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Saturday, 11 December 2021

In Avoidance of Disparagement


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is sad to see that the present circumstances are so disparaging to so many people in the world at present, but in reality the present reality could inadvertently create a parallel reality that is anything but disparaging.

In avoidance of becoming even more disparaged, many of us have chosen to remain unaware of anything that may cause us even more disparagement, of course it was our unawareness in the first place that caused the initial disparagement. In relation to our present population, nearly 60 million people every year die of one thing or another, 800 thousand children die of pneumonia each and every year. Today, so many of us are disparaged due to the present pandemic fatality rate on a 7.8 billion population, when the Spanish flu killed between 50 to 100 million people on a mere 1.9 billion population. Imagine for a moment if the present pandemic killed the same ratio of people than the Spanish flu today, disparagement would be rampant in today's society even more so.

You would think just after WWI the population back then would have been even more disparaged than today, with WWI and then the Spanish flu, in fact the 1920's for millions of people was an era of gaiety. Imagine if the people today experienced a WWI event and then something like the Spanish flu, disparagement today would be the pandemic, not a viral infections. Could our avoidance of disparagement be creating the present pandemic, which seems viral but is in fact is a pandemic of an unawareness, the real virus, in turn creating disparagement, the real infection? The real infection being psychological.

Our unawareness is the virus and the proceeding disparagement is the infection, the infection being caused by the replication of unawareness as virus replication causes infections. Now look at the present book burning and censoring, on top of this MSM and government misinformation and even disinformation. A huge mass of unawareness is being orchestrated, in the process creating a pandemic of immense proportions, the real pandemic. Think of viral as in relation to a virus but also in relation to going viral with information, an unawareness viral transmission is indeed being implemented upon society, in the process causing even more disparagement which is the real infection.

The PCR tests are of screening for infections, not for diagnose of a particular infection, while also knowing that swabs can become easily contaminated through air contaminates, in the process giving false readings of infections. Knowing this allows people like me to see quite clearly that it is possible that not many people died of covid or even died with covid, in the process lessening the disparagement in people like me. This is on top of knowing that this viral pandemic is nothing like the Spanish flu. Think on this, the same mentality that wanted to get rid of cash money due to the spread of infections, said nothing about public touch screens that thousands of people in a day can touch. This is the same mentality that is book burning and censoring information, at the same time putting out huge amounts of misinformation and disinformation to keep us as unaware as possible.

Unawareness without a doubt creates disparagement where awareness creates quite the opposite, however, the aware can also become disparaged due to other people not waking up to what the real pandemic is and what this pandemic is creating for all of us, including the people who are not fearful of becoming more aware, in other words people not infected with the replicating virus known as unawareness.

In a real sense, if you are not infected with this virus, unawareness, that has replicated out of control due to the virus being purposely and continuously replicated, avoid being exposed to the real infection known as disparagement. How? Become aware of how infectious this infection is, simply stay aware, if we do this, the gaiety of the 1920's is going to seem lame, really. Be aware that the DNS, Disinformation Network System, is in overdrive. Yes, listen to MSM and government to stay aware but don't become infected with their unawareness, in the process avoiding the real infectious infection, disparagement.

Supplement: It would seem that I need to clear things up a little more in relation to what I meant in regards to what represents the replicating virus and the preceding infections from such replication.

Unawareness = the replicating virus in the psyche, just like how viruses in the body replicate

Disparagement = the infection from a state of unawareness, just like how infections are caused by replicating viruses in the body. In the case of Disparagement, the infection is of the psyche.

So where does fear of the psyche come into it?

Fear is representative of the environment created to replicate disparagement in, like a weak or compromised immune system will create a perfect environment for virus replication to occur in the body.

I hope this helps.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

To Be In Conflict Or Not!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

That is indeed the question but not for many spiritually aware people. The quest is to not be in conflict or to become of a state where conflict is impossible. How many of us feel different in nature than in a human created reality, where the reality itself was created on some kind of conflict?

We go into nature a feel tranquil and at one with nature, while nature itself is in continuous conflict, even plants are in competition to each other. If a tree is unable to bend with the wind, the tree breaks. Conflict abounds in nature but we humans often feel so much at home in nature, we now may think this is due to humans being conditioned to conflict.

A person spends all their life or even part of their life in avoidance of conflict, they then end up obtaining this quest of a reality in the absence of conflict. In all honesty, their life has been in conflict with conflict, even though we may reach a state of the absence of conflict, it was due to being in conflict with conflict itself. Yes, in the process a reality of the absence of conflict was created on the back of being in conflict with conflict. This is really something we should be avoiding, even people who have said they have never been in conflict are in conflict, not just due to being in conflict with conflict but because nature is of growth but also the deterioration of growth. There is always conflict between growth and deterioration of growth.

What part of us wants to control the ego, the quest of being egoless? The ego, for the egoless self has no conflict with the ego to theretofore have a desire to dispose of the ego. So would an egoless self desire to spend a great deal of it's life trying to rid itself of conflict? As nature exemplifies, it is not conflict itself that we should be disposing of in life, it is the way we approach and live with conflict in harmony with conflict.

We may now say that war is conflict, so we now should live in harmony with war!! No, this is not saying that because war is in conflict with conflict, what you want to create is harmony with conflict, as we do while experiencing nature. The ego desires you to be in conflict with it, to try to create a reality free of the ego, in the process creating a reality based on the conflict of the ego.

Now think of being in harmony with the ego and it's conflicts, you then create a reality based on harmony instead of conflict. I could have spent all my life in a state in the absence of conflict, knowing that this reality is actually based on the opposition to conflict. Good luck with this as my body deteriorates in opposition to growth. The trick is living in harmony with this deterioration as with nature is a dog eat dog world.

So why do we so often feel so good in nature if it is a dog eat dog world, a world of competition? Because it is not always in competition or a dog eat dog world, like in the human world, it is a world in harmony with this dog eat dog world, not in conflict with it.

Even as spiritually aware people, we have learnt very little from nature it would seem.

Friday, 5 November 2021

A Precious Commodity, The Soul


Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, actual scientific evidence of the existence of souls are too evident to simply ignore due to our own biases and beliefs or disbelief, souls to someone like me exist beyond any doubt. I am also going to mention aliens in this post which again is evident beyond doubt.

What if I told you that souls are a precious commodity that are sought after by a consciousness that has no soul. Souls are highly valued, especially souls that can be captured and literally tortured. Souls that are attached to a physical form are most highly sought after due to the torturing of the soul as well as the form the soul is attached to. Also, just because a form is aware of it's own existence doesn't mean the form or the consciousness of the form has a soul.

I know it may seem inappropriate to state that the soul is a commodity, something of great value, but commodity in this case refers to something of great value, exceptionally precious, the sad thing is, to many humans the soul has no value. If humans don't value their own soul, even to the point of not wanting to know of the souls existence for whatever bias, other conscious forms do. If we are going to abuse the soul, why wouldn't another conscious form desire to do the same, especially a conscious form that knows the existence of and value of the soul?

So does this mean that all aliens have no soul? Not at all. Sadly, it would seem the aliens that look like not possessing a soul have the most influence over human consciousness at present, have for some time now. The consciousness that is of these aliens have influenced human consciousness a lot longer. If we valued the soul as being precious, the aliens seemingly without souls could have no influence over human consciousness at all. The fact that these aliens have so much influence over human consciousness, shows how little we value our own soul. What is presently occurring could actually propel human consciousness into a much more aware state, but this can only occur if we too see value in our own souls.

Can consciousness exist outside of form, especially a consciousness that has no soul?

Consciousness, a state of one's own awareness, does not need a soul to be of consciousness. Consciousness is not limited to the existence of a soul but a soul can't exist without being of consciousness. No, this is not saying that souls are limited to consciousness unless the consciousness is of limitations itself. An aware consciousness has far less limitations than a consciousness that is not as aware. Aliens that don't possess a soul are limited in awareness no matter how technologically advanced they seem. A consciousness that abuses energy will always seem more consciously advanced due to it's technological advancements, however, if a consciousness has to abuse energy to become technologically advanced, this advancement and associated conscious progression will be limited.

Aliens that don't seem to possess a soul know within themselves they have limited progressive capabilities technologically and consciously, this is why they try to keep any consciousness that has a soul under it's control. As we know today, the pandemic is not about saving lives but about controlling human consciousness even more. Make no mistake, a consciousness that possess a soul and is aware of the precociousness of the soul, has nothing to fear from a soulless consciousness, only souls that don't see value in souls have something to fear. Let's be honest, if we are going to abuse our own soul, why wouldn't an abusive consciousness do the same, seen as we show no value in souls?

I am not going to call them aliens, but entities not familiar to most humans that possess souls seem to have the most brilliant beautiful souls and consciousness, only because they see how precious the soul is. The more precious the soul becomes to a consciousness, the more magnificently beautiful the soul seems to become and yes, we could quite easily find ourselves in this position of great beauty, not just consciously but soul deep. A truly aware soul does indeed seem to posses great beauty due to it's awareness.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

The Rise of Passive Consciousness

 Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, I recently watched a young person explain how the masses are being duped. Yes, it is easier for so many people to live in fear than to face fear, as with accepting a lie than facing the truth.

Is it easier living in fear, like under communism or fascism, inhumanity as a whole?

How hard is it for many people to face their own fears and traumas? Today, just take a pill for depression due to not being able to face fears and deal with traumas. Watch the idiot box, TV, and feel elated from a state of a little less elation. Take everything away from the people, now make them happy by giving them a piece of bread. They say you will be happy owning nothing, which includes your own thoughts, even if you are a millionaire!!

Even though I am involved in human traumas, I can still sense a state of great conscious passiveness is becoming a lot more apparent, a catalyst that has been inadvertently created by excessive chaos, fear and aggravation. I am quite involved in human trauma but even I can in this state sense this, which means this state of passiveness is becoming more influential.

Sadly, often a consciousness that is asleep needs a nightmare to wake up to the nightmare they have been living in all along.

Imagine for a moment that people won't even think of speeding on roads due to caring for other people on the road. Imagine governments putting the people and the country before political and material gains. Imagine a reality were abuse is impossible, where abuse won't even come into people's minds. Imagine not being able to live in fear. Sounds like a fantasy or of another reality apart from human reality!!

Yes, it sounds like I am sensing another realities conscious passiveness, which is very possible for many of us to do, but as many of us are also able to do, sense the behind the scene changes occurring in human reality, to human consciousness.

It would seem a great catalyst is concurring, a catalyst that was brought on by the very same thing that is trying to avert such a catalyst occurring. In reaction to a rise in the influence of passive consciousness, the aggressive chaotic side to human consciousness has inadvertently created the very same situation it is trying to eradicate. In the process of a very aggressive eradication, a certain opposite effect has also been created. When you shut of all the lights and leave one light shining, what is more prominent, the dark or the light? We are of course talking about a light that can't be extinguished or eradicated. Yes, this light can as a whole become extinguished from human consciousness, but not from consciousness as a whole.

We are not just of human consciousness, therefore we are governed by a consciousness beyond the control of human consciousness. Yes, many of us can be coerced into believing we are just of human consciousness, therefore the light can be extinguished if we allow it to be, but at no time are we just of human consciousness, as this aggressive chaotic part of human consciousness wants us to believe.

So, many of us will probably die or become coerced before this passive consciousness starts making a physical difference, in the process creating a state of fear. Like technical drawings, where a long process of thought, planning and then of drawing commences before construction, consciousness overall often takes a while to become physical as well.

Imagine living again when this passive consciousness becomes the most influential consciousness of human consciousness, what you sacrificed in a previous life will feel well worth it. As I am predicting myself, those who live another life within this passive human consciousness, will be noted as being pioneers of this passive consciousness. The harder this aggressive chaotic human consciousness pushes, the catalyst is, the more likely that a new age of passive human conscious is likely to eventuate. No, they have no idea of this otherwise they wouldn't push so hard, but be glad they are.

Note that anything I have stated here may not be true, but to someone like me most likely true considering the circumstances.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Time; a Reflection of Eternity

Written by Mathew Naismith

Titus:Eternity is not in a length, it is a briefer moment, it is full as much it can be.”

Me: “This is interesting Titus, we often look at eternity through the eye's of time, in the process giving eternity a perception of length as in time, volume, value, space, etc.

The definition of eternity; time without end.

We are relating and comparing eternity to time, now do the opposite, relate time through the eyes of eternity, you come up with a different perspective. Everything within time is a fleeting moment of eternity. Everything of time is a passing reflection of eternity.

You seem to have been guided well by your fathers wisdom Titus. You can read all you like in the absence of wisdom, within this only of what you desire can only be learnt.”

Titus: “Time/sequential time can never measure eternity. Humanity is engaged in envisioning eternity, it is usually somewhere far and distant, it is never here. Eternity is more a converging event, it happens as many wholes all around. Seeing it as somewhere far turns it all unreal.”

Me: “I find it interesting Titus how some of us can see this, that you can't measure or size up eternity at the same time seeing eternity all around us. Science; you can't destroy energy, which makes it eternal, but you can change what energy transforms into. Some of us can perceive to some extent from the eternal, scientifically and spiritually.”

What would have to occur to change the present situation of excessive focus on time based existence, where life itself is based primarily on time?

Without uttering a word, the eternal consciousness would just have to become present in time to us and all of what time based reality created would become non-consequential, leading then to a reality based eternal consciousness. The more intense a consciousness becomes focused on time based reality, the bigger the impact of an eternal consciousness presence. It is good to see so many people more of an eternal consciousness than a time based consciousness.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

A Weakened Mind


Watch your thoughts;They become words.

Watch you words;They become actions.

Watch your actions;They become habits.

Watch your habits;They become character.

Watch your character;It become your destiny.  

Written by Mathew Naismith

A weakened mind is simply of a mind that is unaware of what is beyond the boundaries of the physical mind, it is also of a mind where the ego is in control even when beyond the perception of the boundaries of the physical mind. It is also of a collective mind that thinks it is beyond a consciousness that created nature. In a real sense, this consciousness cannot even simulate nature, it can only mimic nature at best.

Yes, science perceives how to create a universe, this of course is only copying nature, science is unable to create anything remotely novel that is not a simulation or copy of the original creation in some way. Imagine a universe created by science. Would the consciousness, if a consciousness could be implanted seen as we don't even know where consciousness came from to begin with, be as diverse as the universe we exist in? The implanted consciousness would only be of what is of the creator, very limited due to the lack of awareness.

So what consciousness is so many people today in awe of?

Look at all the power, control and physical wealth of multinationals, which could only come about due to abusing a less malign consciousness, a consciousness not entirely true to what created something like the universe and nature itself from scratch. There was nothing to mimic or simulate from, only an awareness far beyond human perception. A malign consciousness is simply a product of being less aware and quite naturally so. Yes, a malign consciousness is simply a creation of nature, a natural development of a consciousness being less aware.

Today, the observer just smiles at what less aware humans have created and are trying to create, however, the participator feels great anguish and distress at what this unaware consciousness is creating. It is funny, because multinationals are only simulating a malign consciousness while trying to act like some kind of deity. The observer just smiles.

To the participator, we are suffering big time but to the observer this suffering is of nothing real or of great importance, for what is of suffering is nothing to what is not suffering. Our suffering is like a grain of sand on the beach. So what would I know about suffering? I know as much about suffering as I do about not suffering, yes, I often smile at my own literal life long suffering when I am not participating in my suffering. For starters, I have literary had a broken arm since I was six years old, I also have at no point taken pain killers for any amount of time. Yes, my pain killer has been the ability to simply observe my own suffering.

“Suffering is something entirely different, however. Suffering is what we think of the pain, not the situation that caused the pain. Suffering is the emotional energy we invest in pain. Suffering is a choice. You might just read that last sentence a couple more times, as well. If it is a new concept, it might just change your approach to life. If you are in the habit of really getting in deep with your suffering, it will seem impossible that you could choose something otherwise. Suffering is simply our attachment to our pain, our ownership of and identification with it.”

Sorry, the blog doesn't seem have a language translator.

In a real sense, if you want to suffer from what the multinationals are creating at present, you will feel much greater pain than you have to. Make the best of life instead of the worse of life, however, a no time suffer from not being able to make the best of life either, you won't if you are participating for this is a part of being the participator. Yes, Yoga as whole, not just the exercises alone, teaches you to become the observer as many spiritual teachings do. You can see why the multinationals and communists alike desire to rid the world of any teachings that help is lessening the suffering through becoming the observer. I smile all the times I think of the observer, I just can't help it, very lucky me, but I also suffer from pain at times as this is a part of being a participator as well.

The induced suffering could push people's consciousness to become the observer, as many traumas can cause an awakening of some kind. The malign can interfere with the psychical mind, but the observing consciousness is unaffected, in a real sense.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Thinking As One Mind


Written by Mathew Naismith

It has occurred before in times of great persecution and trauma, where of one mind becomes apparent, obvious to many minds. The trick is to become of this one mind instead of simply aware of this one mind, in other words instead of participating in being aware of this one mind, observe through this one mind to become of this one mind.

As in science and religion, awareness is one thing, becoming involved in what you are observing is something else.

No, communism and fascism and alike are not of becoming of one mind, it is one mind set simply enslaving all other minds to a mind set. To do this persecution is dealt out in a way to give fear of being locked down, isolated from all other minds except for a particular mind set. Instead of being of a one mind, every mind becomes subservient to a mind set.

Now the difference between being of one mind and being of a mind set, is being of one mind is of the observer, where being of a mind set is being observed. As we are seeing today, especially through the degree of censorship we are seeing, observing this kind of mind set is heavily discouraged. The subservient to this mind set are not allowed to observe, simply learn to become subservient. Yes, you are then no longer of this one mind or even of your own mind.

To a person who has an interest in science and spirituality overall, not being able to freely observe what is observable is a travesty observer wise. You are only able to observe in accordance with the mind set and as any mind set, this is limited to the mind set, however, thinking as one mind has no limitations to what can be observed, in actuality it is of observation of what is observable within it's entirety. It amazes me today how many scientists are content in being subservient to this very limiting mind set, a state of mind often witnessed occurring through being subservient to religious fanaticism, being subservient to a mind set instead of being guided by thinking as one mind.

So we are thinking as one mind and one mind only, is this not very limiting?

If we were all going to just religiously think and not scientifically think as well or visa-versa, this is not being of one mind, one mind is the ability to think as of all minds, be it of different minds. I may think more of spiritual matters, others may think more of science matters, thinking as one they are of one mind. The mind set of communism or fascism on the other hand wants everyone to be of separate minds, within this mind set you are only able to observe in accordance with the mind set, thinking as one mind on the other hand allows all minds to observe all other minds withhold hindrance.

So being subservient to a mind set seems to be all powerful over the subservient mind, this is an illusion of being all powerful. We feel and witnesses the great power and control the mind set has over the subservient. What power and control? So it is all powerful making all other minds subservient to one mind set, minds that are vulnerable to the influence of mind sets like communism and fascism. Notice only in times of great peril and trauma can this occur!!

So this is what the mind set wants you to believe is all powerful and controlling, minds that are vulnerable. Now if this mind set was to hold power and control over an equal devious and immoral mind set, I would say there is some kind of limited power and control but no, having power and control over the vulnerable mind is not all powerful. On top of this, the mind set itself has to stay ignorant to everything else it is unable to control. For a particular mind set to exist takes a particular degree of observational awareness, all else that is observable is ignored or disposed of, as we are seeing today.

Would this supposed all powerful mind set actually hold up to or have some degree of control over a mind thinking as one mind? There is no comparison to begin with, this is why these very limiting and limited mind sets have to always gain control of the influence of thinking as one mind has on minds. Why the persecution of the Christians all over again, and eventually of any spirituality of teaching of one mind? Actually, I have seen science go the same way, the mind set that profits come before science, in the process creating profiteering science as opposed to real science, a real science that puts science before profits and any other bias. I am not sure why spiritual people and atheists are not coming together on this, where we all simply become subservient to a mind set of great limitations.

So you may look at China and see no limitations of technological advancements, the same China that has live organ harvesting, literal slave labour, filthy rich while the poor go hungry, degradation of forests like in Africa at present, the building of hundreds of coal driven power plants, etc. This is the minds set Chinese style globalisation of communism, a country that outlaws males being expressive of femininity in any sense. This is a mind set of communist atheism, where spirituality is only tolerated when under the strictest control of communist mind set, if you are lucky. Was atheism allowed to express itself freely under religious observation in the modern era? This globalisation of communist style mind set is not so gracious or moral, it is it's way or no way. This should sound awfully like religious fanaticism, because that is what it is as of any extremism.

So in saying all this, no, mind sets like this are not all powerful and controlling over this one mind Yes, over minds that are vulnerable but not over this one mind, where all is observed, not just of what is desired to be observed in accordance with a mind set.

You have today a leader of a communist country replacing images of Jesus with his own image, yes, they are this delusional, thinking they have any resemblance to the one mind. I know this one mind idea is hard to imagine for a lot of people, but when we are to freely as a human species allowed to think in our own way, altogether we think as one mind. Excluding one part of this one mind is not of one mind, simply a mind set which scientifically and spiritually we should avoid. Yes, religion once went down this track of mind setting, and now it's communist atheists turn it would seem.

Will we ever start learning from the past instead of suffering from the past as a collective species? Yes, when we start thinking as one mind. I am not just referring to the one mind of the human species either, but that is my preference.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

A Surprising Scenario

Written by Mathew Naismith

What happens to energy when oppressed, when constricted into a compressed dense form?

Before we answer this, what happens when you compress an energy form that acquires all it's energy from external sources? It simply folds in on itself, devours itself. It is in line with western atheism, where atheism could not exist without the existence of something to disbelieve in, or have a belief that an existence doesn't exist. Western atheism is totally reliant on an existence atheism simply believes doesn't exist. Sounds awfully irrational to me. Yes, they could be right within their own beliefs and disbelief but this is not the point, atheism totally relies on an external energy form to exist, this is not the same with a belief in an existence, due to everything being of this existence. It is not an external energy existence you devour or try to destroy, for this is impossible.

So what is going to occur when dark energy, that only exists due to the existence of light energy, oppresses or compresses light energy into a dense energy form? Like an old pressure cooker, when this light energy is compressed too much it explodes. Imagine light being compressed into a dense energy form to the point of exploding out from this restricted environment, light is going to shine everywhere.

The most illogical thing dark energy could do is compress/oppress light to the point of exploding out in all directions. Dark simply can't exist within the light. It is like if the beliefs atheists disbelieve in became apparent, atheism would no longer exist.

The wise thing to do for this dark energy is allow light energy to coexist with itself, of course the main driving force and control comes from the ego. As we are seeing today, mass psychosis exist all over the world and so do psychopathic tendencies, as explained in my blog COVID-19 Mind Control. 

The ego is in control wants total autonomy thus control over the light, in the process in a very unwise way compressing/oppressing light energy.

Donald Trump was labelled a Nazi, which is really irrational because he wasn't the one burning books, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech. Actually, it is the socialists /communists that are doing this today. Yes, censoring information, knowledge, history and free speech, is obviously of this dark energy, a very oppressive energy and an energy totally reliant on fear to orchestrate it's desires. There is nothing wise about the dark energy, in fact it is an energy form that is of the absence of wisdom, for wisdom of course is of the light as we are clearly seeing today.

The last thing you want to do is compress light into a dense form to the point of exploding, but lucky enough for the light energy this is what the dark energy is doing and does all the times. As foretold, a 1000+ years of peace/light, created by the very same energy trying to stop this occurring.

Monday, 9 August 2021

What is Defined as Meditation

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is difficult to determine because each spiritual practice has it's own definition in what is meditation, this is in accordance with the implementation of meditation. I am not going to look at the various implementations of meditation here, but what I will look at is what all meditations are governed by.

Meditation is of quietening the mind to one degree or another, the quieter the mind becomes, the more of enlightened kind of meditation the consciousness of the mind becomes. Keep in mind that not all meditation techniques lead to enlightenment, many meditation techniques are of simply quietening the mind. It is not the mind that becomes enlightened, it is the consciousness of the mind that becomes enlightened.

So firstly what is quietening the mind?

Quietening the mind is of the absence of participation, the less your mind therefore body participates within an environment, the quieter the mind becomes. Now we may think that praying or chanting is not a form of meditation because we are still mentally and/or physically active, therefore of participating in the environment. Praying and chanting can be like focusing on your breath which is still of participation be it of limited participation, however, we are far less of partition of the environment. In this case we are only participating in praying or chanting, just like focusing on your breath. You could imagine the benefits of quietening your mind with meditative techniques like this.

This may sound strange to some people, but every kind of participation is due to observation, participation cannot exist without being observed. Look at it like this. The universe itself simply exists because it is being observed, without the observation from a consciousness the universe could not exist. It is like the double slit science experiment, where the act of a determining observation changes the outcome. It is how we observe to what is going to be created from this observation.

This brings us to observation itself which leads to enlightenment through meditation. We are all observing our own participation, the reason we are unaware of this because we become involved in what we are observing. Meditation that leads to enlightenment is of observation in the absence of participation. The further your consciousness becomes conditioned to participation, the more likely you are going to become of participation in the absence of observation. This is where meditation comes into it, where you condition your consciousness to become less of participation but further from this, more of observation of participation.

Meditation is simply the reconditioning of consciousness to become more of observation than participation. Yes, this can take time but this time is shortened if you are aware that you are in observation of your own participation, you are never not. Observe more without participating.

Meditation that leads to enlightenment is not of a consciousness that is conditioned to inhumanities, so if your observer self is conditioned to inhumanities, what you will create in observation will create an environment in accordance with the way a consciousness observes. Inhumanities is of a great deal of participation, mainly due to the extent of abuse of energy involved. The less abusive an observing consciousness becomes, the less of participation a consciousness becomes conditioned to. Yes, after a human life cycle has ended, what our observer self is conditioned to makes a different to what we will experience in the after life. Meditation in a really big way just doesn't help us to cope better in life's participation's, meditation also helps in what we will experience in the after life.

I hope this helps some people because what is and is not meditation can be confusing. Also, what I have stated here are of my own words that can be similar or dissimilar to other views in relation to meditation.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

The Sacred Life

Written by Mathew Naismith

The truth is only of fear when we fear the truth, for only when the truth becomes negative has the lies become the truth. Words to remember the truth by, I mean really.

What is dividing us so much at present? What is sacred to some is not to others and visa-versa.

To people like me, life is sacred but this doesn't stop with physical life but is also of spiritual life. Now is this the same with people who's only sacredness is money, power and control? Often there is only a perception of physical life, even after the human life ends, this is why in human life money, power and control become sacred and life itself is only there to be used and abused. It is sad but it does seem like the case because look at the difference between people of the sacredness of life to those of the sacredness of money, power and control.

As I wrote recently:

Looking at the research material lately makes me wonder how did so many people became coerced into supporting hate groups. The now obvious anti-freedom of choice movement is astonishing, now creating hate for people who don't want to get the covid vaccine. What next, hate for people who value life above all else, especially above material wealth? You have been duped big time people and you don't even know it, but the program is elaborate to say the least.

The anti-freedom of choice movement is simply those who go with all the leftist hate groups and movements like BLM, ANTIFA, CRT, woke, communism, etc. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not for right wing hate groups either. All hate groups like this should be discouraged as they are of simply suffering from the past instead of learning from the past. Wisdom is certainly struggling to survive in the present environment.”


People like us take note and learn from the past instead of suffering from the past. What do hate groups want to do? Destroy or censor the past before they learn from the past, in the process keep suffering from the past. I am so disappointed that people are allowing themselves to be continually coerced down this hate group path. It feels like I shouldn't even be hear, that I don't belong, this is no big deal though for people like me, for this is only of the finite.

I am looking at writing a post to do with sacred life, where people like us are of the sacred life and needs, where life is precious, to people who think material possessions and desires are sacred, where life is abused.”

It is awkward times for the truth to prevail, as it is for the people of sacred life, for both are a representation of the same thing. In this prevailing times would you rather be not of the truth therefore not of sacred life, where life is sacred like a child is to it's mother? The mother will suffer for her prevalence but solace comes from this prevalence of suffering.

It is more than okay to suffer, embrace this suffering for it tells of one thing, that life is indeed sacred for one to suffer for.

It is funny, these are my own words and it sounds as if I am preaching!!

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

The Eternal Being

"You are an eternal being now on the 
pathway of endless unfoldment,
 never less but always more yourself." 

Written by Mathew Naismith

A very short post but to me a very important message considering what is occurring in the present.

I have been accused of over thinking in regards to covid and the authorities responses, in other words rationally thinking. Is there such a thing as overreacting to traumas while not thinking enough? Think on this, can overreaction to trauma be associated to irrationality, overreacting while not thinking enough? Let's now look at people who are more of the eternal being to people who are more of the ephemeral being.

Death to the eternal consciousness is simply a transition of energy, within this, the fear of death is transient if not absent altogether. It is of science as well, where energy can't be destroyed, only transformed!! This is the same with possessions, where you actually own nothing even when in acquisition of energy.

Death to the ephemeral consciousness will understandably react differently to death and possessions, in the process creating even more fear, not less fear, as we are presently seeing. You will also understandably witness more immorality and inhumanity within what this ephemeral consciousness creates.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

The Higher Self!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

This subject for people like me is very important, mainly due to our comprehension of this subject. This doesn't mean we completely understand what we are aware of, it just means we comprehend what we don't completely understand. This is very important to comprehend in the first place.

So, would the higher self see itself as being a higher form of consciousness, of a higher stature?

While of this higher self, can a consciousness of this higher self abuse energy? The answer is no, it is utterly impossible for this higher consciousness to abuse energy due to the inability to abuse energy, this mainly because it is this inability to abuse energy that makes this consciousness of a higher plain. A more aware and wiser consciousness has no need or more importantly desire to abuse energy, in actuality to do otherwise is not of the higher self.

As we look around today in the world, what kind of consciousness is of a higher stature? As we are experiencing in the present, the now, in regards to COVID, abuse reigns supreme. The more abusive you become, the higher the stature you are elevated to.

This brings us back to the initial question, would the higher self see itself as being a higher form of consciousness, of a higher stature? To elevate yourself to something higher is of stature, but as we know, a higher stature or even a perception of doesn't mean you are of a more aware and wiser consciousness, in truth, quite the opposite.

To be of this higher self is to not perceive you are of a higher self, simply that you are in a state of consciousness of awareness that is governed by wisdom. As we find ourselves today, we are more aware today than ever but far more abusive towards energy than ever. Why? Probably due to the lack or even absence of wisdom. It is like democracy. If not governed by a just governing system, democracy can be just as dictatorial, corrupt and of inhumanity as governing systems such as fascism and communism. Now imagine having a perception of being of a higher self in the absence of wisdom, the higher self simply becomes of a higher stature, in this case to abuse/ostracise anything not of this higher self/stature.

We often think that a higher state of consciousness would avoid being of any part of a lower consciousness, the bad vibrations from a lower consciousness would be too much to handle. In actuality it is the other way around. If you are able to put yourself into an environment of discord and not become abusive, which also means not ostracising and demeaning people of a lower stature than yourself, you are of this higher state of consciousness. No amount of bad or negative vibrations are able to penetrate this consciousness. The reason for this is the absence of status and segregation of the higher self to the lower self.

In all honestly, we are utterly surrounded by material and non-material consciousness that is of this deemed higher self. So you may ask why is not this more apparent to most of us? Because we are still looking for a higher status within ourselves and in other forms of consciousness. This consciousness that we call the higher self does not in anyway deem itself to be of a higher stature, but it is understandable why a less aware and wiser consciousness would do so. The trick is to go beyond the perceptions of higher and lower statures, in the process become less abusive towards energy, as a whole. We just don't become less abusive towards each other but less abusive towards energy as a whole.

We have got ourselves into a bit of a dilemma though, where actual truths, that can hurt our egos, are felt by the ego as being abusive, we then add to this dilemma by only desiring what makes the ego feel good. Of course what makes the ego feel good is of desired truths rather than actual truths, as always.

Sunday, 11 July 2021

New Religion COVID


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am so saddened. An old friend of mine that I have had a good deal of respect for just blew me away. I am the one who is pushing their own opinions religiously onto other people, even though people like me have not been indoctrinated into the new religion, COVID, and it's many indoctrinating programs and enforced mandatory restrictions based primarily on, you guessed it, fear!!

It was the following that lead to a very sad moment for me.

Is this new religion COVID and it's indoctrination's based on fact, remembering that covid in no way came from a lab? Of course the so-called conspiracy theorists were right, it did come from a lab.

What restrictions do people like me impose on other people, but to look outside the square of this new religion? Yes, how dare people like me even hint at looking beyond the doctrines of this new religion!!

Literary thousands of health professionals, some now assassinated, are risking their livelihood, being persecuted and falsely prosecuted, risking their actual lives, etc, for speaking out. We are not talking about fools here but people of high esteem and moral values to the point of being Nobel prise winners.

Okay, if you want to become indoctrinated into the new religion COVID, that is fine, just leave the rest of us alone but we know this is not going to happen in regards to a religion gone extremist.

Should we have fear of this new extremist religion? No, but we should be aware of it's extremist indoctrination's, enforced restrictions and inhumane directives.

The following comes across as being anti-religion but is still worth reading the COVID content. I am not anti-religion/spirituality but very cautious of anything expressive of religious/spiritual extremism, as the COVID religion clearly exemplifies.

For thousands of years, religion has been used as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.”

I will rephrase this. For thousands of years, religion has been misused as a tool to keep control of the ‘ignorant masses’.

Actual spiritual religions are not based primarily on fear but this new religion is!!

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

The Rise of Serenity

Written by Mathew Naismith

How could anyone seriously talk about the rise of serenity in a time of great pandemonium? Only a consciousness that has the insight to see what this degree of pandemonium will inadvertently create!!

How much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality built upon pandemonium? It takes many years of great effort and energy expended to create such a reality. Now as many of us know, how much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality of serenity? Serenity can come from the smallest of sparks and without effort, in fact the more effort expended, the less likely the spark will materialise. Yes, without effort the materialisation of this spark is inadvertently created by the very same consciousness that is trying to stop this spark materialising!!

This spark of great awareness and wisdom may seem to be in counteraction to pandemonium, like positiveness has for many people become a counteraction to negativeness. We are even at the point where anything that doesn't make us feel good is judged negative, something to separate ourselves from and even denounce. A counteractive response takes a great deal of effort in line with what is being counteracted upon, this spark is therefore not a counteractive response to pandemonium.

I would like to say something here in relation to awareness. Numerous times it has been said to me that I think too much therefore I can't be spiritually minded or connected, could it not be that when a consciousness enters into a certain state of awareness, this awareness just simply flows without effort!! What does take effort is putting this awareness into comprehensible human conscious format, especially when this format at times seems alien, unfamiliar. I am aware that a lot of aware people have experienced this same unfamiliarity at times.

So is this spark, this great spirit of awareness and wisdom, predisposed by the materialisation of pandemonium and trauma, created by a seemingly opposing force?

As positive and negative are not opposing forces, only in disdain or in forced separation do they seem opposing, neither is serenity to pandemonium, only through great energy expended is positive and negative, serenity and pandemonium, opposing each other. In all honesty though, like with a true state of positiveness, where the negatives are never seen as simply opposing forces, it is the same in a state of serenity where pandemonium is never seen as opposing serenity. There is a however. When in a state of pandemonium, as with a state of negativeness, it is the state of pandemonium that will see serenity as being opposing, not a true state of serenity or positiveness. Would a true state of positiveness see everything not of itself as being negative? No, it is the other way around. Yes, often the most positive people will express the most negatives!!

How much effort do we expend to be and stay positive or happy? It is within the lack of expenditure of energy we should be looking for. If it takes a great deal of effort to materialise, be it of serenity or possessiveness, it is not truly of serenity or positiveness. The sign of this is within the effort expended.

What scares multinationals the most? What are they in great fear of? The spark that can seemingly come from nothing, but the very same thing they are inadvertently materialising. Multinationals fear in being in a conscious state where they will give away a lot of what their expended energy on has created, for within this state of great spirit human consciousnesses selfishness and self-preservation will simply vanish. This is the multinationals worse nightmare, being in a state of consciousness of the absence of selfishness and self-preservation, I mean for real.

Is this great degree of expenditure of energy by a state of induced pandemonium inadvertently going to make the spark occur, the great spirit within all arise?

Cause and effect, not counteraction, where a cause creates an effect, naturally. The cause takes up a lot of energy but the effect the cause creates take no effort to materialise itself. There is no energy expended by the effect itself, the cause expends all the energy needed to create an effect. Look at it this way, what causes the negatives to be so negative? Negatives are only as negative as the energy expended by the positives. The negatives don't have to expend energy to be negative, they only have to not create good feelings for the positives to be negative!!

Sorry people, it would seem the cause, pandemonium, has to expend a lot of energy to inadvertently create an effortless effect, serenity. I am not saying that the cause pandemonium will inadvertently create an effect of serenity, all I am saying is that it is a big possibility. Nothing in the infinite is determined, decided to be the case, while considering infinite variable causes and their effects, but having some awareness of my past lives lived, it feels just right this time around.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Atheism in Support of Religion!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

What if I said to you that atheism is in full support of religion, so many people of course would say that I am mad, delusional. Think on this, could a disbelief exist without a belief being disbelieved in in the first place? Atheists believe or disbelieve that a God like consciousness could not at all, no matter what, have created the universe therefore everything within this universe. Either it be of belief or disbelief, atheism is to start with in support of beliefs, also, “no matter what” determines that atheism is of dogmatic principles as well!!

It is strange to think that religion, believing in a God like creative consciousness, also created atheism and it's doctrines, not that a lot of people, understandably, think this to be strange. Yes, atheism has doctrines. Apart from many atheists simply believing that all wars were religiously caused, and that we are all born atheistic, which is cognitively impossible, they also express a great deal of faith in theories of how the universe was created, like the big bang theory. There are actually several different types of theories of the creation of the universe for atheists to have faith in, the big bang theory is just one of them. To have this much faith in a simple theory, not fact, is indeed religious, to base an entire belief or disbelief system on faith is also indeed religious. Yes, by heart even atheists express a great sense of religion!!

Don't get me wrong, I think having faith and theories is cognitively healthy and vital for the good health of human cognition, I strongly believe this to be true.

I can't believe that people like me have become so controversial today, but look at how this has come about. Be it of extremism of religion, atheism, right and left wing politics, communism or fascism, black and white. etc, you can see why people like me are now looked at being so controversial. So many people are embarrassing extremist ideologies at a phenomenal rate, usually in counteraction to another extremism, be it that the extremism is made up or not.

We are indeed in an age of extremism, where even vaccines that are known to kill and maim people for life are not just accepted but marketed and even enforced onto everybody else by so many people. The question is, have people like me become more controversial or has the world around us become more of the embarrassment and acceptance of extremism, in the process making people like me seem more controversial!! Yes, even in new age spirituality extremism in counteraction to other extremism's, made up or not, abounds sadly enough.

Only in the absence of a balanced disposition will human consciousness fail itself.

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Thinking in Infinite Terms

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was brought up in a dogmatic left wing atheist environment, as I found out I couldn't have been influenced by a more ignorant environment, very much in line with extremist religion, where it is only my way. As soon as religion or atheism dictates it is only my way, like with right and left wing politics, the credibility is shot with people like me.

So the big bang theory, remember it is only a theory, is right no matter what!! A truly rational mind would not primarily base doctrines or beliefs on known theorisations like this.

Theory: A tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena.

Atheism is primarily based on a particular theory as many religions are primarily based on a particular belief. A rational mind thinks, “That if humans can create what they have created in the unwise and unaware state they literally shows themselves to be in, what would a far more collective wiser and aware consciousness create?” The atheist of course can't perceive a far greater wiser and aware consciousness but many spiritually aware people can. Why? Because most often spiritually aware people's consciousness are not limited to time and space perspectives, we can also think in infinite terms.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Avoiding Suffering From The Truth


Written by Mathew Naismith

If we were truly aware, all we would do is laugh at our own and the collective human trauma we instil on ourselves. Yes, I even sit back in observation of my own participation and laugh, but at the same time being aware of why the human collective has become so engrossed in it's own participative traumas. In all, it is but a human experience.

Even within my 57 years, I have observed how our own human collective consciousness is even more today suffering from truths instead of learning from truths. We today don't chastise our children because it creates negativity, so we allow the children to grow up without responsible guidance. I have never seen in my life as I am today how the truth is judged negative, instead desired truths are seen far more positive because they are far more placid, even when of deliberate lies and deception. In my days growing up, part of our learned behaviour was to avoid abusive actions like lying and deceiving. To people like me, desired truths in opposition to actual truths, even when these truths are painful in their awakening, are far more constructive than destructive learned behavioural desired truths.

How often do we learn from what we simply judge as negative? A negative is simply an indication that we have not learnt from but instead still suffer from. To people like me, this human created reality of immense trauma of suffering and abuse is not even negative, simply an indication of a consciousness lost within it's own creation. So in today's spirituality, it is judged as being negative for calling out a person or even the collective consciousness for what it's expressing, even if this realisation may help this person or collective consciousness to overcome their own destructive tendencies.

Observe yourself or simply imagine awakening the collective consciousness to it's own created traumas. Is this honest caring action going to be seen by the collective consciousness as something positive? No. The reason for this lays in the learned behaviour of suffering from the truth instead of learning from the truth. Even within my short 57 years, I have seen the embracement of desired truths and the growing disdain for actual truths, mainly due to actual truths, like chastising children to create a more constructive learned behaviour, becoming a learned behavioural negative.

For something to be judged a negative is simply a sign of suffering instead of learning. Really, you cannot suffer from learning from trauma, from judged negativeness, you can only suffer from what you don't learn from. As soon as spiritually aware people talk of and avoid what they have judged as simply negative, people like me know this is a sign they are in all honesty still suffering from the truth, in the process replacing actual truths with desired truths.

I wrote the following separately to this post but realised it was of this post.

Proficient Mind

People like me love philosophising. To a lot of people, people into philosophy think more when in actuality it is the opposite.

Philosophy: The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics.

Any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation.

It is not that philosophers think more, it is that philosophers think differently, imagine for one moment extracting irrational thinking from the mind!! You are actually thinking more proficiently and effectively because the philosophers mind has extracted irrational thinking from the mind to one extent or another. As present circumstances have proven, irrational thinking abounds in human consciousness, of course it is the irrational mind that is the easiest to scam and control!!

And yes, the irrational part of our minds often takes offence to what the rational part of our mind is thinking. Why? Because the rational mind is not of desired truths but of actual truths. Today, it is obvious that desired truths are far more desirable and acceptable than actual truths, to a philosopher, this is disheartening. Why is it disheartening? Because it is a sign we are becoming more irrational, cluttering our mind with irrational thinking instead of uncluttering our minds with rational thinking.

And yes, the irrational part of our mind will see the rational mind as being too busy and complicated when in actuality it is the other way around, for a very good reason, the thinking process becomes less cluttered therefore more proficient and effective for the rational mind. No, I am not totally proficient in thinking totally in the absence of irrationality, probably never will be and this is the actual truth rather than a desired truth.

The mind is only as proficient and effective as the environment the mind resides in........Mathew G

Yes, it would seem the irrational part of our mind will suffer the most because it learns the least from suffering and judged negatives. And yes, the irrational mind may feel good within it's desired truths, but this state has always been finite in nature!!

Friday, 28 May 2021

A Personal Touch


Written by Mathew Naismith

How often are people believed to be what other people are representative of, meaning, how often are people deemed to be of what other people are expressive of physically and/or mentally?

I was left with a fully dislocated elbow from the age of six years old, you could imagine the damage this caused as I was growing up. Today, my shoulder is actually weaker than my elbow, which means the damage was not localised to the elbow. By the time I was thirteen years old, the damage was set in concrete, in other words the damage was exacerbated, made a lot worse. At times it feels like a red hot poker being driven into my arm and run up and down the arm. Believe it or not, I don't take physical pain killers and I still worked in jobs able people thought too hard to do. When I worked in a national park, I physically fit footballer had a hard time keeping up with me carting wet gravel stone up a steep hill while building steps.

Because I have extracted myself from abuse, be it physical and/or mental, I am supposed to be hateful. I can in all honesty say I don't hate anyone that is abusive, hate is simply a total waste of energy. The part of my family that are still abusive today have had to make themselves believe I hate them. People do extract themselves away from things they don't hate or despise, however, truly hateful people will think you have to hate to extract yourself away from abuse. Make no mistake, purposely lying and deceiving is as abusive as psychical abuse, if not more so in certain circumstances, look at how the world is presently being abused through lies and deception in relation to covid!! How many people today mistakenly hate an abusive reality like this? Really, don't waste your energy like this.

Do people like me feel like a victim when subjected to so much abuse? Knowing of physical abuse/neglect, mental abuse such as lying and deceiving is as abusive as physical abuse, the trick is not to feel like the victim. When I extracted myself from family abuse, and it did feel like an actual extraction at first, my family members had to believe I hated as well. It is like they have had to tell themselves this and yes, this is self-abusive. Do they truly hate or despise me? The answer is clearly no, but they have lied to themselves that I do, they felt they had to. Yes, even an abusive consciousness will feel it has to be hated when their own abuse is rejected. People desiring the existence of lies is of abuse within itself, particularly self-abusive.

Make no mistake, mental extraction can create feelings of hate. The reason for this is that we have been put in a situation of extraction we didn't desire to extract ourselves from. How many spiritually aware people today hate or despise the present reality? It is not just to do with the abuse, it is to do with being put into a situation of extraction. No, I don't hate certain family members due to my own extraction from certain family members ongoing abuse, but realise that the true abusers have to think this is the case. To even make yourself believe that other people hate you when they don't is of abuse. My family members don't really hate me, they simply desire this to be the case, in other words they have lied and deceived themselves and yes, abused themselves. Sadly, it is endless unless one awakens to abuse, especially self-abuse of acting the victim.

This leads us to the collective abuse and abused.

“Poor me, I am stuck in this reality of endless abuse.”Does this sound like a person acting the victim?

Even when actually victimised, never feel like the victim, instead feel like it is a situation to learn from instead of suffering from. No, I don't sound like a hateful person but certain members of my family desire to believe this. A hateful person often feels victimised so avoid feeling like a victim and yes, extracting yourself away from hateful people will add to these people feeling even more like a victim. As I seemingly know, due to obviously learning from my experiences instead of suffering from my experiences, acting the victim in relation to your family or human collective can lead to exasperating hate. Certain family members obviously feel victimised due to my extraction from the ongoing family abuse and yes, this has exasperated the hate in the family only because they still today act the victim while actually being the victimiser, not just onto other people but to themselves in particular. Look at how humans often see themselves as victims of nature!!