousness that has a starting and ending point, therefore is limited, of the finite. As of a book that has a starting point, the cover of the book, and an ending point, the back cover of the book, so it is of manmade consciousness. So what represents the infinite? The creator of the ego that is governed by the book the ego chooses to read/follow!!

This consciousness is very unwell, basically a consciousness lost within its own creation. This lost conscious creation has a lot to do with the book or path the ego decided to read/follow. It is a book or path of many consciously imbalanced facets within the environment of the book or path. In other words the book or path is not in harmony with its external environment.

The back of this disharmonious book actually tells you of an end of a cycle and the beginning of another cycle. In other words you can see the cover of the next book/path which is nothing like the book/path we have been reading/following for so long. It is hard to explain for me but imagine a book that is in harmony with its external environment!! Something many of us would have a hard time imagining because of the conditioning to the present book/path.  

By the way, that I know of, what I have written here are of my own awareness as such, please try to not take offence.