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Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Thursday 15 February 2018

A True Sense of Love!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

There is a lot of reference to God in my following replies that I gave to another person recently, a person who approached me with there own ideas of what a true sense of love is.

God is in reference to oneness and unconditional love, it represents the whole self as opposed to man's separateness of the self from others and the environment man doesn't desire to be of. Yes, we can create our own reality separate from the collective conscious reality, however, at no point within our own desired reality are we ever separate from the collective consciousness.

We certainly have a different perception of love, this perception will create the reality we personally create. This perceptional reality we create isn't for everyone; it's wise to be aware of this while expressing one's own reality.

If you don't feel like reading through all the comments by me here, I recommend reading the last comment, it sort of explains everything, however, there are a few good points made by me in reference to the other replies by me like, "Love is acquired, not desired......."   

Reply 1
Well my friend, what can I say.......

What you have written here very few people will comprehend Nagual, what you are unable to comprehend, you certainly won't understand.

In relation to my wife and I; if my wife found more happiness in someone else, would my love for my wife be happy for my wife or sad?

Desire dictates sadness and even bitterness, this is not me or my wife for it is not about our desires but the happiness of other people we truly love. Desire always dictates otherwise. 

Not many people truly comprehend the true sense of love, if they are unable to comprehend a true sense of  love, how are they then able to understand a true sense of love?

What did Jesus do? There was no desire, it was simply a true sense of love otherwise he wouldn't have sacrificed himself for of what he loved. Actually, he's actions were not sacrificial at all; it was pure love, not easy for us to even comprehend in regards to our present conditioning to desires above all else.

I am not religious myself but I often make reference to God and even the holey trinity, to a lot of people's discussed sadly enough. I am simply not inhibited by such a limited consciousness.

Be Always Blessed,

Reply 2
In my mind it should have something to do with relationships, in actuality human consciousness as a whole. To separate one from the other isn't of God but of man.

Love of another shouldn't be based on desire but of God, yes, desire to be with another but not of love of another. If I was not to love my wife as God, my love would simply be of a desire. How many people desire to feel love? This is simply desire Nagual and of man, not of God.

Love is acquired, not desired.......


I added the following in ( ) to a post that was presented to me in regards to the following. A true sense of love doesn't separate one from the other, a true love through God, a sense of oneness, is to not separate but to unite.    

 Reply 3
I love you for your bright ideas (and your dull ideas)
I love you for your Good energy (and your bad energy)
I love you for your pure intentions (and your impure intentions)
I love you for your wise decisions (and your unwise decisions)
I love you for your righteousness (and your unrighteousness)
I love you for your beliefs (and your disbeliefs)
I love you for your endless smile (and your frown)
I love you for the help you offer to the world (and the help you don't give to the world)
I love you too because through you
I see all my beauty too (and my ugliness as well)

Reply 4
It's not good stating so often do you understand now, too evangelistic like for me. My advice is to not put yourself so much above everybody else.

I worked in the welfare arena twice over in my life, do you understand now? I've given myself while under a huge amount of trauma.   

I'm simply not into creating a Goddess out of love, love is not the be and end all and should never be treated as such in my mind. Try truly loving void of truly accepting. If you can only accept love, this is anything but unconditional love or acceptance.

If your acceptance has conditions, so does your love Nagual, it's this simple.......

Reply 5
I think so much and analyse!! You have no idea Nagual, so much just comes through me not from me.

Within your reply here, you are putting yourself above me, this is too obvious, no thought necessary in this.

I spoke with an 84 year old Yoga teacher tonight, if you have to feel love to express love, you have conditions of your love to have to feel love. It's simply a desire, not of God's unconditional love.

Try expressing love void of having to feel love. I have been expressing this kind of love most of my life, not just a few years as of yourself as you have depicted.

How many people predominantly have to feel love to express love? This kind of love has insurmountable conditions as it's based on desiring to feel love over and above expressing love.

Reply 6
Very well articulated Kim. 

I worked with disabled people, they often don't have bright ideas, so called good energy, pure intentions, wise in decision and so on it goes. I also look at multinationals as disabled for they know not what they do. These people were excluded in this post, all I was doing is including them, in actuality they need more of our love and acknowledgment, not less and certainly not excluded because of conditions of positive or negative energy.

The conditions of love are of so called positive energy, everything else is often excluded as of this post sadly enough. Yes, the post is a nice gesture but the gestures are of insurmountable conditions.

If you are going to make reference to God, you must also be making reference to unconditional love, this often doesn't occur.

If the conditions are of having to love oneself to understand love, you have conditions, this is obviously not of unconditional love Kim. What if there is no reason to love oneself, no need of it!! The question of loving oneself or not in relation to unconditional love has no relevance; it simply does not come into question, as soon as it does, you create conditions.

What I am trying to say here isn't easy to comprehend; if it's incomprehensible, it's certainly not going to be understood.

Love yes, but without the insurmountable conditions that new age spirituality put upon love.    

The discussion didn't end up well; I ended up being referred to as just he and this is from so-called very loving people. Use people's names when in discussion, it's a simple sign of respect. I ended the discussion with the following. 

"Where has the real love gone? To people like me, it's disheartening, I suppose it's the way of the wind......"

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Identifying a True Sense of Love

Written By Mathew Naismith

A true sense of love has no name......

The shining; a benevolent all accepting state of pure bliss, a bliss with no perceptions of labels, a state of true unequivocal acceptance of all within it's presence, a true state of oneness.

Is the above referring to what we call unconditional love? Yes, it's referring to what we call unconditional love but its not unconditional love for a true sense of love has no name.

To imply a name, as unconditional love, to this state is to separate itself from what is not unconditional, we therefore have conditions when we apply a name to this state as unconditional.

The conditions are, to stay away from everything that is toxic and/or negative so that one can experience this state. If you have to be in a certain environment to obtain and keep within this state, conditions to this labelled state are applied to a major extent.

This is why this state is very tricky to truly comprehend in the first place to then understand.

Our comprehension is to first put a label on everything we have comprehended exists, as with everything. This is what a 3rd dimensional mind does, applies a label to everything to be able to comprehend what it wants to then understand, however, as soon as a label is applied and implied, we have separation.

The word shining exemplifies this state void of separation, for all is of the shining but not all is of unconditional love. The label unconditional love isn't an exemplification, its separation from what isn't unconditional brought about by the 3rd dimensional mind to separate itself from what it doesn't desire to be of. Exemplifying is simply a clarification, in this case, a clarification of this particular state that all is shining void of separation.

Only in separation are we unable to comprehend that everything is of the shining, no matter what of the vibration it is.      

Saturday 2 December 2017

Harmony - The Key to Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is indeed ironical. I awoke this morning to the understanding of me writing a post about peace and love, being that peace creates a sense of love, not the other way around. Love is simply a natural process of being harmonious. As we quieten the mind, we quieten the disharmony within our mind while at the same time creating a sense of love. Peace/harmony is the key to love.

I wrote the following in a discussion relating to the topic of; what is your core element that determines your way of thinking and being. I wrote faith, in that I have faith that human consciousness will go along with the natural evolution and evolve from it's present consciousness. A lot of people said love but one person simply said peace, I wrote the following in response to this.


1: Indeed peace because how would one truly be of love if disharmonious? Harmony naturally and automatically brings us a true sense of love, love simply isn't the be and end all as it is treated today.

In the sixties it was peace and love, peace brings love, basically, love is part of the natural process of peace, love is only apart of the process as love derives from peace, not the other way around.

This is like today's perception of light which denotes awareness, as of intelligence, what is awareness void of wisdom; the same is with what is love void of a true sense of peace?

We are today so focused on light and love when light and love are determined by base factors like wisdom and peace. How many people today are focused simply on wisdom and peace? I think the sixties had it more correct than we do today in western spirituality.      

Stating simply peace is perfect, a true sense of spiritual understanding in my mind.

2: Indeed, peace to one person isn't peace to another person. Is a multinational in financial dire-straights at peace? Is a peaceful person at war at peace?

Of course we could say here that a multinational at peace financially isn't very loving but he is, he loves his wealth as much as a spiritual person loves another person. Even a true sense of love is ambiguous it would seem.

We could say that peace is also ambiguous as the peace and love of a multinational and a spiritual person is different. As a multinational is not at peace with being poor, a spiritual person is not at peace in being materialistic or destructive.

Simply, peace, like love, is ambiguous until it becomes true......

3: Of course, peace simply says it all. I go deep so that others have an opportunity to comprehend and understand a true sense of peace and love. Behind love a true sense of peace/harmony resides.

I handle the environment we presently exist in differently, I don't perceive a negative or a positive, it is what it is, as in it just is, void of anything having to be of one thing or another.

My wife and I haven't watched TV for over 9 years now, I do miss the docs though, not the news. The news these days is only of what they want us to be aware of.

It is obvious I needn't have gone deep with you, sorry for that Paul.


As we become more aware, part of the process of becoming aware is disharmony. We are certainly not going to like or feel comfortable with everything we become aware of; this is until we reach the process of being truly harmonious, not just to the things we desire to be of but to everything.

Humans are more intelligent and aware of their environment than ever, how harmonious is the world today? You see part of the process of becoming more aware is being disharmonious, however, no true sense of love will reside within a reality that is disharmonious.

We then get to a point of process were we only become aware of the things that are harmonious, everything we are disharmonious with are discarded or ignored. You see, when we are harmonious love is able to reside; all we desire at this stage of the process is to be of this love. This is of course quite understandable in regards to our present disharmonious reality.

At this stage of the process we are still in disharmony of the things we have rejected or denounced to simply feel some kind of love. At this stage this is not a true sense of love for there is no true sense of harmony, however, we do feel more loving because we are more at harmony. 

The next part of the process entails us to become wiser with our awareness. As of knowledge or intelligence, awareness void of wisdom is only ever going to be half aware for awareness, as of knowledge and intelligence, needs the guidance of wisdom to know how to use and respond to knowledge, intelligence and awareness.

This part of the process then allows us to be in harmony with everything we become aware of, only in this state can a true sense of harmony therefore love reside. I think that harmony and wisdom are the true building blocks to become truly loving, for only in true harmony can a true sense of love reside. Look at it like building a home for love to reside, without a home to reside in, love can never truly be at peace.......    

Sunday 10 September 2017

Balance Creates Love

Written By Mathew Naismith

To me, a true sense of balance creates love through a natural process in states of balance, the reason I think this is explained in the following post I posted on a forum. Balance/moderation is simply bliss which creates a sense of love of everything void of bias or prejudice. A moderated thought process negates all extremes thus creating a true sense of balance that then creates a true sense of love.

As we go within, extremes have less of an influence over us, the extrication of these extremes are simply replaced with a sense of love. The reason for this is simple; extremes denote imbalances and lust/desire, by becoming less influenced by extremes bring balance which allows a truer sense of love to influence us instead of extremes. Influences from extremes are simply replaced by the influences of love.    


This is interesting, is a true state of balance of divine consciousness (spirit) or human consciousness (mind)? 

Considering that humans have always and probably always will express extremes, it is unlikely a true state of balance is of human consciousness; it's probably why human consciousness struggles to maintain some kind of balance in life.

When we presume and perceive that divine consciousness is love and that love is above all else, is this not an expression of an extreme. It's very human to desire the opposite of what one is existing in, especially if one is not physiologically happy with their present environment.

Consider this, is not saying that divine consciousness is primarily of love not stating an absolute? If we took away all the love and hate within the world, all we would be left with is bliss, the reason for this lies within these extreme expressions. There is no true sense of balance within extreme expressions, in one trying to over power the other all the times, a true sense of balance simply can't exist within such an existence.

So why do we perceive that divine consciousness is only of an extreme such as love?

Psychologically looking at this, human nature perceives what it desires to be of, not what it doesn't desire to be of, especially if it has any kind of disdain (contempt) towards it's present environment. It is simply natural for humans to desire something to be what it's not just to escape from its present environment.

It is natural when a state of true balance exists bliss and love are present, however, when a state of imbalance exists, chaos and hate are present and naturally so. So is divine conciseness (spirit) primarily of and expressive of love or balance?  If the spirit within all things was of an extreme, everything would also express and be of extremes but there simply not.

So if everything of the spirit within all things is balance, why isn't everything of balance?  Where you have yin and yang, is where you have balance but you also have imbalance, it's simply a natural law of existence as a whole.

Human represents imbalance where divine consciousness represents balance. To me, we presume too much while collectively in a state of chaos and mayhem. The divine consciousness, unlike ourselves, is not of an extreme of any kind, we simply perceive it to be so because of what we psychologically desire.

As of many Eastern teachings teach, balance/moderation is the key, not love.

“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.” 
Lao TzuTao Te Ching

 “Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” 
Jalaluddin RumiThe Essential Rumi

You can be still and still moving. Content even in your discontent.

Ram Dass

Friday 21 April 2017

The Human Journey

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wasn't going to write this post but some strange things occurred, it is obvious I was meant to write and share this post.

I wrote something recently in relation to our individual path and the human collective journey and shared it, I then received some interesting replies as shown below. I felt I needed to further elaborate on this but I then changed my mind. As soon as I changed my mind, visions of the spiritual love expressed today and the love expressed in the sixties came to me, I soon realised that the love in the sixties was a lot more unconditional than the love expressed today in spirituality. I will explain myself further using the hundredth monkey theory strangely enough.

Each person has an individual path to follow

But also a collective human journey to follow

The paths are different but the journey is the same

For a collective change to occur

Which is more important

The path of the individual ego

Or the journey of humility?

A collective change is simply not about the individual

~Mathew G~

It's a team effort creating our communities as well as realities.

My Reply
Indeed +Michael Hopkins. A lot of the collective effort makes up our individual paths, religion/spirituality and materialism are but two examples of this.

I think we make the mistake in focusing on the individual self too much when our own paths are mostly determined or created by the collective team effort. Everything that starts at home as individuals is determined by the collective in some way. Too many people think it's the other way around, I suppose that is the controlling ego for you.

It's interesting why people like me are not popular, it is also very sad. We are simply about the collective journey over and above the individual path, this will always be deplorable to an ego in control, including my own ego.

The feeling of love and the kind of love felt is a personal experience, no one person feels love exactly the same but of course the ego will state otherwise. Love is of the individual self therefore of the ego, love is not a collective expression but this love can influence collective expressions through individual expressions. This of course brings us to the hundredth monkey theory where one monkey's expressions are soon expressed by many monkeys.  The question is, can individual expressions have an impact on the collective consciousness?      

Love and peace in the sixties was certainly a turning point, love was free and unconditional and peace prevailed over this kind of expressional love. How many loving people protested against war in the sixties? How many loving people protest against war today? War is simply too negative so it's ignored, this is but one example of insurmountable judged negative of today's love that is suppose to be more unconditional!!

Take the hundredth monkey theory. Today expressions of love would look at the dirty potato as being negative and subsequently ignored because it's dirty therefore negative. War was dirty in the sixties, like the potato to the monkey, but war was not judged as being negative therefore avoided at all cost, it was dealt with face on void of fear. Being truly unconditionally loving in the sixties brought about a momentary change, how is a love with insurmountable conditions today going to bring about an everlasting change, especially when the potato is judged as negative (dirty) therefore avoided at all cost?

Simply, the individual self is put above the collective these days, we believe change starts from the individual and goes out, so what do we do, totally ignore the collective because we have judged it negative (dirty).

In relation to the hundredth monkey theory; it wasn't an individual effort that brought change, it was a collective effort that brought change for without the interactions of the other monkeys, washing the dirt (negativity) off of the potato wouldn't have become a collective expression. 

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Balance - A Key to Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Love is unable to exist without a true sense of peace, the more peace we are in, the more of love we become, basically, peace creates a sense of love, they certainly go hand in hand.

Now, peace is unable to exist without balance, look at how non-peaceful this reality is and how imbalanced it is. All imbalances create disharmony as all balances create harmony (peace).

What this means is a true sense of love is about balance and peace; love is unable to exist within the same space as imbalance and disharmony, try hating or expressing disharmony in a true state of love, it's impossible.

It is said in certain philosophies/ideologies that love has no opposite, why then is hate or disharmony unable to exist within the same space as a true sense of love? Of course the opposite of hate is love as well. The ego wants to believe love has no opposite but there is a reason for this kind of reasoning by the ego.

Consider the yin and yang symbol. Negative and positive is shown as one in the same space. To the modern western human mind that is dominated by the ego, this symbol quite clearly shows that negative and positive can indeed exist within the same space.

Waite a minute, the yin and yang symbol illustrates that negative and positive are in unison and in perfect balance with each other, this perfect balance neutralises the effects of both negative and positive. If we were to separate the yin and the yang, the positive and negative, we would have an imbalance with the negative being unable to exist within the same space as the positive and visa-versa.

Now consider the view point of an ancient eastern mind. I should point out; in ancient times there was very little difference between western and eastern minds, there is however a huge difference between ancient minds and modern westernized minds. Because the world is dominated by the westernized ego mind, we presume there is little difference between western and eastern minds; this could not be further from the truth.

As was pointed out to me by a Hindu from India, ancient Hindu philosophy and Greeks philosophy have a lot in common, however, there is a huge difference between the modern western mind and ancient philosophies.

The modern mind segregates everything even when shown that all can be of one while in perfect balance. The modern mind seems to be conditioned to imbalances where the ancient mind is conditioned to balance.

What a lot of modern minds seems to have done is mistaken a pure blissful state for a state of unconditional love, we have in turn become fixated to love. All fixations refer to an existence based on fear. How many people fear having this love taken away from them or threatened in any sense? The critical adverse reactions people like me receive, quite clearly shows that we have replaced one fear based existence with another. At no point should any true state of love (bliss) express fear in any sense.

What created or recreated this love in the first place? An imbalance and disharmony, the love expressed by the modern human mind is in reaction to this but the ancient mind isn't.

Buddhism refers to this blissful state as nothingness or pure awareness, both are correct and do not contradict each other. Hinduism refers to this state as zero point or God (creator) as many ideologies and philosophies do, the difference being, is the views in relation to the ego and how this state is expressed.

In recent time's, instead of my writings coming from channelling, they have at times been coming through my dreams as direct messages. What is peculiar is that there is no definition or labelling or form, these messages seem to be coming from nothingness. For the ego (modern) mind to comprehend anything, it needs definition like a name of form, I have to admit though, most often my ego mind could not comprehend these messages from nothingness, last night was different. This nothingness will feel like pure bliss to us, or as the ego mind sees it, love.

My writings are not well received and are incomprehensible to more a and more people. As what has been pointed out to me a number of times by various people, my writings are beyond most people's comprehension, only because most people become fixated to one part of the process or another while becoming aware.

So what is the point of my writings? I am channelling and receiving messages in my dreams for a purpose, I also need to write them down as they are, this means I will not insert words like love in every sentence, this would be rather deceitful of me, of course deceit relates to fear.

It would seem I am a guide to those who need to go beyond all fixations and fear based existences. Instead of fixating ourselves to love being the absolute and ultimate state, focus on this bliss, this nothingness or zero point that has no need of love which is ego created. This state is bliss for there is no need of love to counteract disharmony.

This state is hard to explain because there is no definition to this state, considering this, be aware that the ego mind will not be able to comprehend this state without giving it some kind of definition or form like love. Like I said, there are certain people in the world that need to go beyond these fixations, go beyond the perceptions of absolutes and ultimate states, however, there are a lot of people who probably just need to stop at this process of the perception of love. My writings are certainly not for these people, not these days.

As of many ancient ideologies express, balance is the key, not just to love but beyond the perceptions of love. For some, try to feel and think void of definition and form. For others, try not to become too fixated to one process or another while becoming aware.

Note: As always, if what I have written offends you or you are upset by them, I apologise but you must look within you to why. If you are honest and unbiased, you will most likely find your reactions are fear based, it is wise to be aware of this.....:)       

Sunday 2 April 2017

Love, The Nullifier

Mathew Naismith

With a true sense of being love, you are able to be in any situation and circumstance and still be within this love. This kind of love simply nullifies or neutralises all other effects of existence and being.

Within this love, no other way of existing can exist, this is why some people can just simply walk into a disharmonious situation and immediately influence these situations to become more passive.  

What isn't a true sense of being love is when you have to avoid judged and at times critically judge judged negative situations or people. This kind of judgment is brought about by dissimulating everything instead of simulating everything including the judged negative from the positives. Judging yourself to be positive is dissimulating, not simulating.

Dissimulating; negatives from positives is separatism that creates realities primarily based on duality. Dissimulating naturally creates disconnectedness and dissension.    

Simulating; negatives and positives is dependency that creates realities primarily based on non-duality. Simulating naturally creates union and harmony.

A true sense of being love, not just thinking you are love, automatically nullifies dissension without effort. If we have to make an effort either to avoid or become deliberately unaware (ignorant) of anything, especially the things we critically judged negative, this isn't a true sense of being love.

It is simply wise not to judge, especially critically, negatives too harshly for all this creates is more dissension, not less. I have observed numerous people who just feel love do just this. My love to these people is to make them aware of this for all they are doing is adding to dissension and separatism, not creating union and harmony.  

I have been lucky enough to come across a few genuine loving people in my time, one nearly brought me down to my knees only because I was not conditioned to this kind of energy at the time.

I know of few people who are actually in situations that other people who only feel love would critically judge negative, you will often find these people in a so called negative situation. The reason for this is simple, they firstly don't critically judge negative situations and ignore or avoid them, in actuality they are attracted to these situation because this is where they are most needed.

In my own view, it is wise to avoid any group who is just feeling love to being this love until you find yourself being of this love. Once you are being of this love, the dissension created by these people will be nullified, only at this point is it wise to integrate with these people and situations. It is especially unwise for an empath to integrate in these kinds of separatist situations, mentalities and existences, until they are being of love, not just feeling love.

It's not easy times, especially for an empath who feels what is going on within their environment. Within these times, we will be attracted to anything that nullifies or neutralises this environment in some way, it is however wise to be aware of anything that is into separatism or fear in anyway.

A person who is being love, even though it might not seem that way at first because they are in a judged negative situation, will willingly go into a judged negative situation, not avoid it at all costs.

You know when you are being this love when you can put yourself into any situation void of critical judgment. I have integrated with very few people on the net who are like this, it's very uncommon sadly enough, we are just plainly too critically judgmental and we are in observation getting worse.

I think to a lot of western minded people, what I have written here is going to be incomprehensible, most probably deliberately sadly enough. We in the west simply think differently, if it's a judged negative, avoid it at all costs.

For myself, I often balance out my being love with other ways of existing, for no way of existing is any more or less worthy of experiencing. Yes, this includes just feeling love and creating even more separatism, what do you think we are all here for? As many true people of being love do, I often put myself within a different existence and situation but my mentality stays of being of love, it's simply impenetrable, this is why people like me are able to do what we do, even while being critically judged by so many people on the net.        

Friday 17 March 2017

The Passiveness of Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Love is a passive expression.

Love is not about judging everything
else that is not of this love negative.

Love is neither negative nor positive
for it is passive by nature.

Love does not limit itself to
judgment or extremes.

Love has no boundaries,
for only in harsh judgment are
there so many negatives/boundaries.

Love is simply freedom from these
inhibiting aggressive expressions
of today's expressions of love and light.

~Mathew G~

Has this new movement of love and light become highly aggressive?

Considering the conversations I have had with a number of people on this topic, and that anyone apart of this new movement often judge more, especially more of what is negative, it certainly seems it is highly aggressive. It is amazing what is negative today that wasn't before, and we are suppose to be judging less, not more!!

Yes, the perception of love and light is observed by many as being a movement and a new movement. As of any new movement, it becomes a be and end all, the ultimate answer to our troubling world and minds. This alone reminds me of the religious Dark Ages, my movement/religion is the ultimate answer. 

This movement is also new because it does not emulate the ancient teachings of love and light. These ancient teachings of love and light are and were not about extreme expressions to start with. They are also not about being in judgment more, in effect, judging more of what is negative. What wasn't judged as negative before is now judged as negative by this new movement today, for example, expressing a balanced view is negative. Balance of course pertains to wisdom. 

Speaking with other people as well on this topic, they mention how telling it how it actually is, is negative by this new movement, meaning, the truth is negative which pertains that this new movement is really of the non-acceptance of truths. This of course pertain that this new movement is really about lies. The similarities between this new movement of today and the religious Dark Age movements are obvious, not they are exactly the same but there are some significant similarities. Basing a movement on the non-acceptance of truths is but one of them, excluding wisdom and balance from a movement is another.

It is quite disheartening for people like me to observe this occurring all over again; we are just not willing to free ourselves from these boundaries that we are conditioned to.

I was repeatedly told, at an early age, not to read or study on certain subjects that were going to condition me to  certain ways of thinking; this included a lot of new age spiritual teachings at the time. Even today this is the case. Only now can I see why, through my interactions with other people, I was told not to condition myself to certain teachings.      

Materialism is only apart of that conditioning, the other part is to do with spiritual conditioning, especially the spiritual conditionings that pertain to fear. How many people today fear expressing the ego, judgment and negativity? If you fear the so called dark side of life at all, you are conditioned to fear, however, it is also advisable not to fear being in fear either.

Being fearful is part of the process of negating or neutralising fear altogether, it is wise to treat this as part of the process. It is also wise to treat fearing being fearful of negativity as apart of the process as well. No one part of the process is a be and end all, it is wise to be aware of this in my mind. 

Wednesday 15 March 2017

The Feebleness of Love and Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I have shown is previous posts, I'm all for love and light, what I am not for is love and light being used and abused in the same way as we have religion/spirituality as a whole. Perceiving and using anything as a be and end all to start with, is usually a prelude to abuse to a significant magnitude. For starters, we have an extreme within these expression of a be and end all. As many eastern teachings teach us to become less of motion (quietened), we instead us more motion within this excessive action of yet another be and end all. 

I find it awfully strange that views and expressions like mine, that are balanced unbiased, are often judged as being negative and even toxic by people of love and light. When did balanced views and expressions become toxic or negative?  Probably at the same time that extremist expressions became normal and an acceptable way of expressing ourselves. Seen as wisdom is anything but of extremist views and expressions, it is obvious that wisdom has been replaced by these kinds of excessive actions. You take away wisdom; you take away even the slightest comprehension of balance. Of course within this state void of wisdom, balanced views and expressions are going to be judged as negative and toxic, primarily from people who are abusing this perception of love and light.

The question is now, why isn't this love and light winning out over it's opposite, for example, ominous expressions and motions? To express an unbiased view, the world isn't becoming less ominous in nature but more. As of usual, this kind of reflection judged as negative and toxic, what I don't get is that spiritually aware people are supposed to be judging less, not more. When I look upon spirituality as a whole over mans entire existence, I find our present state of spiritual expressions just as radical as any other time in human history, this includes the religious Dark Ages. When balanced unbiased views and expressions become toxic, just like in the religious Dark Ages, it is obvious where spirituality is at, at present.

What I also find strange is this love and light is suppose to be of unconditional love, this couldn't be further from the truth, not when balanced unbiased views and expressions become toxic. As of unconditional love, it is too obvious that many people trying to express love and light have no idea what a true sense of love and light denotes.

Let's unbiasedly look at love and light overcoming ominous or destructive motions. How many people in human history have been killed or burnt alive, even within their own temples and churches like Buddhist monks for example, were of this love and light?  If this love and light was that powerful, why did this occur in the first place? Why hasn't love and light overcome it's opposing opposite in human history? Of course this unbiased view is but another toxic expression, a strange expression of love and light I must say!!

Let's look at the antediluvian period where we have opposing realms like Lemuria and Atlantis. Why was Lemuria, which was of love and light, overcome by Atlantis's materialism and power? Considering that Lemuria was of a much greater size realm than Atlantis, how did this love and light succumb to materialism and power?  

Ironical, I just received the following from a friend of mine.

A true sense of love and light is indeed expressional of unconditional love; this includes expressing this to ominous destructive forces. It is obvious that these forces will always overcome a true sense of love and light, but only in realities of motion. Actually, a true sense of love and light doesn't belong in realities and dimensions of motion, however, a balanced perspective of love and light within these kinds of realities do. When you get abused for expressing balance, especially from so called light workers, this within itself is ominous. In actuality, anything not of balance is going to be ominous/destructive by nature, please expect this to be true.

We are simply not using and utilising light and love in the correct manner in accordance with realities of motion. To me, we are simply being too excessive within our expressions of love and light in realities of motion. If we expressed this kind of love and light in a motionless reality, all would be fine but we are clearly not in a motionless reality.

Consider this. No true expression of love and light would desire to change realities based of motion, the unconditional love of love and light stops this from occurring. Unconditional love also means to unconditionally love realities based on excessive motions, no matter how destructive they are. Love and light expressed to excess does not belong within these kinds of realities, these kinds of realities are not of love and lights reality to change, it's this simple. 

The way we continually use love and light is feeble within realities of motion and always will be. In all, our freedom will only come from balanced perspectives and expressions within realities of motion.   

Sunday 12 March 2017

Love and Light v Ominous Creations

Written by Mathew Naismith

I received a few responses, in regards to my last post, referring to the inability to protect ourselves from portholes/doors that open up into ominous existences. You can liken this to a person who robs a bank thus instantly changing their own reality, especially when they are imprisoned. Our own reality can instantly change in a few seconds; incurring brain damage in an accident is another example. By having these doors open to us, our reality instantly changes, this can also occur when our minds enter through these reality changing doors, for example, inducing potent drugs or through mental projection.

As we become spiritually aware or aware period, we do have more of an opportunity to open up more doors to other realities; this of course makes sense because we are becoming more aware. The doors to other realities we can open up to just through out of body experiences are amazing. Each door opens up to a new awareness, of course it is up to us if we are willing to become aware more by leaving the door open, or, stay unaware by closing the door again. Of course spiritual awareness is about an awareness of all of what is, not just what we desire to be aware of. This brings us to protecting ourselves in a better way.

First of all, I don't judge what is or isn't negative or positive. To judge an ominous existence negative is exactly what the ominous existence or entity wants you to do. As soon as you judge like this, you instantly give power or energy to what you have judged in this way. No ominous existence or entity can exist without this energy flow for which we seemingly freely give energy to. Negatives instantly denote fear; through fear is exactly how these ominous existences and entities obtain their energy to exist.

Being of love and light, as soon as we judge anything negative, we instantly ignore or separate ourselves from these kinds of energy flows. Again, this is exactly what this kind of ominous energy flow wants you to do, ignore it or stay ignorant to it because it is negative. We think the best way to stay of the love and light is to stay ignorant to these energy flows. Being that spiritual awareness is about becoming more ware, not less, I find this reaction quit strange.

We are a part of everything void of separation; of course separation is due to our desires. We are apart of everything which includes what is ominous, of course a controlling ego will always go with the desire while denouncing it is apart of anything ominous. We are the ones that feed ominous existences and entities the energy they need to exist, this alone proves we are also apart of this kind of energy flow, however, this also means they are also apart of us, even while in love and light. This too is important to remember when opening up portholes/doorways to other existences/realities, you are always of this love and light no matter what.

Think on this, how powerful would the financial elite be without the populous feeding them the energy they need to use against us to gain even more energy, more power and wealth? Everything that is ominous can only exist through sucking off energy from other sources, usually light sources that create enormous amounts of energy. The more energy a light source emanates, the more energy ominous energy sources have to use to exist by, and we ask why the world is noticeably becoming more destructive and uncaring.

As I said, the more of the light and love we become, the more we desire to stay as this light and love, in the process, deliberately ignoring ominous energy flows to the extent of totally denying we are any part of these kinds of energy flows. How can't we be apart of something we are feeding so it can exist?

So knowing that we are also apart of these ominous energy sources, why aren't people like me of these kinds of energy flows?

This question is quite simple and the answer to this, which was once personally proven to me to be correct in every sense, is that we are all apart of one thing. It is not just the knowing that we are of, what Buddhism calls nothing or pure awareness or religions call God, but it's actually being this one thing in essence in every sense.

It is advisable to focus on the essence within all things, religiously; this is known to be the spirit of God within all things, the spirit within all things. It is an essence that is within all things no matter how ominous an energy source becomes; this essence can never be touched or influenced by any other energy source. A lot of people these days also call this essence love, an untouchable energy source that is unable to be influenced in any sense. No matter what you call this untouchable unchangeable energy source, it is all of the same source.

The answer is of course to not just know of this essence but be of this essence. Why are some religious people untouchable, even when their physical life is being destroyed? They know they are untouchable while being this essence within all things; Jesus is a prime example of this.

I personally experienced this first hand when approached by ominous sources. All I did was express my awareness and being of this essence, this indestructible essence, and they fled in fear, not in fear of me but in fear of knowing they too are still of this same essence. No ominous source of energy wants to become aware, especially to this extent, for only can this kind of energy source exist in ignorance. Any kind of a pure display of awareness is most unbecoming to ominous energy sources, for their existence is purely based on existing in ignorance. Anyone of love and light, who expresses any kind of ignorance because they judge what is and isn't negative, is feeding this energy flow, it is this simple.

The last thing we need to be is more expressive of ignorance to protect our love and light. Only through a true sense of awareness and being of this essence, can we stop the energy flow to these ominous energy sources. Realise these energy sources can only exist through us, which is very much the same as the financially elite in the world. As I often say, our environment often tells us what we need to know.

Yes, I put Buddhism's nothingness and pure awareness under the same label as the spirit of God. As of pure awareness and nothingness, the spirit of God is also motionless; it all represents peace and tranquilly which is only obtained through being motionless. Pure awareness is motionless; this is why this state is often referred to as being nothingness in Buddhism. How motional is ominous energy sources? The motion at times is unmeasurable because it can only exist through other energy sources and for this to occur, a lot of motion is expressed. We are basically talking about pure ignorance here for if this source of energy was aware, they couldn't exist as they do.

Why would a pure aware tranquil state of energy express motion, especially considering it creates its own energy? Of course we also perceive that all sources of energy are in motion, they are all vibrating therefore in motion. As I have done, you must find this out yourself that not all energy sources are in motion and vibrate. Our own conditioning in a physical reality has conditioned us to perceive otherwise.

My advice is stay away from anything that makes you fear, even fear being of or expressing negativity or the ego period. It is too obvious that a lot of people of this love and light fear tarnishing or diminishing their love and light in any way, they also fear negativity or what they have judged as being negative, this is all based on fear.

Mental illness is usually seen a negative and so are disabled people, do we stay away from these people because we are of love and light? When these people need so much of our assistance, we stay away from them because they are negative!! I look at it this way, anyone who is obvious within their ominous behaviour are seriously disabled through utter ignorance. To egotistically save our own love and light, we ignore and stay away from these negative people.

The present perception is to primarily look after yourself first and foremost so that this energy can envelope the world. This perception sounds awfully like the (I) to me which truly represents egotism and ignorance from anything we judge negative. It is too obvious that this kind of love and light is based on fear, it certainly not the way to use love and light in my mind.

People like me don't fear expressing the ego or being negative is some way, we instead become aware, usually through the help of the environment, of the ego and try to stay away from judging what is or isn't negative. Like I stated before, once you judge a negative, you are in turn feeding this negative exactly what it wants to exist. If we didn't judge so many negatives, could these negatives exist? They simply need our energy to exist and this is exactly what we are presently doing. We certainly need to free ourselves from this entanglement in my mind, however, as usual, what will be will be!!     

Sunday 26 February 2017

Step By Step

Written by Mathew Naismith

Consider this, how would a truly egoless consciousness exist?

We of course presume that any egoless consciousness would exist in an ethical righteous way; this of course is considering that to be expressional of immorality in any sense, is to be of the ego. To also be egoless, is to also be aware to a much greater extent than a consciousness controlled by the ego, this is because the ego naturally limits a consciousness to certain aspects. The more a consciousness is controlled by the ego, the more limited a consciousness becomes, this is because the ego is only aware of part of oneself instead of the whole self.

An egoless consciousness is aware of the whole self, this includes being aware of its ego self as well without separation, remember, an egoless state of consciousness is of the whole, not just part of the whole self like the ego. This basically means that an egoless consciousness is fully aware, of course being fully aware is also having an awareness of being only partially aware as well. This is difficult to comprehend, how would a fully aware consciousness also be aware of being partially aware or not aware at all?

The ego thinks that to be fully aware is to exist void of the ego period, only in this can a consciousness be fully aware, this of course is the highest pinnacle of existence a consciousness can go. Of course to the ego the higher the better, even when this higher state of consciousness is unaware of its ego self that is limited to a certain conscious awareness.

Being fully aware also takes in being aware of our unaware states of existence; this of course represents the whole self. Take away a state of being fully aware or partially aware; you only have an awareness of part of oneself, not awareness of the whole of oneself.

Another thing to consider, would an egoless consciousness care about being less aware, experiencing an existence that is consciously limited? We are talking about a consciousness that is void of an ego, only an ego-based consciousness would strive to always be of its highest self which is a state of being fully aware. The problem with an ego consciousness trying to strive for this high level is the ego thinks it needs to do this void of an ego. Once the ego is extricated from a consciousness, the go thinks it has reached this higher level of consciousness.

Now the problem with this is at this higher level of consciousness, we are no longer aware of being unaware, of a state of limited consciousness. This state of being unaware of being unaware is to the ego the highest pinnacle of existence, it is a state that is fully aware, even while in this state we are not aware of being unaware anymore. The whole self does not just take in being aware of our aware state but of our unaware state where consciousness is based on the ego. Being also of this so-called higher level of consciousness, we are presently experiencing our lower levels of consciousness, in actuality; we are presently expressing our whole self.

This is not easy to comprehend. To be truly aware, one must also be aware of one's own unaware states of consciousness, I feel this is what we are experiencing at present in the word around us.
How many consciousnesses will the present truly awaken? One-step at a time and take each step as a process as opposed to an absolute be and end all. This now brings us to love and light as one of these steps in our awakening process.      

Love and Light

If I used love and light in some of the beyond human realities I have experienced, I am 110% sure, I would not be here right now. Consider this, how long would a person last, preaching love and light, in apart of the world dominated by extremists? The answer is obvious, not long, also considering my own experiences, love and light is obviously not the ultimate be and end all answer. To be honest, love and light is about control, this is because love and light basically destroys everything else in its path but only if used incorrectly.

Within a true process of awakening, love and light is used to quell all other states of consciousness that are limiting, however, if love and light is used as a be and end all, rather than apart of an awakening process, it becomes but another limitation.         
Once you get past the perceptions of love and light, you only then realise that the feelings of love and light is only a tiny part of the awakening process. Only then do you realise there is no be and end all, ultimate/absolute answer.

After 40+ years of awakening myself, love and light is but a tiny part of the awakening process, it's wise not to treat anything in this process as being a be and end all. It is also wise not to limit yourself in an unlimited consciousness. The trick is; you are only able to comprehend this when you go beyond love and light, only the ego in control perceives a be and end all, it is wise to be aware of this.

Even balance, which is brought about by neutralising extremes or opposites, is not a be and end all. It certainly is not an answer for extremes to stay extreme so it is not the ultimate/absolute answer for there is not one, not for the whole self.

It is obvious that many of us are using love and light as a be and end all. Being that a true sense of love and light is destructive to hate and dark for example, which is likened to switching a light on in a dark room, light and love is controlling. Anything controlling is limited within its controlling domain. Domain of course relates to a particular sort of environment, not the whole environment as in the whole self!!

I at no time did I try to be controlling in these realities I found myself in that were beyond human realities. All I did is release myself of the natural control of these environments upon myself, this is all. No truly aware consciousness wants to harm any part of another consciousness in anyway; actually, this becomes impossible to do in this state.

Yes, my ego mind wants to change our world, but my divine mind is aware that one should not do this in a controlling way. The reason for this is simple, once we express control, we are only expressive of the ego mind, this is why the ego mind has many western minds tricked into thinking control is the answer.

However, the divine mind releases its ego mind from control, from the limitations that control creates for all expressions of control relate to limitations, the ego mind.