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Tuesday, 26 December 2023

The Sun is Green


Written by Mathew Naismith

This is so funny, the title came before the following that I had no idea of. I was actually looking at it in a different way, that the sun's true spectrum is very different to the way we physically see the sun. The interesting thing is, many of us actually see the sun in the same way we see ourselves and each other, what we see and experience physically is all we are, nothing else. Are humans living a lie, in the process create realities in accordance to lies?

“The Zohar – more than 2,000 years old – explicitly states that the sun is indeed green. Scientists would finally make this ‘discovery’ in the early 18th century, 1,800 years later – but who’s counting.”

“BONUS Fact: The Color of the Sun is Actually Green!”

What I am saying or visualised just recently is that the true spectrum of the sun in a non-psychical sense is also depicted as being green. Could we honesty say the same thing about man, that man is being his true self, he's true non-physical self as of the sun?

No joke, the sun is green in whatever existing spectrum the sun exists in, be it of it's physical state or non- physical state.

It is amazing how we can be drawn into living and existing in realities based on lies. What occurred just recently in relation to a neighbour we have helped over the years is by no mistake. The lie the whole family live by was eventually going to be exposed.

“Amazing, I am the one who is suppose to be imbalanced, I will tell you why this is not the case which goers for each and everyone of us!!

It is amazing how a whole family can live a lie, in this case that someone of the family has not got an aggressive bone in their body, even when they notably have, more than one it turns out.

Is this the same of a mass of people living a known lie? Now expose this lie for what it is, deceptive, and see the reaction you will get.

Lies told to deceive yourself, each other and everyone else is simply a sign of an imbalance. In a reality based on balance than imbalanced energies, it is impossible to live by lies like this as of any imbalances.“

When we live by lies, of course the sun is only going to be what we see it as, not what it really is, as of ourselves and a reality based on so many imbalances is going to be.

As of anyone, I am still awakening to our truer being.

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Dreams and Demons


Written by Mathew Naismith

Progression of dreams tell the true story of one's own personal and at times collective development.

Recently in the past, my dreams told me of deceit, treachery and hidden hostility. It turns out that the hidden hostilities were emanating from a neighbour my wife and I have helped out quite a bit, so always remember dreams can be foretelling.

I often confront my demons face on in real life, of course to anyone of a subjective mentality, abusive, deceitful and/or demon like in other ways in one's life, confronting these demons face on is always going to lead to you being the bad one to the demons in our lives. Expect this to occur and never take on what these demons have to say about you or to you.

In previous dreams of demons, this particular demon would always become larger and more aggressive and abusive, last night I held the demon in my right hand, had to watch the sharp teeth though. No, I did not kill the demon, the demon in my presence simply became a lot smaller but just as aggressive and abusive. I simply depicted the demon in it's true form, before a collective subjective consciousness inflated it's size. This kind of consciousness is tiny and quite insignificant, until made a lot more significant in an environment conducive to it's growth and subjective abusive conscious expansion.

I let the demon go, knowing that a subjective consciousness reality will result in the demon becoming far more abusive while it's form grows to a massive size once again. Scientifically, you cannot destroy energy, all you can do is transform energy by changing the environment these demons need to manifest in. Look at how hydroxychloroquine and zinc help to subdue virus replication, it is the same thing. You can see why these demons within our present reality did everything to stop the use of protocols like this during and after the covid pandemic!! You can't destroy these virus's altogether within environments, but you can change the environment so that virus's or demons are not conducive to the replication or manifestation of viruses and demons within any given environment.

So the fact of the matter is, if the environment is conducive to demons, there is nothing one can do except make your own environment less attractive to these demons.What needs to occur is change the environment to be less conducive to demons on a personal and/or collective level, sadly, the collective seems to be doing quite the opposite, at present.

The dream is making reference to how I am now on a personal level dealing with my own demons within and around me, but also showing that these demons are always present, waiting for the right environment to manifest in on a personal and collective level. Without a doubt these demons of abuse and mayhem can be arrested/subdued into a form of insignificance, while remembering it is this insignificance the demons fear the most and will do everything to avoid occurring, expect this.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Primary source of Consciousness



Written by Mathew Naismith


The primary source of human civilisation is supposed to have started in Africa. Not so sure on this one.

The primary source of human and animal life is from conception. Most definitely.

The primary source of learning is from the environment we live in. Most definitely.

Science can only speculate to the primary source of consciousness, a primary source of consciousness every other consciousness is secondary to, no matter how evil it may seem. Very little doubt here no matter what you want to call this primary source.

Imagine for a moment if humanity allowed itself to be governed by this primary source of consciousness, instead of being governed by secondary sources of consciousness!!

In actuality, some of us do to one extent or another.

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

A Wise Person of Concern

Written by Mathew Naismith

We don't have to be of what our immediate environment determines.

Observing so many people into virtual Neanderthal rock and stick throwing, today's bombs and missiles, used against another is hard to observe, especially when hearing the related justifications of rock and stick throwing. To me and people like me, these justifications are the hardest to listen to, mainly because this kind of mentality has not change in millions of years. The reason for this is, to me, to do with still being of what our environment determines us to be.

If we are honest, the natural environment has always been, to one extent or another, hostile towards living things, put in another way, abusive. This kind of reality or world can be quite a harsh environment for any living thing to survive in. We have simply allowed this harshness to turn into abuse.

What if I told you under the current NWO system that  digital bank robbery is worse than ever in human history. Notice that there is no posse or lawmen tracking down these digital bank robbers!! Look at the slave trade and paedophile abuse of children today. Look at how we accept an apartheid system, like medical apartheid, where the people not covid vaccinated are not just prosecuted but persecuted. Look at how many people still after millions of years justify rock and stick throwing!! It is the justifications that are used to abuse others that is concerning here.

After millions of years we are still being governed by what our immediate harsh environment determines, which of course includes our mentality of apartheid systems and rock and stick throwing. It is funny how we have not taken on the beauty of the natural environment, while destroying it, but what the harshness of this environment determines, obviously.

I have noticed that spirituality can reflect either the harshness of the natural environment or the beauty of this environment. The middle ages or medieval period is a prime example of spirituality taking the road of the harshness or abusive side of the natural environment. What I find interesting in this period is when church and or religion came before God!! However, I also find it interesting when spirit or even soul becomes the governing factor, not the immediate abusive side of the natural environment.

We are simply of what our environment determines, be it of man made, of nature, of spirit or God, wisdom, etc. To me and people like me, having our reality determined or influenced by Neanderthal rock and stick throwing to begin with is of an antiquated mentality, a mentality we think should have long past, a past that seemingly the majority of people are still governed by today, often by trickery and coercion.

No wonder I have not posted this post yet, a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago.

Are people like me too concerned, too involved in our surrounding environment? This is something one needs to be observant of when of concern.

Firstly, if we were all concerned, what is occurring simply would not occur. Secondly, knowing the difference between being simply concerned to feeding this energy that we are concerned about even more energy is simple outright wise, at the same time realising that our present reality is governed by subjective energies, energies of intense distortion. Look at the biases and how emotions where used against the average person during the pandemic. If we were wise as a species, we could learn a lot from this one occurrence, not saying we won't do this, the opportunity is there.

A wise person of concern does not desire vengeance or retribution, at the same time concerned enough in relation to how the surrounding environment is becoming distorted more and more at present. You also realise the opportunity at hand to learn from such distortion, to never go down this road again. The opportunity to transform from a reality governed by a subjective mentality to a reality governed by an objective mentality is apparent and upon us all, but we must refrain from becoming too involved in the present subjective energy at play for this to occur. Yes, subjective and objective mentalities are of nature, of human nature, a wise thing to become aware of.

Thursday, 9 November 2023

What Do Women Want!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

So, what do women want from their partners? Yes, I am use to sticking my neck out.

Respect and appreciation, yes men, I think it is this simple.

I am talking about the average women, not women who want everything the material world can give them.

My wife and I know of couples who the man shows very little respect and appreciation to, we even know of one bloke who thinks women should be subordinate. I thought this bloke was alright, how wrong could I be.

I have gone out with women who use to love having sex, of course these women were sluts and the blokes weren't!! I use to walk in public holding their hands, of course these blokes thought it was some how unmanly to do so. One lass got a huge surprise when I put my hand in hers while walking down the streets, sadly, she was obviously never shown respect and appreciation.

Is it due to my objective mentality as I have always shown respect and appreciation to those who deserve this kind of emotion? Are a lot of blokes of a subjective mentality, to the point of wanting women to be more subordinate?

The difference between spiritual people is of being of a subjective and objective mentality, being that subjectivity is of the absence of wisdom and objectivity being of the presence of wisdom. Being aware of this the difference is apparent. I tend to lean towards objective people, while being aware that bias, lust and desire is subjective.

The differences is of all aspects of life, not just do with relationships or spirituality, the same is with the sciences, atheism, politics, masculinity, etc, being of a subjective or objective mentality does indeed make a difference. Imagine for one moment if our world was predominantly influenced by the objective, with objective observers running the world instead of the present subjective observers!! Ukraine and Palestine would not have occurred in the first place, to the disgust of the NWO, UN, NATO, WEF, etc. Yes, what I am saying is that these entities are of the subjective observer mentality. Evil is simply of a mentality of subjective observation. Why the difference in masculinity is a good one, one is of respect and appreciation and the other of disrespect and depreciation!! Do the big boys running the world appreciate and respect us for what we have given them? They could not be more subjective if they tried.

Would women want men, the masculine, to be more objective? I think it's to do with more of a need, not just for women but the world as a whole. The world needs more objectivity, not less.

Monday, 6 November 2023

Conscious Elevation


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am not into ascension, where consciousness is deemed to be better or more superior than another consciousness, what I am into is elevating my own consciousness above unpleasant circumstances. Another way to put this is, being more of an objective participator than a subjective participator/observer, in the process consciously extracting myself from a state of endless abuse created by the existence of a subjective mentality.

Conscious elevation; the alleviation of consciousness from an unpleasant state of affairs.

Elevation: The act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance).

I am far more of an objective participator than I am an observer, either way people like me usually, not always, see and accept both sides of the story. By simply being able to see and accept both sides of the story, assists me further in elevating my own consciousness away from a consciousness that is unwilling to see and accept both sides of the story.

I went along with the covid pandemic to start with, an unpleasant state of affairs, until things just did not add up for people like me when part of a think tank, people who think beyond accepted narratives. I also did not go along with the unpleasant Western narrative of supporting Ukraine over Russia, knowing that there was another side to the story. The present Western support of Israel over Palestinians is, what can I say, an unpleasant state of affairs, knowing that Israeli authorities have deemed the Gaza strip as a concentration camp since at least 2006 and treated it's inhabits in accordance with. Could you imagine the West being in full support of this, but not only this, Gaza is a death camp, a death camp the West is in full support of!! Imagine for a moment if Putin had a death camp like this, but it is okay for the West to be in support of this kind of camp, the so-called good guys!!

An objective participator can see right through all this, also realising that an subjective participator can't or won't want to see through all this. When I am in conversation with people and they deny every bit of evidence, I know straight off that they are of a subjective mentality, of biases, usually inline with desired or lusted for narratives or circumstances. I desire a more objective reality to exist, but my objective mentality assists me in overcoming my desires and realises that I don't live within an objective reality. The subjective mind set will always be in denial of the obvious in favour of what is desired, this is not so with the objective mind set.

Knowing that the subjective consciousness is easily coerced or manipulated to think irrationally, resulting in supporting the most unpleasant circumstances unbeknown to this consciousness, you can't hold this consciousnesses to account. I can be subjective myself, the difference is I am aware of this. If you are unaware, it is so easy to go down the road of supporting unpleasant affairs like the covid pandemic, global warming, Ukraine war, Israeli war, etc, that the West is of the side of good and the East is of the side of evil!! The present display of subjectivity by many Westerners is evident, but only to people who are of an objective mentality.

So in a reality predominantly influenced and controlled by the subjective consciousness, an objective consciousness will understandably often see themselves standing alone, something the subjective consciousness greatly fears. Once you elevate your consciousnesses above unpleasant affairs created by the subjective mentality, there is no fear in standing alone, in fact you realise you are less alone. Participating in a subjective reality, even as a subjective consciousness, is a very lonely existence. Look at the division in the world today, even between sexes/genders.

An elevated consciousness may feel a very lonely place at first, but eventually you realise you are less alone than when participating in a subjective reality. An objective reality is of uniting consciousness, a subjective reality is of dividing consciousness, often dividing consciousness through unpleasant circumstances like what is presently occurring.

I am going to go way off track here and use what are deemed fables to explain conscious elevation even more so.

A lot of people have an affiliation with the Pleiades, a star cluster in the constellation Taurus, as other people with Altair's, the brightest star in the Aquila constellation.

Consciousness has no boundaries, only the boundaries the subjective consciousness gives it. It is like how objective science has discovered how protons can communicate with each other over great distances. Yes, there is also subjective science as of the same with religion/spirituality.

The Pleiades is of an objective consciousness, as I understand in the complete absence of subjective consciousness. Altair's is of both objective and subjective consciousness, the difference between our world and Altair's is that objective consciousness in the Altair's is the predominate consciousness unlike our own world where the subjective consciousness predominates our world.

Another example is Lemuria and Atlantis. Lemuria was like Altair's, where Atlantis became more like our present world that ended being dominated by the subjective consciousness.

Have you heard that we will never go down this road ever again, that humanity will learn from it's past. You can see why the subjective observer wants to sensor or distort anything not of it's own into oblivion.

What I am going to suggest is that we will, if we are allowed to learn from our past, be more like Altair's, where objective consciousness will be the predominate consciousness, in the process keeping the subjective consciousness from dominating the world again.

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Subjectivity on Steroids


Written by Mathew Naismith

Have you ever wondered why I seem to be the only one getting this or seeing this? It can seem a lonely place in a world progressively controlled and created by a subjective mentality for a mentality of objectivity. The world is presently controlled by people of a subjective mentality, lust and desires for instance can only exist within a subjective reality.

Subjective: Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias.

The lust for control, material wealth and flesh, which is of biases, is primarily of a subjective reality, be it that realities like this are created from being of subjective observation, not just of subjective participation. The common people or cattle under the influence of this subjective reality are conditioned to being of a subjective mentality only, while very few people are allowed to be subjective observers. Apart from this, the intolerance of the objective mind existing within a created subjective reality is becoming more and more noticeable. Notice how many objective observers were being persecuted and even killed before, during and after the covid pandemic, predominantly medical professionals who spoke out against crimes against humanity!!

I will at this point try to explain the differences between subjective participation and observation, but also objective participation and observation to get a better perspective here.

Subjective Participation; is a state of consciousness that only participates within a reality, in a state where observation of participating is absent. I thought Joe Biden opening up the US borders in a time of a catastrophic pandemic would have woken people up to what was really going on, it didn't. Why? Because most people were coerced to only subjectively participate, in the process negating any objective participation, especially objective observation. Anyone of objective observation was imminently dealt with, cancelled in some way to the point of killing them. No, the subjective participator will not be able to see any of this as the subjective observer will desire not to see this.

Subjective Observer; is a state of consciousness that one is observant of participation and observation which includes the subjective observation of objective observers and participators. The subjective observer is the most abusive state one can experience, the majority of abuse in the world is caused by subjective observers lusts and desires. The subjective participator is also abusive but not to the same extent or scale of abuse.

Objective: A state of mind not distorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena.

Objective Participation; is a state of consciousness that only participates within a reality, in a state where observation of participating is absent. It is a state of passive consciousness but of the absence of wisdom. There are a number of spiritual practices that condition a consciousness to a passive created environment rather than a subjective created environment of abuse however, as history shows us, not all of what is spiritual is of the objective mentality. The subjective observer knows how to undermine what is suppose to be of objective participation, this is very different in regards to the objective observer.

Objective Observer; is a state of consciousness that one is observant of participation and observation which includes the objective observation of subjective observation and participation. Within this state wisdom is formed within consciousness, for only can a consciousness of objective observation become wise. It is a state where observation is of the absence of biases which also means lusts and desires. How many people in the west desire that Russia is pure evil and abusive and NATO, UN, WEF and WHO are not?

Yes, it is within a subjective reality that reality becomes the most distorted and abusive and yes, it is within an objective reality that reality becomes less distorted and abusive. It is within this reality wisdom flourishes.

A post I recently responded to,” When a wild animal in the wildness calls out a warning, the other animals and humans don't ignore the warning as their natural instincts are still intact. When another human tries to warn his kind, they laugh and call them a conspiracy theorist as their natural instincts have been rendered useless.”

My reply as follow:

“Very good point.

Now how do you render natural instincts like this useless? You coerce the populous into a state of subjective participation, where the mind is modified/distorted by people of excessive bias and prejudices.

Subjective: Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias.

What creates wisdom within a society/people of the absence of biases and prejudices? Objective observation.

Objective: Undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena.

Now look at how many people are unable to see or even comprehend observable phenomena these days!! The normalising of paedophilia by authorities is a prime example as was many things that occurred during the pandemic and covid vaccines roll out.”

The inability to observe or even comprehend observable phenomena will only lead to further abuse/war and humanity as whole being subjugated, reducing almost all of humanity to a state of subjective participation only. The present Ukraine and Israeli wars are prime examples of this. As I have stated many times before, this rock and stick throwing is of a Neanderthal mentality, now look at how many people are in support of this, a prime example of subjective participation on steroids where observable phenomena is mostly obscured.

Thursday, 26 October 2023

A Never Ending Story

 Note: I have been stopped by Google from inserting any more images or other external and internal media, sorry for that. 

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had to delete three paragraphs to this post, had trouble formulating so I started from scratch.

Take two, as they say on movie sets.

I was recently talking to a friend of mine that also listens to their environment more than they speak or participate, we both agreed that so many people we listened to seem to be going around and around in circles at present. You need to be careful with this though due to subtle differences in what seems to be repetitive participation, in saying this, in a lot of cases this seems to be the case, where repetitive participation in the absence of subtle differences is obvious.

The present environment seems to be of a never ending story of repetitive participation, wars are a prime example of this, however, in observation there are subtle differences especially in regards to the present wars at hand. Imagine for a moment if Putin killed as many civilians as Israel has. Actually, this difference is not subtle, it is like the covid pandemic was said to be as bad as the Spanish flu, when country boarders were opened!! This is in line with police kettling protesters at the time of a catastrophic pandemic. There is no way they would have done this during the SF, like subtly outlawing proven covid therapeutic treatments as they did in Queensland Australia. Look at how the authorities subtly ignored COVAX-19 that did not kill or harm animals or humans in the trials, and was only a two shot inoculation and did not use risky mRNA technology.

Kettling: Used by police to tightly contain demonstrators in small separated areas.

Subtle: Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse.

What seems to be subtle and even not subtle to people like me is quite difficult for other people to grasp mentally. If I was to choose sides between Ukraine/NATO and Russia as of Israel and Palestine, the rest of the middle east, I would be in participation, not in observation, and would miss subtle differences and even not so subtle differences. The trick is to be an objective observer, as to be a subjective participator or observer will distort reality even more so, in the process result in even more abuse being carried out upon each other, a never ending story it would seem.

I thought Humanity would have become bored with this kind of never ending story that is the same old story being orchestrated over and over again, but there not. Why? Because of the subtle and not so subtle differences with the never ending story. If main stream media told everyone to turn on Israel, most people would do it, even though at present MSM is telling people to turn on Palestine. All what subjective participation and even observation creates is a lie, a distortion in mentality therefore reality. As I wrote recently, “Every step we take into the lie, is a step further in taking the humanity out of humanity, in all honesty.” Look at how children are now going to be conditioned to be sexualised therefore conditioned to be abused by adults as soon as they are born. Look at how the police and other authorities are sitting back allowing this to occur, in fact are pushing it. This could only occur in a state where the mentality has become excessively distorted, resulting in a distorted therefore abusive reality.

So it would seem I am telling the same old story, mentioning the same old things as I have done in many other posts, except for the subtle and not so subtle differences!!

Have you noticed how objective observers can't keep people interested in what they are saying these days, even when they make subtle and not so subtle changes to their story unlike subjective participators and observers? You would think that most people are conditioned to only excepting what the subjective mentality story is about no matter how repetitive it is, like how the authorities are in the process of conditioning children to being sexually exploited, in the process normalising paedophilia!! Yes, you can normalise subjective thinking in the same way, in the process making objective participation and observation a social abnormality.

So our choice is a never ending story based on subjective participation and observation or objective participation and observation, except for a lot of people this choice has been taken from them, probably for good. I should say that a never ending story based on objective participation and observation is not of distortion nor of going around and around in a never ending cycle of abuse.

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Spirituality; of Uniformity

Written by Mathew Naismith

Spirituality to people like me is of Uniformity, where the absence or lack of a distorted consciousness therefore reality is evident. The further a consciousness is distorted, the less of spiritual uniformity the said consciousness becomes, a good example of this is like when religion and/or church come before God. Another example is when, allegedly, for Freemasons to go up a senior level, they have to abduct, abuse and no doubt also kill a child. This fits with a lot of current events. Considering that Freemasons are in authoritative positions in just about everything to do with authority, including police, politics, unions, health, defence force, etc, no wonder human consciousness is so abusive, divided and distorted, especially at present, if this one singular allegation is true.

Being of spiritual uniformity makes it quite daunting sitting by and observing a consciousness, therefore reality, becoming more and more abusive and divided therefore distorted, however!!

When you consider that capitalism is as autocratic as communism or fascism, be it that the almighty dollar determines or dictates every facet of our being, you realise how distorted human consciousness has become. How could a consciousness in a real sense separate and even think that capitalism is the opposite of communism or fascism? The price fixing of energy from the word go is evident for starters. Seen as energy influences every facet of our being, every facet of our being is determined by economic price fixing. Look at today's science, where profits come before science on almost every level. Does profits before science rewinds you of religion and/or church coming before God? Now look at how long this has been occurring for!!

I would not call myself an advocate of spiritual uniformity, more like a simple follower of uniformity of every facet of my being. The more and more the world is evidently becoming abusive and divided therefore distorted, the more I realise that my own consciousness is of this spiritual uniformity, being aware that spiritual uniformity is simply a state of mind body and soul of the absence or lack of what makes human consciousness abusive and divided therefore distorted.

Is humanity dividing into what is of uniformity and what is distorted, one part of human consciousness evolving into an ascended state of consciousness in the face of excessive distortion?

Considering that uniformity means everything is regular and unvarying in relation to what is of a true reality, as opposed to realities based on what is desired and lusted for, untrue realities created by distorting reality, and realising that humanity has lived like this for so long, it is understandable that a huge opposing shift from uniformity was needed to awaken a consciousness to a state of uniformity. It is like how the pandemic has awaken quite a number of people to how corrupt the current system is and has been for quite a number of years. Look at how the US congress is going to further fund a 100 billion rock and stick throwing in Ukraine!! Only in a reality that is excessively distorted could this possibly occur in. You realise this the more and more of this uniformity you become of.

Yes, without a doubt it is daunting and frustrating observing a world become more and more distorted in every sense, while also realising this could lead to a huge awakening for humanity as a whole if we embrace this small window of opportunity. I look at it as being fortunate to have this opportunity for humanity to evolve into something far less abusive and divided therefore distorted.

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Right and Wrong v Honesty and Integrity



Written by Mathew Naismith

868 views today on this blog and I have not posted since 1/9/23. The lowest views in a day in the past 30 days was 125, the highest was 1040, this is significant for a blog that tries to be expressive of honesty and integrity. It is not that people are looking for a right or wrong, even though this may seem so at first, it seems to be more about honesty and of integrity, this was inevitable considering the lack of honesty and integrity in society today. This is also impressive due to being excessively shadowed.

Have I mistakenly tried to portray a right and wrong in my blog posts? As of anyone, and to be honest about this, yes, at times. It is a mistake to try to convey to humanity as a whole what is right and what is wrong as each and every culture has it's own version of what is right and wrong. In some cultures people who steal can have their hand cut off, this is right for some cultures and wrong in other cultures. To me, if a person even thinks of stealing in any culture, it is a reflection of the culture itself or lack of culture, not the person who steals.

Today, under the control of communist (autocratic) style directives, paedophilia and human trafficking is on the rise, significantly, and this is while we are under more surveillance than ever. Under this kind of surveillance it should be the other way around. Look at how we are still virtually supporting throwing rocks and sticks at each other, like the Neanderthals. Our mentality is still of a Neanderthal, which means each and every culture is of this mentality to start with. When you think on this, you don't need much of a culture to support the throwing of rocks and sticks at each other, as of stealing.

Are all our cultures around the world that are into throwing rocks and sticks at each other wrong in expressing this mentality? No, just not honest with themselves. In my own mind, we need to get away from what is right and wrong and focus on what is of honesty and integrity. Right and wrongs are not for the good of humanity as a whole but to me honesty and integrity is. “You are wrong according to my own culture so I am going to throw rocks and sticks at you.” In a time governed by what is right and wrongs in accordance with our own culture, that is still today of the mentality of throwing rocks and sticks at each other, how expressive of honesty and of integrity is a culture going to be? In all honesty, it is this honesty and integrity, no matter what is wrong or right, that is going to be deemed wrong by so many people today, at present, this is why the number of views on blogs like this is significant.

How is any culture still into throwing rocks and sticks at each other going to be of honesty and integrity? It won't be, in actuality it can't be, not while cultures are based on what is right and what is wrong. So yang is right and more valued while yin is wrong and less valued!! There is no honesty or integrity within this kind of mentality. It is like saying day is more valuable than night, when each other in balance with one another is creative. Yes, this means an imbalance between energies is destructive, by nature. It is natural for an imbalance of energy to be destructive.

I was going to write the following as a separate post on my blog before I wrote this post, by mistake, I decided not to.

I was going to recite the following at my 60th birthday party, it just did not fit in with everything going on that night.

Now that you are at my mercy, I am going to subject you to a small portion of Mat's warped philosophy.

It is not within the quantity of numbers but within the quality of numbers, this is of many facets of life.

My wife and I are certainly blessed, not just by the quality of friends but by the quality of quantity of friends, this is certainly without doubt. Sadly, a number of the qualities could not make it tonight, that is the way the wind blows which brings us to.........

Human life in many ways is like the wind; at one time blowing ever so gently, at other times experiencing gusts so strong that we feel we could be blown off the face of the earth. No matter how the wind is blowing, always try to make the best of life instead of the worse which now brings us to the bending of the tree.

A tree that stands rigid to the wind will most likely no longer stand. This is likened to making the worse of life. A tree that bends to the wind will most likely live out it's life. This is likened to making the best of life.

In the end though, no matter how the wind has structured your life, the wind will no longer blow and this is but another chapter of life, for without chapters to begin with, the wind cannot blow.“

So in all, people like myself try to live by what is of honesty and integrity rather than whats is right and wrong, while right and wrongs are being enforced more and more by the present mentality. At times, under such strong influences of a mentality of throwing rocks and sticks at each other, we will mistakenly express right and wrongs and support rock and stick throwing, this is inevitable, but what makes the difference is trying to live by what is of honesty and integrity, most importantly in the absence of what is right and wrong.

I say mistake because most of us don't deliberately choose to be influenced by energies that are out of balance with each other. Everything exists around us due to a balance of energies, not an imbalance of energies, so by nature we don't choose to exist in a reality based on imbalanced energies.

As an infant we need to find balance to walk, talk and think, in all honesty I ask the question, are we anywhere near this stage of life or state of mind?

Thursday, 31 August 2023

Maui: A New Awakening

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine for a moment if Buddha was born a prince and died a king and stayed within his own kingdom, his own positive reality separate from the outside negative reality, never to become Buddha. Imagine if one of the greatest wise teachers of human history, Confucius, did the same, imagine if Jesus did this as well, etc!! What if I told you numerous people in the spiritual community today are doing just this, however, the fire storm in Maui has awakened a number of people to this within their own spiritual community it would seem.

I have been spiritually aware, to one extent or another, since I was 13 years old due to various experiences, I am nearly 60 years old. Within this time period, mostly in the recent time period, I have noticed how a very dark shadow has infiltrated a lot of spiritual communities, of course it is said to be negative to point this out. Not sure when awareness, especially self-awareness and honesty, become a negative energy form!!

It would seem that critically judging everything into positives and negative, and ostracising or ignoring everything critically judged as negative, is of positive energies!!

This is how a truly positive person thinks. Everything does not fit within a positive and negative energy category, often something that is traumatising can lead to something very positive. So you don't have any more children due to a pregnancy and birth was uncomfortable, in other words negative!! To a truly positive person not every trauma and pain experienced is put into the negative category. You put your hand in the fire and it hurts, the so-called negative actually turned out to be a positive, giving you an awareness of how fire can hurt you. Experiencing physical pain actually stops us from hurting ourselves even more, imagine not pulling your hand out of the fire!!

Is mental pain and discomfort the same? I think you will find that it is.

Believe it or not, the mention of Maui, which was never critically judged a negative or positive energy before, is not allowed to be mentioned in certain spiritual communities due to having a strong negative energy vibration!!

I have been in this spiritual awareness game for a number of years, and know of how this darkness has infiltrated past spiritual communities/churches at one time or another in human history, if what is occurring at present is not the exact same thing, I will eat my hat.

Monday, 21 August 2023

Kept in the Shadows


Written by Mathew Naismith

Here I was writing a post titled,”Sexual Ecstasy v Collective Consciousness Ecstasy, a post I am now not going to finish due to the realisation that I have to be far more direct in my approach on this issue. We need to realise more than ever that there is no good verses evil, light verses dark, this is a fallacy we need to all become aware of before going on with anything else.

You can relate dark and light energy to whatever you want to relate it to.

No matter what you relate this energy to, in the presence of light dark energy is like an ant combating against a steamroller, there is no real competition or opposition and this dark energy is quite aware of this, this is why this dark energy is trying everything it can do to keep us in the shadows of becoming aware of this.

I realised that when people in power become less and less answerable to common law or even answerable to anyone, they become more inhumane, insentient, a state of the absence of feelings, consciousness and animation. The more of this dark energy you become, the less of conscious one becomes.

Consciousness: An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation

Are these people in this dark state really aware of their present state, predicament, situation? Are they aware that the steamroller is of the light energy in face of the ant that is the dark energy? Do they desire to know this or of anybody else becoming aware of this? The answer is no to all these three questions. The only state where dark energy is equal to light energy is in states of darkness or states of consciousness this dark energy controls and manipulates. You can't war with an opposing party in a state where light energy prevails, for there is no opposing energy to begin with in this state. Look how long humans have been warring for. Look at how NATO is doing everything in their power to prolong the Ukraine/Russian war!! If NATO was of this light energy in any sense, this war would not have started in the first place, it couldn't.

Within human consciousness there has always been a sense of good against evil, light energy opposing dark energy, supported by ancient writings that enforce this belief. It is not that they are wrong, it is that they are not completely right. They are right in that within a consciousness that is controlled and manipulated by dark energy, this dark energy will always oppose the lights energy existence, in the process creating an environment conducive to the dark opposing the light and visa-versa, however, if we look at a state where the light energy is predominate, there are no opposing parties to begin with.

If this light energy is not of opposing energy forces, of course the ant in opposition to the light will be rolled over, not due to the light being in opposition to the dark but due to the dark being in opposition to the light. If this light energy acted as the steamroller in the present human reality, all that is of this dark energy would be steamrolled over, as if this dark energy did not exist to begin with. In fact in the presence of this light energy this dark energy does not exist, it is this simple. Is this dark energy aware of this, and makes sure no other energy under it's influence is aware of this? The answer is obvious.

So the obvious question is, why is not this light energy intervening in human affairs?

This is but my own conjecture, it comes back to my post I am not going to share, try taking away all the desires, lusts and ecstasies created by this dark energy, way too many people would oppose this to begin with. Why? Because they are kept ignorant to the ecstasies created by light energy. Again, equate light energy ecstasies to dark energy ecstasies, the ant just does not measure up to the steamroller, in other words the ecstasies created by dark energy do not measure up to the ecstasies light energies create. In the presence of the light energy, it is if the dark energy does not exist, as of the steamroller and the ant.

Also, this light energy is not into deliberately steamrolling over other energy forms, this light energy will avoid this at all cost, unless the dark energy is persistent in it's own opposition. If the ant thinks it can take on a steamroller due to it's own ignorance, this is purely up to the ant.

Is this dark energy becoming more and more persistent in the face of light energy?

Due to the degree of ignorance of this dark energy, this is a really dangerous game the dark energy is playing, the only thing going for this dark energy is that so many people under the influence of the dark energy just don't want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies. Why? Because they are kept in the dark to all these desires, lusts and ecstasies that are created by this dark energy to begin with.

Are people made aware of this? Yes.

Do they want, desire or see a need to rid itself of dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies, even when made aware of such things? No, not by the looks of it.

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, as you shouldn't, all what one can do is keep expressing their own awareness as they should be allowed to do, of course this is about to change quite dramatically in countries like Australia. It is coming to a point where you will not be allowed to even express an awareness of this dark energy in any sense. Again, this is a very dangerous game the dark energy is playing at present, it could backfire on this dark energy in a really big way, in spite of people's fixation to dark energy desires, lusts and ecstasies.

Many people could end up like the ant in defiance of the steamroller in the end, but what will be will be.

Saturday, 5 August 2023

A Dark Sign of Angels Appearing 2!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

It looks as though I have to explain myself a little better when speaking of angel type consciousness, as I wrote in reply.

“I am not saying angels appearing is a bad thing, just of a bad sign that things are out of balance. Angels won't appear unless some sort of balance is needed. Angels appearing to the masses shows the level of imbalance present, that is what is not a good sign. Guiding is of giving balance. Jesus and Buddha existed in times of great peril for most people, they too where a bad sign that things were this bad. Did their guidance give balance in the end? Yes, but their appearance was a sign how out of balance human consciousness had become.

No, I am not saying that angles are a bad occurrence, just that their appearance shows how bad things have gotten for this consciousness to intervene.”

I know of no entity of wisdom that was not of guidance and tried to instil balance back into human consciousness. Wisdom is not of the absence of guidance and balance, in actuality it would not be of wisdom or of angel consciousness without trying to instil balance through guidance. If angels are of guidance through balance, they are of this wisdom, of this type of consciousness.

The Roman empire was of a type of autocratic system, were it was my way or no way, like communism and fascism today. Was the appearance of Moses and Jesus at this time period by coincidence? I am suggesting not. The Roman empire for a lot of people was like an asteroid hitting the/their environment, in the process creating a great deal of imbalance within this Roman empire environment. As with the physical environment that is always naturally put back into balance over time, the human conscious environment is no different.

I am all for this angel type consciousness appearing to the masses, while at the same time realising how imbalanced humanity has become for this to occur. It is like, I can't believe that it at this point once again in human history.

So does this wise angel type consciousness only appear when humanity is way out of balance? No. If we created an environment conducive to this kind of consciousnesses making it's home within this environment, or our own personal environment, were wisdom was embraced instead of scorned, the appearance of angels would not be making reference to humanity being out of balance, but in all honesty in today's environment it would.

It is obviously a strange concept to a lot of people that human consciousness is governed by the same natural world/laws as the physical world around us, and as of any physical world, there is a cycle to it. Eventually the balance will be that the demise of an energy source will give way to a rebirth of energy. In relation to human or the souls consciousness, this rebirth will do doubt occur within another environment.

Yes, having deliberately mixed with atheists who I found quite radical in many different ways, any sign of an angel type consciousness appearing will be dealt with, wiped out in other words. In my own mind, good luck to them because I believe the appearance of an angel type consciousness will not be of a single entity but of a collective consciousness. Will this obvious imbalanced consciousness try to kill off all of this collective consciousness guided by wisdom? Absolutely. All I can say to them is good luck with this, while remembering this imbalanced consciousness can wipe everything out if it can't get it's own way, like an asteroid.

I hope I have explained myself a little better.

Friday, 4 August 2023

A Dark Sign of Angels Appearing!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is interesting from my wife. I have never come up with this before, but I said to her that it will be a dark sign if the angels appear, Donna understood what I was saying and agreed. Why? Because this type of consciousness appearing simply means how degenerate human consciousness has become. Put in another way, how imbalanced human consciousness has become.

Life is of balance, our planet is a prime example of this, one moon, a perfect distance from the sun, volcanic, a revolving iron core which creates a magnetic field, co2, etc. Life could not exist without balance, however, to correct an imbalance certain intense occurrences often have to occur to bring everything back into balance, human consciousness is no different believe it or not.

I am not saying that this kind of intense consciousness is a bad occurrence, what I am saying is that it is a dark sign that such occurrences has to occur to bring human consciousness back into balance.

Presently, without a doubt, we are becoming more and more controlled by communism. When auditoriums are full of people singing the 1917 communist internationale song in Australia, an accepted revolutionary incitement song, you know that an imbalance is at hand. We may think this intense occurrence is to bring balance to human consciousness, while at the same time human trafficking (paedophilia) and corruption is growing at the same rate as communism in the west, and by no mistake. This intense occurrence is not to bring balance but to create even more imbalance in many different ways.

In saying this, do we need an intense occurrence, like communism that often kills millions of people in it's wake, to occur to bring everything back into balance? Well, if we look at volcanoes that are quite an intense occurrence, most often this is the case. Volcanoes are an important element in keeping the earth in a balanced mode.

So am I equating volcanoes to communism or any other autocratic system of governance? No, communism is more likened to a asteroid hitting the Earth as of any autocratic anomaly.

Volcanoes put out huge amounts of natural elements, including co2, that life overall thrives on. While Communism is taking hold on the world, co2 has become more and more a bad thing, something dark, when the opposite is true. Everything of light, a balancing element for life like the sun, is purged of any balancing element/entity, this is why we have an anti-co2 attitude at present in the west.

So am I saying that angels appearing is more like volcanoes and suns?

Angels appearing simply refers to a balancing consciousness, a certain type of consciousnesses that through history has given more balance in troubling times. When you look back in human history, there are many times wisdom has prevailed and given human consciousness some form of balance at a conscious level, however, angels appearing refers to a far more intense occurrence. This intensity shows how imbalanced therefore abusive human consciousness has become. The degree of abuse shows how imbalanced human consciousness has become, while remembering that angel type consciousness is not abusive, quite the opposite.

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Books of Faith: Timeless Antiquities

Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, keep in mind that I am not a scholar in books of faith, simply of an awareness of how eastern teachings are of timeless virtues and should in fact be read alike. Also, it is important to note that Christianity and Hinduism are both of eastern origin. In my own evaluation, the western mind is of time and the eastern mind is of timelessness. Often a book of eastern origin written in western languages is written in accordance with time in mind, not timelessness. The bible is a good example as the bible was never of one book to start with.

My wife and I gave a western version copy of the Bhagavad Gita to a person who is a teacher of Yoga. They have read the Bhagavad Gita and stated they have finally mastered the Bhagavad Gita. Well, you never master a book of timeless virtues as these writings are of timelessness, meaning, as each age goes by what is written changes to the age at the time. If you like, books and texts of timeless virtues adapt to each and every age, this can be very different to science or history books, noting that history is often written by the victor.

Once you decipher, and I did mean to use the word decipher here, books and texts into a western language, often the meaning of such books and texts are deciphered with the western mind in mind that is based primarily on time. The western mind is often of transient or transitory existence, the eastern mind is of eternal existence. The bible and Bhagavad Gita are of an eternal existence, the teachings and learning of an eternal existence, of the eastern mind. Yes, you will see this within quantum physics, a western orientation, an orientation due to a mind of eastern and western orientations. Often books and texts like this are of symbolism, therefore need deciphering in accordance with the age.

It is mind boggling how the western mind often refutes to orientate itself with the eastern mind as well, as if the western mind set is the be and end all. You often don't get this with the eastern mind set, this is unless of some kind of extremism. Eastern and western extremism both stagnate or hinder western and eastern mind set orientations.

If you look at the difference between western atheism to eastern atheism, you will note that western atheism is based on a transient or transitory existence, this is very different to eastern atheism, where existence is also based on an eternal existence. The orientation between eternal and transient or transitory existence is very important when reading books and texts written by an eternal mind set in mind.

I could have added various sources to support my conjectures here but I have to leave that up to the individual. Why? Because our mind sets are no doubt going to differ, considering the various orientations of western and eastern mind sets at hand. One must follow one's own path at hand. I am not here to force or teach my own mind set, simply to give a different perspective of orientated mind sets.

When you think about this, energy can't be destroyed, only transformed, being that energy is of the eternal existence!!

Monday, 17 July 2023

A Multilateral Tribe Mentality

Written by Mathew Naismith

And I thought human consciousness as a whole could act and be of one tribe!! In reality, I was hoping this would be the case, but this does not stop me from thinking multilaterally in relation to consciousness as a whole.

First of all unilateral, in relation to a conscious mentality, makes reference to a need or desire to be aware of only one part or one side of consciousness as a whole, acting out a certain type of mentality. An awareness of one particular conscious mentality only. Multilateral on the other hand makes reference to a more collective mentality, where an awareness of consciousnesses as a whole, in the absence of only acting out a certain type of desired consciousness, is apparent or acted out.

Being multilateral does not mean you act out various conscious mentalities, especially the most desired conscious mentalities, it simply means you are aware of various conscious mentalities. I will give you an example. My wife and I are aware of how many people have been harmed by covid vaccines, to one extent of another, as a lot of other people just don't want to become aware of this. My wife and I have a mentality that is multilateral, the ability to become aware of what is not desired but that which is of reality. On the other hand you have a lot of people of a mentality that desire not to know this at any point, in the process creating a reality based on what is desired, not what is of actual reality. Just because my wife and I are aware of this unilateral mentality, does not mean we act out such mentalities.

How many spiritual people would desire to know that Opera Winfrey had anything to do with her faith healer's abuse of women and girls? Look at how the present spiritual woke movement, which Opera Winfrey is supportive of, is normalising paedophilia. How many spiritual people desire to become aware of all this? This is a prime example of unilateral mentality, where only certain parts or one side of consciousness is desired to become aware of, in favour to what is desired.

I have never known a time in human history where spirituality as a whole has been undermined by a unilateral mentality as it is today.

A unilateral mentality does not make direct reference to something sinister or evil, even though it can, it simply means a more desired reality is being sought as opposed to what is of actual reality and multilateral.

Now we come to what a multilateral tribe makes reference to, firstly though we need to know what a unilateral tribe is making reference to.

As you may already know, a unilateral tribe makes reference to one part or one side of a tribe becoming the whole tribe, the rest of the tribe is literally excluded, excommunicated or eradicated from the more desired part of the tribe. The introduction of autocratic systems, like communism, and fascism, often result in the eradication of the rest of the tribe in favour of what is more desired. Yes, autocratic systems are of a unilateral mentality. If you are of a multilateral mentality, you will accept how this is occurring today, at the same time spirituality and society as a whole is being undermined by a unilateral mentality, the same mentality that is supportive of throwing rocks and sticks at each other. Not much of a difference from a Neanderthal mentality except a lot more sinister.

A multilateral tribe mentality works in a completely different way to a unilateral tribe mentality, as you may have guessed.

A multilateral tribe mentality accepts all of what the tribe is, especially in the absence of what mentality the tribe should be governed by. It is in the absence of what is desired in favour of what the tribe represents in reality. What is desired just does not come into it. At present, we are being forced to become woke, accept the normalising of paedophilia and accept being rules by an autocratic system. As in Australia, the voice legislation is to divide one race from the other, likened to what the medical apartheid system did with the covid vaccinated and the people not covid vaccinated. You guessed it, only under the control of a unilateral tribe mentality can an apartheid system exist as of normalising paedophilia and autocratic systems.

Would we still be virtually throwing rocks and sticks at each other if human consciousness was governed by a multilateral tribe mentality? I think the answer is obvious.

What seems to be occurring at present is that one part of consciousness is trying to separate itself from what is not desired, in the process resulting in the unilateral side to human consciousness becoming separated from the multilateral side of human consciousness. In-effect, the unilateral tribal mentality is using any kind of apartheid and autocratic system it can use to make this separation occur. What could occur with this separation is that the multilateral tribe mentality side of human consciousness could end up evolving over and above this unilateral tribe mentality. Why would a far less aware unilateral tribe mentality be aware of this possibility?

Under a unilateral tribal mentality, you only become aware of what is desired, not of what is truly of reality.

Due to this multilateral tribal mentality being accepting, even of a unilateral tribal mentality existence within itself, human consciousness is not as aware as it could be. It is possible, in the absence and separation of this unilateral tribal mentality that has dominated human consciousness for so long, that human consciousness could evolve beyond the control of this unilateral tribal mentality once and for all. Yes, what this unilateral tribe mentality is trying to do could in fact cause a completely different outcome than what this unilateral tribe mentality desires.